International Relations Оffice

Department cheef: Mr. Andriy Petrenko
Address Gagarin av. 4, office 333, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
Phone: +38 056 2474433, 31-33
The International Relations Office is the independent structural unit of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMAU) and is subordinated to the rectorate of the NMAU.
Main tasks of the International Relations Office:
- creation of favourable conditions for the development of international cooperation and integration of the academy into the European Educational and Research Area;
- coordination of cooperation with foreign partners of NMAU (universities, research centres, enterprises and other organizations);
- informational support and documentary supply of international mobility of students and staff;
- international funds raising for the improvement of material-technical base and professional development of academic staff.
The International Relations Office of NMAU operates in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, Regulations “of the International Relations Office of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine”, orders and assignments of the rectorate.