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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Ukrainian scientific and technical conference the "Physical and chemical problems in technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials" with international participation

Ukrainian scientific and technical conference the "Physical and chemical problems in technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials" with international participation

19-20 October of 2011 in the Ukrainian state chemical engineering university Dnepropetrovsk the Ukrainian scientific and technical conference was conducted  the «Physical and chemical problems in technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials» with international participation.  The participants of conference heard the lecture of Onasenko yu.A. "Shamotnye concrete wares for lining of the revolved stove"  on materials of of the same name theses of lecture of authors of R.N. Shevtsova, Yu.A. Onasenko, O.S. Naumova



The aim of this study was to develop a two-layer products nizkotsementnogo refractory concrete filler at the brick lining for rotary kilns.

Department of metallurgical fuel and refractory