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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Derevianko Ihor photo

Derevianko Ihor

candidate of technical science, assistant professor


E-mail: кафедральный

Phone : +380563748364

Room : 5

Derevianko Igor Vladimirovich was born on September, 18th, 1977, in Pologi town, the Zaporozhye area. The post-graduate student (1999 - 2002), the assistant to faculty of electrometallurgy (with 2002), the assistant to the dean of electrometallurgical faculty (with 2005). The engineer-metallurgist has finished НМетАУ in 1999, on qualification. The basic directions scientific and scientific and pedagogical деяльности: electrothermikal of inorganic materials, in particular researches of processes of reception and use carbide of silicon and use of secondary materials of electrothermal manufacture at melt steel and cast irons. Amount of scientific works - 16 (including, 8 patents of Ukraine and Russia). Rewarded the diploma of the first degree at the first regional competition: "The young scientist of the Dnepropetrovsk region " (2003) . The winner of 10-th international exhibition "Металл-ЭКСПО-2002", in structure of a group of authors, for technological development, revarded of a silver medal and the diploma of the third degree (2004, Moscow).

Тhe main scientific publications in scientificmetrical databases

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1. Derevyanko I. V. Mathematical Modeling of Heat Power Processes of Silicon Carbide Production in Acheson Furnace / I. V. Derevyanko, A. V. Zhadanos // Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 2010, Vol. 2, No. 5 – p.p. 330-335. 

2. Derevyanko I.V. Researching of thermophysical processes in Acheson furnace for the production of silicon carbide / I.V. Derevyanko, A.V. Zhadanos // Proceeding of The Fourteenth international ferroalloys congress INFACON XIV «Energy efficiency and environmental friendliness are the future of the global Ferroalloy industry», Ukraine, Kiev, May 31-June 4, 2015 - ISBN 978-617-696-339-4, KIEV, 2015 – Vol 2. pp 555-560.

3. Дерев'янко І.В. Оцінка техногенного родовища електротермічного виробництва карбіду кремнію з метою вилучення металургійного SiC і графіту / И.В. Дерев'янко, О.В. Жаданос // Надрокористування в Україні. Перспективи інвестування. Матеріали Першого науково- практичного семінару (10–14 листопада 2014 р., м. Трускавець). Державна комісія України по запасах корисних копалин (ДКЗ). – К.: ДКЗ, 2014. – с. 150-154.