On April 5, 1710, Ukrainian hetman Philip Orlyk wrote the FIRST CONSTITUTION IN THE WORLD! Today Ukraine marks the 310th anniversary of the first Ukrainian constitution!

In 1710, Philip Orlyk (according to other sources approved collectively with him) "Covenants and Constitutions of Rights and Freedoms of the Zaporozhian Army" ("Lat. Pacta et Constitutiones legum libertatumqe Exercitus Zaporoviensis"), and also concluded an agreement with the chief and the Cossacks. which later became known as the Constitution of Philip Orlyk - considered by historians to be the first Ukrainian Constitution and, in fact, the first Constitution in Europe. He pledged to limit the hetman's prerogatives, reduce the social exploitation of peasants and ordinary locals, preserve the special status of the Cossacks, and fight for the political and ecclesiastical separation of Ukraine from Muscovy should he gain power in Ukraine.
The creation of these documents is considered to be a significant credit to Pylyp Orlyk and makes him an outstanding figure in Ukrainian history.