News archive
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On September 20, 2021, the first organizational meeting of first-year undergraduates of the educational and professional program "International Economics" took place.
On September 20, 2021, the first organizational meeting of first-year undergraduates of the educational and professional program "International Economics" took place. Particular attention was paid to the rules of procedure in NMetAU, the content and structure of the website of the department, on-line distance learning platforms, the main points of the educational process, control and evaluation of students' knowledge. After that, undergraduates had the opportunity to get acquainted with the base of elective disciplines of the educational program "International Economics" and determine the preferences in the formation of individual educational trajectories.
Education 04.10.2021.
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Text-book of "Modern international economy" is the object of intellectual ownership!
In June, 2020 the teachers of department of IEPEG was appropriated an authorial certificate on text-book "Modern international economy". - Dnipro: PME "Economy", 2019. - 380 p.
Certificate on registration of authorship rights on intellectual product is 97227 from 15.04.2020. Authorship rights on ownership belong to Tarasevych Victor, Alsufjeva Helen, Bilocerkivetc Volodimir, Faizova Olga, Lebedeva Valentyna, Leonidov Igor, Letucha Oleksandra, Riabceva Natalia, Tkachenko Natalia, Zavhorodnia Olena.
Education 30.06.2020.
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On September 23, 2021, a regular open meeting of quality assurance groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" (bachelor's and master's levels) took place.

On September 23, 2021, a regular open meeting of quality assurance groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" (bachelor's and master's levels) took place. Within the agenda, the following issues were discussed: 1) updating the composition of quality assurance groups of educational programs; 2) discussion of the final results of determining the selective component of the educational process and survey of applicants on the content and quality of teaching disciplines in the last academic year; 3) directions of strengthening the practical component of applicants' training; 4) analysis of educational and methodological support of software compulsory educational components and their updating in accordance with the recommendations of stakeholders.
Education 04.10.2021.
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The tutors of the Department of International Economics and Social-Humanitarian Disciplines was met on-line with schoolchildren of the 11th grade of Lyceum No. 5 in the town of Verkhnyodniprovsk.
The event was a great opportunity to inform lyceum graduates about the possibility and necessity of tuitions at the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology in the C1 "Economics" specialty.
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On March 31, 2023, another open meeting of quality assurance groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" (bachelor's and master's levels) took place.
On March 31, 2023, another open meeting of quality assurance groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" (bachelor's and master's levels) took place. Within the framework of the agenda, the following issues were discussed: 1) about innovations of the host company in 2023; 2) on the organization of campaigning and career guidance work among potential applicants for admission to the department's educational programs; 3) about the generalized results of the survey of stakeholders-employers and the survey of scientific and pedagogical workers in the "Leader" system regarding the evaluation of the quality of educational activities, derived conclusions and proposals for the development and improvement of educational programs; 4) on updating educational programs and training plans for applicants.
Education 09.04.2023.
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News of the department's scientific life. In March 2023, teachers, students and graduate students of the department took part in numerous scientific events.
In March 2023, teachers, students and graduate students of the department took part in numerous scientific events, in particular in the All-Ukrainian Internet Conference "Economic Cybernetics: Tools, Models and Methods of Intellectual Support for Decision Making" (Dnipro, March 1-2, 2023), V International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Project Management, Prospects for the Development of Project and Neuro-Management, Management Information Technologies, Technologies for the Creation and Use of Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer" (Dnipro-Kyiv, March 23-24, 2023); All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Economic Revival of Ukraine: Problems, Challenges, Prospects" (March 30, 2023, Dnipro). At the scientific seminar of the department, the reports "Evolutionary mechanisms of the formation of the innovative and information economy" (speaker - Prof. O. Zavhorodnya) and "The concept of lifelong learning in the context of changing activities" (speaker - Prof. V. Lebedeva) were heard and discussed. The focus of the March student scientific meeting was problems of foreign exchange transactions in the international economy.
Science 09.04.2023.
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XVII the Allukrainian scientific-practical conference of "Pocritan reading" "actual problems of development of economic theory in the conditions of globalization".
In a conference took part and came forward with a lecture "To the problems of general theory of value" of prof. V.Tarasevich.
Science 05.12.2021.
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Sitting of the Interdepartmental co-ordinating council of economic theory of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine and Department of education and science of Ukraine.
