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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Department of metal forming

Bobukh S. Oleksandr photo

Department manager: Bobukh S. Oleksandr


Address Department of metal forming, Gagarina av., Dniepro, 49600, Ukraine


Phone: +380986622750

The Acad. A.P. Chekmaryov Metal Forming Department is the home of Ukrainian metal forming scientific school.

We have:

  • 3 educational laboratories, library, IT center;
  • Semi-industrial laboratory with different equipment (rolling mills, hydraulic presses, hammers, drawing bench etc.).

We are teaching:

  • Bachelors and Masters of Metallurgy

Our graduates have good knowledge and skills in the next fields:

  • Fundamental sciences;
  • Engineering training;
  • Theory, technology and equipment of Metal Forming;
  • Computer simulation;
  • Information software;
  • Economics, marketing and management.

The special attention is paid for studying foreign languages and computer training.

The program of externship and studying at the European universities is continuously run.

The results of scientific activity of or Department are discussed during the weekly sessions of the Prydniprovskiy scientific seminar “Metal Forming”.

Graduates from the Metal Forming Department work at the enterprises of machine building and metallurgical complex of Ukraine and other countries, at scientific institutions and universities, consulting,  bank structures, at commercial companies and state management bodies.






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