Department Automation of production processes

Department manager: Rybalchenko Maria Alexandrovna
Address Department APP (room160), NMetAU, av. Gagarin, 4, c. Dnipro, 49005.
The department APP of the National metallurgical academy of Ukraine is created by the order of Minister of higher and middle education of Ukrainian SSR N 518 from 22.10.1960.
Today he is one of leading departments of NMetAU and carries out preparation of bachelors and master's degrees on the faculty of the computer systems, energy and automation. The department APP on the license carries out a set 50 university entrants in bachelorment to direction 151 is "Automation and computer-integrated technologies". The term of educating in bachelorment makes 4, preparation of master's degrees after bachelorment lasts 1,5. For junior specialists, which got education to this direction, term of education can be brief on 2.
The faculty advisors of department are presented by highly skilled specialists which have a rich experience of practical work in area of automation of productive processes of metallurgical industry. Among them there are 2 professors, there are doctors of engineering sciences and 6 associate professors, candidates of engineering sciences, 2 laureates of the State bonus of Ukraine in area of science and technique, 1 Honoured Worker of science and technique of Ukraine.
A department is distinguished by the high enough level of logistical support of educational process. Educating comes true in three lecture halls which are equipped by the specialized technical equipments and modern projection technique; three educational laboratories of measuring technique and technical equipments of ASU; twoo computer classes.
Upon termination of educating the graduating students of department can work as on any industrial enterprises of Ukraine specialists on electronics and programming, to hold leading positions in services of automation. Gained knowledge and acquired habits of practical work on automation of productive processes, sufficient level of possession of computer technique and information technologies are provide mobility of our students and allow to continue educating them in anchorwomen European higher educational establishments.
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