On Decembers, 2, 2021 in the Kyiv national economic university of the name of Vadim Hetman, sitting the Interdepartmental co-ordinating council took place of economic theory of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine and Department of education and science of Ukraine, sanctified to the discussion of problems of place and role of economic theory in tuition of specialists of economy. Chairmens of Interdepartmental advice - academician of NAS of Ukraine, director of Institute of economy and prognostication of NAS of Ukraine of V.Geec, doctor of economic sciences, professor, chancellor of the Kyiv national economic university of the name of Vadim Hetman D.Lukjanenco, leading scientists-economists of Ukraine. Prof. V.Tarasevich has performance on the meeting.
Education 05.12.2021.
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23 November 2020 was signed an agreement about the collaboration between the National metallurgical academy of Ukraine and Public organization of "Association of workers of sphere of economic security".
The agreement was initiated by the department of international economy, political economy and governance (IEPEG).
Education 25.11.2020.
"Associations of workers of sphere of economic security" has interested in the graduating students of department of IEPEG, will assist internship of teachers, passing of practice students and her the informative providing.
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!on September, 5, 2020 per initiatives of the Dnepr chamber of trade and industrial (DCTI) took place a webinar "As socially responsible business-practice assists a business competitiveness".
Ukrainian and European experience of influence of socially responsible activity of businessmen and entrepreneurs on the competitiveness of business in the context of international trade was into question. In adequacy to an agreement about a collaboration between IEPEG and DCTI in process of webinar took part Valentina Lebedeva is professor of department IEPEG and Bohdan Naumenko is magister of department IEPEG.
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The staff of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance congratulates colleagues, students, graduates and partner-stakeholders with New Year and Christmas holidays.
We wish you and your families peace, happiness, health, harmony, well-being, professional and creative self-realization, cheerfulness, love and respect, optimism and energy to be invincible and move forward regardless of the circumstances. We sincerely thank you for being with us during this extremely difficult year and hope for fruitful cooperation in the future.
Information 26.12.2022.
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Teacher of department IEPEG took part in-process pedagogical educational-practical seminar and got certificates.
During 01.03.2021 - 26.03.2021 the teachers of department of IEPEG took part in-process pedagogical educational-practical seminar with a theme "Organization of support of students in the conditions of the mixed educating" per direction 01 of "Education" with the volume of educational time 30 hours / a 1 credit of EKTC.
After successful realization of this seminar teacher of department IEPEG got corresponding certificates.
Education 21.04.2021.
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Monograph of "Digital dimension of innovation-information economy" is the object of intellectual ownership!
In April, 2020 the teachers of department of IEPEG was appropriated an authorial certificate on monograph "Digital dimension of innovation-information economy". - Dnipro: PME "Economy", 2021, - 448 p.
Science 21.05.2021.
Certificate on registration of authorship rights on intellectual product is 103966 from 13.04.2021. Authorship rights on ownership belong to Bilocerkivetc Volodimir, Jaseva Margaret, Lebedeva Valentyna, Leonidov Igor, Tarasevych Victor, Zavhorodnia Olena.
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On June 19, 2023, another meeting of the quality assurance groups of educational and professional programs "International Economy" was held.
On June 19, 2023, another open joint meeting of quality assurance groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" (bachelor's and master's levels) was held. The following issues were discussed within the agenda: 1) approval upon completion of the public discussion of the educational - professional program "International Economics" in the specialty 051 - Economics (levels - bachelor's, master's) and training plans for applicants (for 2023-2024 academic year with changes; 2) about the results of an anonymous survey of applicants regarding educational disciplines and this year's graduates regarding the quality of the educational program; 3) monitoring of success and analysis of educational achievements of higher education applicants under EP MEK in 2022-2023. (masters’ level); 4) about the state and problems of employment of graduates. About the current requirements of the labor market for applicants for the positions of economists and their consideration in educational activities.
Education 10.07.2023.
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Meeting of the student scientific group "National Economy of Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration".
February 24, 2020 at the IEPEG chair held the next meeting of the student scientific group "National Economy of Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration".
The report of the student of the 1st year of the EC02-19 group Kateryna Khmelnitskaya was heard on the topic: "Features of ranking the needs of households in Ukraine", which was prepared under the guidance of Doctor of Economics, prof. Belotserkivеts V.V. It is recommended to submit a report in the form of abstracts for participation in the traditional All-Ukrainian conference of NMetAU “Young Academy-2020”.
