Department manager
doctor of engineering's sciences, professor
Phone : (+38056) 47-44-06
Room : А-512-2
Publications on Google Scholar
HRYCHIKOV Valery E. - Head of the foundry of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU), Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. In 1978 defended his thesis in 1993 - doctoral thesis in 1997 awarded the title of professor, since 2000 head of the department .
VE Hrychikov - section editor in the magazine "Metallurgical and Mining Industry", member of editorial boards of "Theory and practice of metallurgy", "System Technology" and "Herald Donbass Engineering Academy", a member of the Specialized Scientific Council D08.084.02 for doctoral and master's theses at NMetAU, a member of the Specialized Scientific Council D08.051.07 at Dnepropetrovsk State University Materials Science, a member of the board of educational and methodical NMetAU and EMF, is part of the accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science in the direction of "Metallurgy", Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine, is a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.
Basic research VE Hrychikov spends on special types of casting, casting solidification theory, the formation of shrinkage defects and reduce marriage castings, author of over 250 scientific papers, including 60 inventions. Hrychikov VE co-developed and adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine branch standard of higher education in the direction 0904 "Metallurgy", educational qualification characteristics and educational and professional training programs (7.090403) and masters (8.090403) in the specialty "Foundry of ferrous and non-ferrous metals" and bachelor - metallurgist.
49005 Dnipro , Gagarin Ave 4 . INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES. Department foundry. Tel. (+380562) 47-44-06 . m 0672994435 . Skype: litpro-nmetau; litpro1