YES-І Eurasian Forum of Young Scientists

YES - with this slogan in Belarus in National academy of Sciences was hosted the First European Forum of Young Scientists. From 1 to 4 December, 2015 the young scientists from Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Armenia defended their scientific work, claimed in the form of projects. Presented to the participation projects have a practical orientation and aimed at solving urgent problems for the member countries of the Forum.
In the frame of CERES project, which funded with support from the European Commission, young scientists from countries of the project partners were given the opportunity to become members of the Forum and the XII International scientific and practical conference "Youth in Science - 2015". Representatives of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, the National Transport University (Ukraine), experimental production of "Radium" (Ukraine), the University of Zilina (Slovakia), Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics, Gomel State University. Skaryna (Belarus) and Brest State Technical University (Belarus) took part in the Forum and the Conference as participants.
YES - with this slogan in Belarus in National academy of Sciences was hosted the First European Forum of Young Scientists. From 1 to 4 December, 2015 the young scientists from Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Armenia defended their scientific work, claimed in the form of projects. Presented to the participation projects have a practical orientation and aimed at solving urgent problems for the member countries of the Forum.
In the frame of CERES project, which funded with support from the European Commission, young scientists from countries of the project partners were given the opportunity to become members of the Forum and the XII International scientific and practical conference "Youth in Science - 2015". Representatives of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, the National Transport University (Ukraine), experimental production of "Radium" (Ukraine), the University of Zilina (Slovakia), Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics, Gomel State University. Skaryna (Belarus) and Brest State Technical University (Belarus) took part in the Forum and the Conference as participants.
Problematic issues YES Forum mainly related to social economics, finance, business, society and national authenticity; Material Sciences, new technological solutions, advanced materials, innovative products; life sciences: medicine of the future, biofarmbiotehnologii, environmental solutions.
As part of the Forum, all participants had the opportunity to visit the round-table discussions, seminars and master - classes from leading professionals. The seminar dealt with the issues of methodology of forecasting long-term trends in science and technology, especially the preparation and presentation of investment projects, time - management of a young scientist, and the like.
The project "Innovative educational workshop" by CERES-managers Anna Trofimenko (NMetAU) and Irina Sorokina (NMetAU) was marked by scientific experts Forum Diploma III degree. This project was developed as part of the Centre of excellence for young scientists NMetAU, which is organized and operates according to the project work plan CERES. The project "Innovative educational workshop" is to implement a comprehensive training program for young scientists, teachers, lecturers will enhance the novice level of professionalism and competitiveness in the international education market.
Participation in the Forum will allow young scientists to gain new professional experience, to express themselves, to establish links with the Council of young scientists of Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and disseminate information about the results and next steps of the project CERES.