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Participating in webinar of stakeholders EU.
19-20 May of 2021 per initiatives of the Dnipro chamber of trade and industrial (DCTI) took place the on-line webinar of "Power of marketing for industrial enterprises" on the platform of ZOOM. It parts of project of "EU 4Business: competitiveness and internationalization of SLI", that is jointly financed by European Union and Government of Germany, and realized by the federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft fur of Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
In accordance with the agreement about a collaboration between NMetAU and DCTI in-process the professionally oriented presentation took part Ihor Leonidov is associate professor of department IEPEG, Anton Odnorog, Anna Zabrodska, Ihor Karetnikov, Jana Litvinenko, Olga Korsunska is students-magister of department IEPEG.
Education 21.05.2021.
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Congratulations to the bachelors of the educational program "International Economics" with successful completion of the final qualification work!
On June 30, 2023, the first defense of the final qualification papers of bachelors who studied under the educational and professional program «International Economy» took place. The topic of the final work covered the problem of the development of international franchise, the analysis of the activity of transnational corporations and the perspective of the integration of the Ukrainian fashion industry into the world market. After the results of the examination examination commission under the chairmanship of the director PE "Dnipro-Interstal" Ye. Samoilenko Based on the results of the defense, the examination commission chaired by the director of “Dnipro-Interstal” PE, Ye. Samoilenko, noted that all presented bachelor's theses were performed at the appropriate professional level and highly appreciated their results.
We are proud of our graduates and wish them further success on their life path and professional paths. We hope to meet in the magistracy!!!
Education 10.07.2023.
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Congratulations to tutors of department IEPEG with the publication in scientific base of Scopus!
In 2022 the next article was published in the scientific base of Scopus :
- Leonidov, I., Lebedeva, V., Tarasevich, V. (2022). Economic aspects of appropriation of intellectual product at context of transfer of educational technologies. – Economic Studies Journal, Volume 31 (2), p. 157-172. (Scopus, Q2)
Science 13.03.2022
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The department of IEPEG registers the new objects of intellectual ownership.
In February, 2022 the teachers of department of IEPEG was appropriated an authorial certificates on the monograph and methodical guidance.
Science 13.03.2022.
The authorial certificates was appropriated for next teachers of department of IEPEG:
- Tarasevych Victor per the monograph "The theoretical measuring of the informatively-digital phenomena in an economy";
- Leonidov Igor per the methodical guidance the "Work program of productive practice of students that study on the educationally-professional program the "International economy" per by specialty 051 – economy (bachelor level)".
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Cooperation with stakeholders reaches a new level. On June 30, 2023, a meeting of the students of the Educational Programs "International Economics" with the vice-president of the Dnipro Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) Vitaliy Zhmurenko
During a meeting with students V. Zhmurenko dwelt in detail on the problems of the development of foreign economic activity and international partnership in the economic sphere between Ukraine and the EU in the post-war and post-war periods; emphasized the role of regional chambers of commerce and industry in the formation of a new system of economic diplomacy; shared the experience of establishing relations with foreign partners and talked about international projects that are currently being implemented with the initiative and participation of DCCI. Particular attention was paid to the importance and relevance of training specialists in international economics for the development of foreign economic activities of Ukraine and its regions. At the end of the meeting with the head of the department and guarantors of educational programs, prospects and directions of further cooperation were discussed.
Education 10.07.2023.
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Newly took place the International scientific conference of "Second Galchinsky reading" in the National institute of strategic researches (Kyiv), what been the base of scientific-research establishment of scientifically-analytical maintenance for activity of President of Ukraine and the Council of national security and defensive of Ukraine, by a consultative-deliberative organ for President of Ukraine. The aim of conference is development of the scientifically-methodological guarantee of state strategies and politics in the conditions of global post-industrial transformations.
With scientific lectures took places the statements on the plenary meeting : by Sergey Pirozhkov is academician of NAS of Ukraine, vice-president of NAS of Ukraine, Andrii Hrytsenko is academician of NAS of Ukraine, deputy director of GO "Institute of economics and prognostication of NAS of Ukraine", Pavlo Hajducky is academician NAAS Ukraine, director of Institute of strategic estimations, Ella Libanova of academician is NAS of Ukraine, academician-secretary of Department of economics of NAS of Ukraine, director of Institute of demography and problems of quality of life of NAS of Ukraine, Victor Tarasevych is corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, head of department of the Ukrainian state university of science and technologies, Igor Liutyi is corresponding member NAS of Ukraine, head of a department Kyiv national university the name Taras Shevchenko, Yaroslav Zhalilo is doctor economic science, senior staff scientist, deputy of director of the National institute of strategic researches and other scientists. The theme of lecture of V. Tarasevych is the "Smart economics how component of foundation of national grow".
