Student Conference
May 19 NMetAU I chaired a meeting of the section of Philosophy and Religious Studies International Student Conference "Young Academy 2011".Were presented 9 reports that provoked considerable interest among those present.This was evidenced by the number of questions asked by participants of the conference speakers, and lively discussion, followed by almost every performance.
For example, are quite different, even to some extent contradictory, views on the nature and origin of religion were presented by the student gr.MB01-10 Mishchenko (headV.P. Lazarenko, suprime teacher) and student gr.DI01-10 E. Karpyak (head prof. A.V. Halapsis).Discussion ensued, which left nobody indifferent.As for me, the presence of opposing views, each of which is supported by appropriate arguments - it is very good, because this philosophy is only possible in a dialogue through which examines various aspects of an issue that gets you closer to the truth.
Who won?I suggested that students themselves determine the best reports.According to participants, the most interesting performances were Anna Yakimenko "Network Life?" (Gr. DI01-10, head prof. A.V. Halapsis), Alena Gordienko "The existential problem of the definition of happiness" (gr. EP09-01, head docent A.M. Shatalovich) and Valeria Podenna "Philosophical Aspects of Success" (gr. DI01-10, head prof. A.V.Halapsis).
Some think that philosophy - it is currently the case separated from the life of refined intellectuals, too dark and difficult to perceive a simple man.Our conference has shown that it is not.Indeed, it can be considered "far away from life" study of the influence of social networks both at the individual and on society as a whole?What risks are there and what are the prospects of massive immersion in the ON-line?After all, it is difficult to find a young and socially active person who would not have your page in at least one social network.Or are there many people who would not dream of happiness?Why is it "enough" is not everything and what to do in order to be happy?Maybe we should just by a different attitude to life?A related problem, and success.Anyway, it concerns everyone, because nobody wants to be a loser.Who can be considered a successful person?Enough with the inner harmony (and for many it is the key to happiness), or if you need something else to another?And what about those who became famous only after death?And as to whether successful best-known stories of villains on the grounds that they were able to realize its goal?
These are just some of the issues that we discussed at the conference, but they clearly demonstrate the relevance of philosophical problems.And it means that young people interested in philosophy and she needs it!
Alex Halapsis,
Professor of Philosophy