All-Ukrainian competition of students' scientific works of natural, technical sciences and humanities in the direction of "Chemical Technology"

March 23, 2012 on the basis of SHEI "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology" conference was held the Second Round Ukrainian competition of student research papers on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences towards "Chemical Technology". The regulations of the conference was declared the reports on the current state and prospects of development of chemical technology. In the works of the students the problems of synthesis, innovative research methods and processing of metals in chemical technology.
The regulations of the conference student gr. CН-08 Fedorets E.S. (head Shebanova N.V.) has been declared a paper on "The influence of additives on the performance of the multifunctional properties of silica vibroformovannyh lightweights."
Of particular interest in terms of the possibility of producing large-block silica lightweight, eliminating pressure equipment for forming silica products from semi-dry siliceous masses is making lightweight Dinas method burnable additives using the method of vibration molding products.
The results of the research showed that the builders, organic, mineral perform selective effect on the properties of a set of indicators fired vibroformovannyh samples, depending on the type of mineralizer. The use of silica in the slag mass with supplementation polyfunctional 1% and 5% silica fume gives dinas lightweight products that are different effective combination of low apparent density of 1.05 1,05 г/см3, a high open porosity of 54.7% and the mechanical strength of 10,9 Н/мм2.