With direct translation and materials of conference there is possible familiarization per by next reference:
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New results of collaboration of department of IEPEG with stakeholders.
Agreement about a cooperation between the National metallurgical academy and TOV "UKRLYVMASH", initiated by the department of international economy, political economy and governance, it is signed in June 2020.
"UKRAYINSKA LYVARNA MASHYNA" - limited liability company. Activities: 46.09 - wholesale of other machinery and equipment (main), 41.10, 43.33, 46.14, 46.74, 46, 75, 70.22, 71.12 (other).
Education 22.07.2020.
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On January 29, 2021, the defense of master's theses of the educational and professional program "International Economics".
On January 29, 2021, the defense of master's theses of the educational and professional program "International Economics", accredited by the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance, took place. We sincerely congratulate our masters: Igor Babutsky, Anastasia Varshavskaya, Vadim Dyadichko, Bogdan Naumenko, Anastasia Pimonenko and Vitaly Terentyev! We wish you further professional success on their path in life! The high quality of the prepared theses is the result of the talent and hard work of the undergraduates, as well as the care and competence of their scientific advisers: prof. Tarasevich V., prof. Belotserkovtsa V., prof. Lebedeva V., assoc. Letucha O., assoc. Leonidova I., to whom we express our sincere gratitude!
Staff of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance.
Education 02.02.2021.
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Monograph of "Strategic choice of Dnepropetrovschina" with co-author prof. Tarasevich V. went out from printing.
Head of department IEPEG prof. Tarasevich V. is the co-author of "p.1.1. Trends of independent Ukraine : actual contexts and imperatives of socio-economic reforms" of monograph the "Strategic choice of Dnepropetrovschina : from modern realities to the desirable future: monograph / per com. end sсien. ed. I. Chicarenco, T. Mamatova. - Dnipro: GRIGG NAGG, 2021. - 162 p".
Science 04.02.2021.
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Congratulations to V.Tarasevych with the receipt of Diploma of member-correspondent of NAS of Ukraine !
The diploma was handed by President of NAS of Ukraine academician of NAS of Ukraine to Zagorodnij Anatolij.
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A new achievement on the tuition field - the textbook of "History of economic doctrines" (3th edition).
The textbook was written with the collectives of tutors of department of international economy and social-humanitarian disciplines of SSI "Institute of industrial and business of technologies" of the Ukrainian state university of science and technologies, National technical university "Dnepr poly-technique", University of custom business and finances, and also by the scientists of GO “Institute for economics and forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine”.
By the textbook were opened series of education-academic editions of "ACADEMY AND EDUCATION".
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1) 14 Decembers of 2020 took place the presentation of Program took place for initiatives of the Dnepr chamber of trade and industrial (DCTI).
2) Possibilities of development of co-operation relations with Germany and Europe on the whole came into question in partitions:
a business-workshop is "Co-operation Ukraine - Germany, facts and trends"; expert discussion "How to put right and develop successful partnership with the German colleagues"; review "Successful projects with the German partners: in what secrets of success"?.
In accordance with the agreement about a collaboration between NMetAU and DCTI in-process the professionally oriented presentation took part Ihor Leonidov is associate professor of department IEPEG, Anna Zabrodska, Ihor Karetnikov, Olga Krasnorucka, Jana Litvinenko is student-magisters of department IEPEG, Dmytro Bilotserkivets, Aliona Nechipas is student-bachelor departments of IEPEG.
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1) 02 Decembers of 2020 took place the on-line conference of "POKRYTAN of READING".
2) ХVІ Allukrainian scientific-practical conference the "Actual problems of development of economic theory in the conditions of globalization" was sanctified to the 100year from the day of birth of professor A.Pokrytan and conducted on the base of the Odesa national economic university.
In the plenary sitting of conference took participate professor V.Tarasevich with a lecture "Concerning development of method of ascent from abstract to concrete".
