Study visit to the Royal Institute of Technology within the EDUQAS project

On september 10-14, representatives of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine: vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, professor Shatoka V.I, associate professor of department of electrometallurgy Zhadanos O.V. and the head of the international relations office Petrenko A.L participated in trainings on the basis of the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden) within the framework of the Erasmus + project "Implementation of Education Quality Assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs" (EDUQAS). At these events, NMetAU representatives, together with colleagues from the partner institutions of higher education in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, studied Swedish experience in providing and assessing the quality of education.
On september 10-14, representatives of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine: vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, professor Shatoka V.I, associate professor of department of electrometallurgy Zhadanos O.V. and the head of the international relations office Petrenko A.L participated in trainings on the basis of the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden) within the framework of the Erasmus + project "Implementation of Education Quality Assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs" (EDUQAS). At these events, NMetAU representatives, together with colleagues from the partner institutions of higher education in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, studied Swedish experience in providing and assessing the quality of education.
The main goal of the training was to familiarize with the main features of functioning of the national quality assurance system in Sweden higher education and an example of its implementation at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Particularly interesting in this regard were lectures by Professor Lenart Stale (National Quality Assurance System in Sweden), KTH Vice President, Professor Stefan Ostland (Internationalization of the Quality System for HEIs), Dr. Margaret Carlson (Tools and Policy for Quality Assurance at the Institutional Level). It is very revealing that Swedish teachers have to undergo additional training courses of at least 15 credits every 4 years. For example, scientists who manage the Ph.D students should listen to the appropriate course in which they will get acquainted with the main regulatory documents, guidelines for leadership and scientific and pedagogical activities.
Also during the visit a coordination meeting of project participants was held, which analyzed the achieved results of the project implementation and the subsequent implementation steps.
Great thanks to the Swedish partners for an excellent organization of trainings and hospitality. This allowed getting acquaintances with the main directions of activities in this institution. This, of course, will contribute to improving the quality assessment system in NMAU, bringing it closer to European standards.