Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Congratulations to the bachelors of the educational program «International Economics» with the successful defence of their graduation papers! News icon

On June 26, 2024, the defence of the final qualification papers of bachelors who studied under the educational and professional program "International Economics" in the speciality 051-Economics took place successfully. We congratulate our graduates and look forward of them to master’s degrees education!



On June 13, 2024, a festive concert was held in the Palace of Culture of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the establishment and success of the university.

The event gathered numerous guests, including: government representatives, teachers, students and graduates. The Department of International Economics and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines also took an active part in this celebration.

Acting the rector of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology Kostyantyn Sukhy awarded the directors of educational and scientific institutes with honorary awards «Leader of Education and Science of Dnipro» and noted that: «This is not only the anniversary of one university, but also the anniversary of higher education of Dnipro.»



On May 11, 2024, representatives of the department of international economics and social and humanitarian disciplines took part in the large-scale educational festival Dnipro Education City 2024, which took place in the park named after T. Shevchenko.
This event was a great opportunity to present the "International Economics" educational program to future students.
During the "Professions Fair", associate professors of the MEHSD department, Iryna Oleksandrivna Tsurkanova and Stanislav Serhiyovych Beskaravainy, actively involved everyone who wanted to focus on international aspects of economic activity.



 On Mays, 21-23, 2024 on the economic faculty of the Kyiv national university of the name of Taras Shevchenko took place the International forum of EFBM  3.0 "Economy. Finances. Business. Management. From renewal to the increase". V. Tarasevych came forward on the research section of forum. Theme of lecture : "Knowledge-informatively-digital revolution and smart-economics". 


Participating in the International scientific-practical conference "Economics in the conditions of digital transformation: prospects of development in ХХІ century". News icon

 Head of the department IESHD, doctor of econ. sci., professor., corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine Tarasevych V. came forward at the International scientific-practical conference "Economics in the conditions of digital transformation: prospects of development in ХХІ century".

 A west took place on the base of the State trade and economic university on May, 16, 2024.


Our colleague in the editorial college of journal of Economy Ukraine. News icon

 Head of the department IESHD, doctor of econ. sci., professor., corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine Tarasevych V. entered in the complement of the renewed editorial board of journal of Economy Ukraine.


Congratulations to V.Tarasevych with the receipt of Diploma of member-correspondent of NAS of Ukraine ! News icon

The diploma was handed by President of NAS of Ukraine academician of NAS of Ukraine to Zagorodnij Anatolij.


Congratulations to V.Tarasevych with electing by the member-correspondent of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine. News icon

 On April , 25 in 2024 on General meeting of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine V.Tarasevych was selected by the member-correspondent of NAS of Ukraine on the Department of economics per by speciality the "Smart-economics".



Associate Professor of the Department of international economics and social and humanities Tsurkanova Iryna Oleksandrivna together with Associate Professor of the Department of philosophy and ukrainian studies Radkevich Tetyana Oleksiivna wrote a joint article on the topic: «Political culture and the culture of politics: a comparative analysis of the current state of society in Ukraine», which was published in a specialist collection Category B «Regional Studies».
The research is aimed at understanding and highlighting important aspects of the political landscape during the military conflict and its impact on the current political reality in Ukraine.



On February 14-19, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics and Social and Humanities Tsurkanova Iryna Oleksandrivna took part in the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Online Conference: «Leadership and giftedness: modern scientific discourse and educational practice».

Tsurkanova I.O. presented her current work on the topic: «The role of women in political leadership: challenges, achievements, myths and stereotypes», in which she explored various aspects of women’s participation in political life.



On February 28, 2024, at the meeting of the Academic Council of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, acting of the rector, Kostyantyn Mykhailovych Suhiy solemnly presented a certificate to Iryna Oleksandrivna Tsurkanova regarding her awarding the academic title of associate professor of the department of international economics and social and humanitarian disciplines.

The team of the department of international economy and social-humanitarian disciplines wants to keep setting great life goals for themselves. Let your ideas come to life, and professional activity brings pleasure, well-being, gives opportunities and guarantees a decent reward!


New monograph News icon

The monograph of professor V.Tarasevich the "Ancient world: fates of universum formations. Monograph. Dnipro: PPE “Economica”, 2024. 760 p." was published.


