Department of Technology of Machine Building

Department manager: Negrub Svetlana Leonidovna
Address Department of technology of Machine Building, Prosp. of Science 4, Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine
Phone: (+38063)24-99-002
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The department was established in 1956 year at initiative of member of Ukrainian Academy – professor S. N. Kazhevnikov, who at that time was the chair of department of “Theory of Mechanisms and Machines and Automation of Metallurgical Equipment”. Department students took classes of numerous courses including Theory of Mechanisms and Machines and Tools, Technology of Machine Building, Equipment Repair and Assembling. Besides that the departments professors and assistants provided the students with observation tours and hand on practice at industrial machine shops performing mechanical treatment of metals and machine assembling.
Such broad variety of courses and other activities was difficult to manage in one department. And the department was split to increase the efficiency of educational process. New department of “Technology of Metals and Machine Building” was focused on needs of metallurgical and heavy machine building industries.
Metallurgical and machine plants at central Ukraine and other areas experienced deficit of technological engineers. New department of “Technology of Metals and Machine Building” resolved this issue, and made significant input in preparing educated engineers for Ukraine and beyond. Department had and has extensive educational and training facilities, separate building was erected for the own machine shop to familiarize students with advanced equipment and their hands on practice. Department of Technology of Metals and Machine Building expands the horizons of metal and machine engineering. Department graduates are well accepted by variety of production and technological companies at Ukraine and abroad.
In 2020, the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology was reorganized by joining the Department of Graphics and Descriptive Geometry
The technical drawing study at the Ykaterinoslav Higher Mining School was founded in 1899. A.F. Rodzevich-Belevich was the first head of the department (1899 - 1910). From 1911 to 1914 the head of the department was V.M. Makovsky, in the sequel the founder of the modern gas-turbine building school.
In different periods of time the heads of department were: A.M.Shergin (1914-1917), assistant professor I.P. Buhinik (1917-1924), assistant professor A.I. Reznikov (1924-1930). Since 1930, after the metallurgical and mining faculties separated as an independent institute, the heads of the department were: assistant professor A.D.Butusov (1930-1935), assistant professor A.M. Bronitsky (1935-1941), senior teacher N.V. Veliaminov (1944-1952), assistant professor L.I. Rudometov (1952-1963). From 1963 to 2002 the department was headed by assistant professor A.A. Zinkovsky. From 2002 to 2008 the department was headed by assistant professor S.E.Kukel’. From 2008 to 2020 the department was headed by assistant professor Y.P. Morozenko.