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Participating in the International scientific-practical conference "Economics in the conditions of digital transformation: prospects of development in ХХІ century".
Head of the department IESHD, doctor of econ. sci., professor., corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine, Tarasevych V. came forward at the International scientific-practical conference "Economics in the conditions of digital transformation: prospects of development in ХХІ century".
A west took place on the base of the State trade and economic university on May, 16, 2024.
Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines
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Our colleague in the editorial college of journal of Economy Ukraine.
Head of the department IESHD, doctor of econ. sci., professor., corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine Tarasevych V. entered in the complement of the renewed editorial board of journal of Economy Ukraine.
Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines
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First defence the diploma of master's degree took place.
Congratulations to the Stanislav Savchuk with excellent defence the diploma of master's degree!
Education 28.01.2020.
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Elect future specialty consciously.
On November, 12 in 2024 associate professor of department IESHD Leonidov Ihor met with the seniors of school №5 and informed them of specialties per by that tuitions in the Ukrainian state university of science and technologies. It was accented on advantages of specialty 051 is Economy at the educational program of the "International economics".
Informing of schoolchildren of senior class of school № 5 became accessible and comfortable, thanking to Svitlana Papusha - deputy of director from educational-educator work.
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Congratulations to tutors of department IEPEG with the publication in scientific base of Scopus!
Next article was published in the journal "International of Journalof Global Environmental Issues", what have the indexing in the Scopus:
- Bilotserkivets, V., Tarasevich, V. Develomentof economy digitalization: global and national dimensions in the pre-COVID and post-pandemic world. International Journalof Global Environmental Issues, 2022, 21 (2-4), pp. 276-302. (Scopus).
Science 16.11.2022
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Salutation of department of IEPEG with Day of knowledge and inception of new tuition year!
Respected teachers and expensive students!
Sincerely we congratulate you with Day of knowledge and inception of new tuition year!
Collective of department of international economy, political economy and governance will puts many efforts for tuition of economic elite of Ukraine. It means that the graduating students of department of IEPEG become not only highly skilled economists but also able and effective proprietors of our independent state and own life.
Dear future students of department of IEPEG and Your Parents, you indisputably right, that chose the educational program "International economy". The collective of department of IEPEG notarizes you, that we will attach a maximum of efforts for a grant to you the greatest quality of university education that leans against the newest human-dimensional knowledge. Teachers of department of IEPEG is ready together with you making such integral knowledge within the borders of educational process.
Once again sincerely we thank you for Your correct determining choice!
With kind regards,
collective of department of IEPEG NMETAU.
Education 01.09.2021.
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On Mays, 21-23, 2024 on the economic faculty of the Kyiv national university of the name of Taras Shevchenko took place the International forum of EFBM 3.0 "Economy. Finances. Business. Management. From renewal to the increase". V. Tarasevych came forward on the research section of forum. Theme of lecture : knowledge-informatively-digital revolution and smart-economics".
Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines
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The day of cathedra.
In conformity with the plan of measures for organization of professional orientation in 2022-2023 academic year on the cathedra of IESHD the acting head of the cathedra V. Tarasevich, a professor H. Zavhorodnia and associate professor O. Faizova conducted the "Day of cathedra" with upperclassman of schools and parents of GES № 8, GE № 134 of humanistic studies and education, of lyceum № 142 named of Pierre de Kuberten, GES № 69, GES № 50, SPC № 66. Measures took place in the mode of video-conferences at the end of March and at the beginning of April. Future university entrants and their parents got exhaustive information on the competitive advantages of the educational programs of "International economics" (specialty of 051 - Economics) on the cathedra where are tutoring of bachelors and master's degrees, prospects of employment, conditions of entry to USUST and studies.
Education 17.04.2023.
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On October 19, 2022, the first organizational meeting of first-year undergraduates of the educational and professional program "International Economics" took place.
On October 19, 2022, the first organizational meeting of first-year undergraduates of the educational and professional program "International Economics" took place. Particular attention was paid to the rules of procedure in Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, the content and structure of the website of the department, on-line distance learning platforms, the main points of the educational process, control and evaluation of students' knowledge. After that, undergraduates had the opportunity to get acquainted with the base of elective disciplines of the educational program "International Economics" and determine the preferences in the formation of individual educational trajectories.
Education 21.11.2022.