The object of the monographic study is the Ancient World and its universum formations, the main subject is their evolution and trinity, and the core of the methodology is a special version of the integrative method that synthesizes the elements of universum, activity, institutional and evolutionary approaches. The universum dimension of social evolution is presented, its cyclical progressive nature, regularities, types and stages are determined. The Middle type of social evolution is characterized, which, together with the Eastern and Western types, forms a universum trinity and permeates the entire Great history of mankind. Attention is focused on the special cyclicality of the first Eastern civilizations, as well as the ethnic, socio-economic, political and spiritual dimension of the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman sub-civilizations of the Ancient Civilization.


The fifth anniversary issue. Congratulations to the masters of the "International Economics" educational program on the successful defense of their graduation papers! News icon

On January 26, 2024, the defense of final qualification papers of masters who studied under the educational and professional program "International Economics" in the specialty 051-Economics took place.Based on the results of the defense, the examination commission that chaired by the director of enterprise «Dnipro-Interstal» Ye. Samoilenko,noted that all presented graduation theses were performed at the appropriate professional level and highly rated their results (only "good" and "excellent").


Agreement with the Dnepropetrovsk commercial and industrial chamber. News icon

The agreement about the cooperation № 40 / 2023 from 21.12.2023 between the Ukrainian state university of science and technologies and Dnepropetrovsk commercial and industrial chamber in the person of Zhmurenko Vitalij, was signed per by initiative of the department of IESHD.


Scientific life news

Associate Professor Borisova T.V. took part in the fifth International Scientific and Practical Conference “MODERN RESEARCH

IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION" which took place on January 11-13, 2024 in Chicago, USA


Gratitude. News icon

The head of cathedra Tarasevich Victor was got gratitude from student advice of FEM: per by fruitful labor and guidance by a cathedra, permanent guardianship, support of students and for an anxiety, conditions where students get possibility to obtain quality knowledge.







Circle of stakeholders was extended. News icon

Per by initiative of department of IESHD was signed the contracts about a cooperation USUST with next organizations:

- Institute for economics and forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine,

- Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman,

- Turan-Astana University (Kazakhstan),

- Companies limited liability "VINYL";

- Private enterprise of "Dnipro-Interstill";

- Private multi-field enterprise "Economics".



In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine dated 12.20.2023 No. 1543 «On approval of the decisions of the
attestation board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on
awarding the academic title of associate professor», Iryna Oleksandrivna
Tsurkanova was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the
Department of International Economics and Social and Humanitarian
The staff of the department sincerely congratulates Iryna Oleksandrivna,
because this title is evidence of a high level of scientific development. We wish
her new achievements, inexhaustible enthusiasm and further success in her
professional activities! Let each new scientific step be another step towards
achieving great heights in the world of science!
We sincerely congratulate and wish you further victories!


Associate Professor of the Department Tsurkanova I.O. took part in the preparation of a collective monograph that was published abroad

At the end of December 2023, associate professor of the IESHD  department, candidate of political science, Iryna Oleksandrivna Tsurkanova,  presented her new scientific achievements in the form of publications in a  collective monograph in Prague: «International collective monograph Innovations  in the education of the future: integration of humanities, technical and natural  sciences». 

The topic of the study: «The current state of the development of science in  Ukraine: problems and prospects (political-economic aspect)» was aimed at  identifying problematic aspects that arise in the field of science, in particular,  under the influence of political-economic factors. Special attention was paid to  finding effective solutions for overcoming existing difficulties and improving the  higher education system. 

The study also focuses on innovative development in education, taking into  account the possibilities of integrating knowledge from different fields, such as 

humanitarian, technical and others. The work offers specific approaches and  recommendations for the further development of the scientific space of Ukraine  in the conditions of modern challenges and changes. This is evidence of the high  scientific level and active participation of Associate Professor Iryna  Oleksandrivna Tsurkanova in the development of the world scientific community. 

The Department of international economics and social and humanitarian  disciplines congratulates Iryna Oleksandrivna and wishes her further  achievements in science and inexhaustible inspiration for future scientific  discoveries! This is a worthy completion of scientific work in this academic year  and the beginning of new prospects in the field of science.

