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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

"University leadership in the transition towards Industry 4.0". February 17-18, 2021

The anniversary of the start of the new international project " Boosting the role of HEIs in the industrial transformation towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine", that is being implemented under the Erasmus + program, was marked by a flagship event – by the International Workshop "University leadership in the transition towards Industry 4.0" that was held on February 17-18, 2021. Due to the quarantine restrictions, the event took place online on the Zoom platform that even helped to attract a wider range of participants.

The two-day program was very comprehensive. The following lectures took place on the first day of event: “Interaction industry-university for (lifelong) learning: some lessons learned” (Prof. Philippe Saey, KU Leuven, Belgium), “The experience of IPPfor pedagogic/didactic issues of engineering education in relation to Industry 4.0” (Prof. Teresa Pereira, InstitutoPolitecnico Do Porto, Portugal), "Entrepreneurship for engineers: implementing training for students, involving industrial partners:experience, best practices and lessons learned from EIT" (Prof. HenrikBlomgren, KTH Royal Institute ofTechnology, Sweden). In a lively discussion, participants identified the priorities in introducing the Industry 4.0 context to the educational programs and teaching practices.The first day was finished with a meaningful discussion that was based on a joint report by professors of the Odessa National University Eduard Kuznetsov and IrynaNyenno“Methodology of training managers in the Industry 4.0 epoch”.

During the second day of the webinar, the partners discussed the approaches to project implementation at each project beneficiary. The Department of Technology of Machine Building is the main unit for project implementation at the NMAU where the new training laboratory "Virtual Machine-Building Factory" will train both students of the academy and staff from industrial partners.

NMAU is actively integrating into a new reality - the fourth industrial revolution that is a determining factor at current stage of civilization development. Recently, the academy became a partner of the Industry4Ukraine platform which unites industrial and high-tech sectors for the development of modern industry as the basis of the Ukrainian economy.

So, despite all the difficulties, our project is rapidly developing. Moredetailsareavailableonthewebsite

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