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On September 2, 2024, a master’s meeting was held with the head of the department of international economics and social and humanitarian disciplines Tarasevich Viktor Mykolayovych. He congratulated the future graduates on the start of practice and wished them successful application of knowledge and development of their professional skills.
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October 2022 turned out to be rich in scientific events for teachers and students of the Department of International Economy, Political Economy and Governance.
For teachers and students of the Department of International Economy, Political Economy and Governance, October 2022 turned out to be rich in scientific events. With their participation, the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Development Strategy of Ukraine: Financial, Economic and Humanitarian Aspects" (October 17, 2022, Kyiv) and the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Accounting, Control and Analysis in the Conditions of Institutional Changes" took place (October 27, 2022, Poltava). Graduate students of the department have finally decided on the directions of scientific research and topics of dissertation works. At the meeting of the student scientific circle "Economic Systems: National and International Dimensions" the report of the master's student M. Burkovsky "Optimization of the export activity of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine" was heard.
Science 21.11.2022.
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The head of the department of international economics and social and humanitarian disciplines Viktor Mykolayovych Tarasevych met with the first-year students and congratulated them on the start of the new academic year.
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On September 21, 2020, the first organizational meeting of first-year undergraduates of the educational program "International Economics" took place.
Guarantor of the educational program, Prof. V. Tarasevych addressed a welcoming introductory speech to the audience. Speakers: Acting Chairman of the Student Self-Government Council of the Academy A. Matviychuk, curator of the group Assoc. I. Leonidov, Assoc. N. Tkachenko with an invitation to students to join the active work of the research group "Economic Systems: National and International Dimensions", Prof. O. Zavhorodnіa with the presentation of selective professional disciplines’ base of the educational program "International Economics".
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Collaboration of department of IEPEG with stakeholders.
Agreement about a cooperation between the National metallurgical academy of Ukraine and Dnepropetrovsk trade and industrial chamber, initiated by the department of international economy, political economy and governance, it is signed in December 2019.
Dnepropetrovsk trade and industrial chamber is the non-government not profitable self-governance organization, what on basis of voluntary incorporated legal entities, citizens-businessmen, and also their unions. Dnepropetrovsk TIC have interest in the graduating students of department of IEPEG, able to work in subdivisions: foreign economic ties and investments, certification, expertise of commodities, and also commodities of double-duty, custom services of and other.
Information 12.01.2020.
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The department of IEPEG registers the new objects of intellectual ownership.
In December, 2019 the teachers of department of IEPEG was appropriated an authorial certificates on next monographs:
"Fundamental economic science: universal contents and development", "Innovative - informative economy: contents, dynamics, regulation", "Eurointegration measuring of national economy of Ukraine".
The authorial certificates was appropriated for next teachers of department of IEPEG:
- Tarasevych Victor per monograph of "Fundamental economic science: universal contents and development";
- Tarasevych Victor, Bilotserkivets Volodymyr, Zavhorodnia Olena, Lebedeva Valentyna, Leonidov Igor, Jaseva Margaret per monograph of "Innovative - informative economy: contents, dynamics, regulation";
- Tarasevych Victor, Bilotserkivets Volodymyr, Zavhorodnia Olena, Lebedeva Valentyna, Zolotaryova Olga, Leonidov Igor,
Letucha Oleksandra, Tkachenko Natalia, Alsufjeva Olena, Tkachenko Elias per monograph of "Eurointegration measuring of national economy of Ukraine".
Science 12.01.2020.
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Day of the unclosed doors of USUST - on March, 4.
Collectives of department of International economics and social-humanitarian disciplines and students, that study on the educationally-professional program "International economy" (specialty of 051- economics) was associated with university entrants, their parents and friends in relation to content and aims of the program, prospects and competitive possibilities of our graduating students, them the special place and role in post-war development of Ukraine and his Eurointegration.
Education 07.03.2023.
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1) Gathering of Ukrainian Association of economists-international.
2) 23 Decembers, 2020 took place the on-line gathering of Ukrainian Association of economists-specialists (UАЕI) were under review results of the work of association per 3 last years and directions of her future activity.
Мember of Council of association was selected V.Tarasevich, d.e.s., professor the head of department IEPEG.
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School-book "Philosophy and methodology of economic science" is the object of intellectual ownership!
In February, 2020 the teachers of department of IEPEG was appropriated an authorial certificate on school-book "Philosophy and methodology of economic science". - Dnipro: PME "Economy", 2019, - 160 p.
