Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
The system of internal quality assurance of educational activities and higher education at NMAU is based on the requirements of the Laws of Ukraine "On Education" and "On Higher Education", corresponds to the main objectives and requirements of the Statute and the Concept of Strategic Development of NMAU, takes into account the key indicators of the international and national universities ratings (Webometrics, TOP-200, etc.) and functions according to the Regulations on the System of Internal Quality Assurance of Educational Activities and Quality of Higher Education at NMAU.
The system is based on the following principles:
- transparency that includes the availability of comprehensive information about offered programs and enrolment criteria, qualifications to be obtained, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of teaching staff, training and assessment procedures, etc. to all stakeholders of educational process;
- academic integrity that envisages the observance by all participants of educational activities of the norms of the academic ethics, corporate rules and valuable reference points specified in the Code of the Academic Integrity of NMAU;
- competition that is implemented through evaluation of the potential and the quality of work of NMAU faculties, institutes and departments in order to stimulate the academy’s units to improve the efficiency of their operation;
- adaptability that envisages a possibility of dynamic and timely changes of study programs and teaching techniques according to the global trends of development of education and research and also according to the requirements of modern labour market;
- integrity that ensures the smooth combination of educational and scientific components in educational process and also consideration of cross-disciplinary links in the content and structure of study programs.
The NMAU policy on quality assurance is implemented through the performance of specific activities and a wide range of internal procedures at all levels, namely: