Congratulations to the staff of the Department of Foundry on the completion of the International Educational Grant for the passage of the III International Program for the Advanced Training of Heads of Educational and Scientific Institutions

Congratulations to the staff of the Department of Foundry on the completion of the International Educational Grant for the passage of the III International Program for the Advanced Training of Heads of Educational and Scientific Institutions, as well as pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers:
1. Head of the Department of Foundry Khrychikov Valery Evgenievich.
2. Dean of the Faculty of Electromechanics and Electrometallurgy Seliverstov Vadim Yurievich.
3. Deputy head of the research department Sergei Ivanovich Repyakh.
4. Deputy head. cafe foundry Bely Alexander Petrovich.
5. Professor of the department foundry Ivanova Lyudmila Kharitonovna.
6. Associate Professor foundry Osipenko Irina Alexandrovna.
7. Professor of the department foundry production Menyailo Elena Valerievna.
8. Associate Professor foundry Usenko Ruslan Viktorovich.