Certificate on registration of authorship rights on intellectual product is 93928 from 13.11.2019. Authorship rights on ownership belong to Tarasevych Victor, Bilocerkivetc Volodimir, Lebedeva Valentyna, Leonidov Igor, Letucha Oleksandra, Zavhorodnia Olena, Tkachenko Natalia.
Education 27.02.2020.
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VIII international scientific and practical conference the «Innovations: from a theory to practice» took place at October 21-22, 2021 on the base the JSC of "Brest scientifically-technological park" and SO the Brest state technical university.
Education 09.11.2021.
Cofounders of scientific and practical conference are:
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine (Dnepr)
Committee of economy of the Brest regional executive committee (Brest, Republic of Belarus)
JSC of "Brest scientific and technical park" (Brest, Republic of Belarus)
An economic faculty of SO of "Brest state technical university" (Brest Republic of Belarus)
GSO "Institute of business of the Belarussian state university" (Minsk, Republic of Belarus)
Academy of Labour and Social Relations (Moscow, Russian Federation)
An university of Maria is Curie of Sclodovscky, economic faculty (Люблин, Republic of Poland)
Institute of building and architecture of the name V. Shumilov of the Izhevsk state technical university of the name М.Т. Калашникова (Izhevsk, Russian Federation)
Warsaw polytechnic university, management (Warsaw, Republic of Poland) faculty
State higher технико-экономическая school (Yaroslav, Republic of Poland)
Higher State School in Biala-Podliaska (Biala-Podliaska Republic of Poland) Public Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Republic of Poland)
Perm national research polytechnic university (Perm, Russian Federation)
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Congratulations on the award!

Professor of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance Olena Zavhorodnia was awarded a diploma for high indicators of scientific and pedagogical activity in the 2020-2021 academic year. For the second year in a row she have took the second place in the year ranking among professors of NMеtAU.
Information 16.01.2022.
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Took part in interview of international project Erasmus+.
Student of group EK02-16m Frolov I. took part in the Allukrainian online-questioning of "Valued orientations of the Ukrainian student", what was conducted of APREI into rank of international project Erasmus+.
A project Erasmus+ is the direction of name Jan Mone : 620395 - EPP - 1-2020-1 - UA - EPPJMO - SUPPA "EU-East partnership: the Future ways of activation of combined initiatives academic and civil Community in Ukraine".
The main result of research of Ukrainian Association of Tutors and Researchers of European Integration (APREI) will be development of effective strategy of communication of the European's valued orientations of the Ukrainian students.
Education 20.04.2021
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On October 10, 2022, a regular meeting of Quality Assurance Groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" took place.
On October 10, 2022, a regular open meeting of Quality Assurance Groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" (bachelor's and master's levels) took place. Within the agenda, the following issues were discussed: 1) results of the entering company 2022-2023 and the dynamics of the contingent of education programs (EPs) of the department; 2) updating and forming the base of selective disciplines of professional training’s cycle for the EPs in 2022-2023; 3) directions of strengthening the practical component of applicants' training; 3) direct form of practical warehousing preparation of goods; 4) analysis of educational and methodological support of software compulsory educational components and their updating in accordance with the recommendations of stakeholders; 5) others: innovations in the organization of execution, defense and assessment of final qualification papers.
Information 11.10.2022.
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Successful completion and results of pre-diploma practice.
On September 30, 2022, the defence of the reports on the pre-diploma practice of the department's master's students took place and its results were summarized. All students coped with the tasks in time, collected sufficient materials for the completion of final qualification papers and received favourable reviews from the supervisors based on the results of the practice. The penultimate step on the way to obtaining the high educational degree "Master of Economics" within the educational program "International Economics" has been successfully completed.
Information 11.10.2022.
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1) The article of professors of department of IEPEG went out from printing in the newspaper "Staff of metallurgy".
2) The article of professors of department of IEPEG of O. Zavhorodnіa and V. Lebedeva the "Tuition of international-economists in NMetAU: by sure steps in the future" went out from printing in 10-th number the newspaper "Staff of metallurgy" per December 2020.
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We invite students of higher education and young scientists to participate in the conference.
The Ukrainian Association of International Economists, with the participation of partnerі-universities, invites young scientists, graduate students and students to take part in the 33rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Transformation of Economic Systems and Institutions in New Geostrategic Realities", which will be held on November 28-29, 2022.
