The 90th anniversary of organization the department of electrometallurgy NMetAU

The First Department of electrometallurgy in system of higher education was organized in 1925 as part of the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute.
The initiator and head of the department was the assistant professor of metallurgy in Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute, a graduate of the Faculty of Metallurgy Ekaterinoslav Mining Institute Stepan Telny, who spent a lot of effort and energy to attach to the establishment and development of the department as an incubator for young electrometallurgical industry.
Since 1930, the Department of electrometallurgy in organized in the same year the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. In the period 1930 - 1941 years the head of department S.I. Telny and Associate professor S.I. Hitrik with the creative team of the department created a base for teaching and research. Combining the post of Director of Research and Head DMetI S.I.Telny created a scientific school and led the entire research work of the Institute.
Staff of the department in creative collaboration with experts of steel plant, research and design institutes has published 54 monographs, 16 textbooks, including those published in the United States, China, Russia. Author of the monograph were awarded prizes named after outstanding scientists, metallurgists, academics NAS: Paton, Z.I.Nekrasov, N.N.Dobrohotov.
Its anniversary - the 90th anniversary of foundation, the staff of the Department electrometallurgy meets new editions of monographs and books, scientific articles and obtaining patents.
There are two master specializations at the department - "Electrometallurgy steel and ferroalloys" and "Non-Ferrous Metallurgy"
Despite the complicated logistics of the training process and the implementation of research projects, staff of the department of electrometallurgy aimed at strengthening the entire multifaceted activities in the field of training of masters, graduate students, doctors and solving important problems of the country electrometallurgical industry.
M.I Gasik, Doctor. of tehn. Sciences, prof., academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department electrometallurgy NMetAU