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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Gupalo Olena Viacheslavivna photo

Gupalo Olena Viacheslavivna

candidate of technical science, assistant professor



Phone : (+38067) 297-49-62, (+38073) 100-71-15 - viber, telegram

Room : Б-309

Deputy Head of Department for education.

She graduated from NMetAU in 1996 on a speciality "Thermophysics, automation and ecology of thermal units in the steel industry". From 1996 to 1999 she was a post graduate student of NMetAU on a speciality 05.16.02-"Ferrous Metallurgy". From 1999 to 2006, she worked as a junior researcher and an assistant professor of the Department of Heat-Engineering and Ecology of Metallurgical furnaces. In 2005, she defended her thesis on "Improvement in the work of continuous furnaces of rolling production for the energy saving". Since 2006, she has been working as an Associate Professor of the The department of Ecology, Heat Engineering, Occupational Safety and Health.


Subjects taught in NMetAU:

  1. Optimization of thermal processes and industrial units.
  2. Heat treatment technology of materials.
  3. Modelling of thermal engineering processes.
  4. Metallurgical furnaces.
  5. Sustainable development in industry.
  6. Environmental aspects of metallurgical technologies.

Scientific interests

Power efficient technologies of materials thermal treatment.
Increasing of energy efficiency of the industrial furnaces.
Rational use of waste energy.

Links:   Google scholar        ORCID      Web of Science ResearcherID AAQ-1133-2020       Scopus Author ID 54892750900     Scopus Author ID: 57216761458

Published scientific works:

Student's books

Методичні вказівки до виконання лабораторного практикуму з дисципліни "Теплотехніка (тепломасообмін)" для студентів усіх спеціальностей, які навчаються за напрямом 0904  металургія / Укл.: Ю.М. Радченко, О.О. Єрьомін, О.В. Гупало та ін. – Дніпропетровськ: НМетАУ, 2006. – 84 с. 

Рабочая программа, методические указания и индивидуальные задания к изучению дисциплин "Теплотехника" и "Металлургические печи", для студентов, обучающихся по направлению 0904 // Сост.: Т.Е. Сысоева, Е.В. Гупало. – Днепропетровск: НМетАУ, 2005. – 46 с.


Results of professional activity of Olena Gupalo to determine qualifications (License Terms, paragraph 30)

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