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Information 11.10.2022.
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Organizational sitting of students of group EK902-15m, what devoted organizations and realizations of pre-diploma of practice.
According to the graphic of educational process of students of absentia faculty of gr. EK902-15m, what study per EKL "Master's degree" of speciality 051 is Economy of SP the "International economy", were directed for passing of pre-diploma practice from September, 01 for September, 27 in 2021 on NMetAU, department of international economy, political economy and governance, Dnepr.
01.09.2021 on the department of international economy, political economy and management was sitting the students-masters, where themes of final works and leaders of practice was confirmed.
Education 03.09.2021.
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On March, 11 the department of IESHD took part in a video-conference "Day of profession".
Meeting with university entrants and graduating students of the department of economics and management of IIBT USUST organized the acting of dean Olena BOZHANOVA. The acting of head of cathedra of international economy and social-humanitarian disciplines a professor Victor ТАРАСЕВИЧ was presented the educational programs of "International economy" (specialty of 051 Economics), for tuition of students of bachelors and master's degrees. In the organizational meetings took parts other cathedra of the department and the guarantors of the educational programs, that told about the own specialities and educational programs, prospects of employment and competitive edges of graduating students, answered the question of guests of conference.
Education 13.03.2023.
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Competitive Election of the Head of the Department.
On November 22, 2023, a meeting of the labor team of the department was held. As part of the agenda, there was issue "Consideration and provision of a recommendation for the selection of an applicant, Doctor of Economics, Prof. Victor Tarasevych, to fill the vacant position of the head of the department of International Economics and Social-Humanitarian disciplines of the faculty of economy and management of the SSI IIBT USUST. During lively discussions, Prof. V. Bilotserkivets, prof. I. Pobochyi, prof. V. Lebedevа and Assoc. Prof. O. Faizova gave a favorable description of the applicant and positively evaluated the strategic program for the development of the department offered to them. According to the results of a secret vote, a decision was made to recommend the candidacy of V. Tarasevych for election to the post of head of the department of the IESHD.
Later, on the same day, Prof. V. Tarasevych received support and appropriate recommendations from colleagues and students - delegates to the conference of the labor team of the Faculty of Economy and Management.
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28 Decembers of 2020 took place the unified sitting of department of IEPEG and groups of providing of quality of the educational programs of the department.
On December 28, 2020, a joint meeting of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance and Groups of quality assurance of department’ educational programs took place. Attention was focused on the final results of the accreditation examination of the master's educational program "International Economics" and a plan of measures to improve the educational process according the NAQA’s recommendations.
Education 07.01.2021.
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Composition of editorial board of journal of "Problem of economy and political economy" is renewed.
Composition of editorial board revived in accordance with the requirements of including of journal in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine.
The members of Editorial board were become:
Bazhal Yurii, d. e. s., prof.,
National university of «Kyiv Mohyla academy»;
Bazilevych Viktor, corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine, d. e. s., prof., Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv;
Bilotserkives Volodymyr, d. e. s., prof.,
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine (deputy editor);
Bodrov Volodymyr, d. e. s., prof.,
University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine;
Vahonova Oleksandra, d. e. s., prof.,
Dnipro University of Technology;
Hritsenko Andrii, corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine, d. e. s., prof., «Institute of economics and forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine»;
Dovbnia Svitlana, d. e. s., prof.,
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine;
Zavhorodnia Olena, d. e. s., prof.,
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine;
Zadorozhny Grigory, d. e. s., prof.,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
Zveriakov Mychailo, corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine, d. e. s., prof., Odessa national economic university;
Izdebski Waldemar, dr hab. inz., prof. nzw.,
Warsaw University of Technology, Republic of Poland;
Kovalchuk Kostiantyn, d. e. s., prof.,
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine;
Kozenkov Dmytro, с. e. s., prof.,
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine;
Korol Hrihoreta, c. e. s., prof.,
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine;
Lebedeva Valentyna, c. e. s., prof.,
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine;
Moskalenko Oleksandra, d. e. s., prof.,
Kyiv national economic university named after Vadym Hetman
Savchuk Larisa, c. e. s., prof.,
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine;
Soloviy Ihor, d. e. s., prof.,
Ukrainian National Forestry University;
Tarasevich Viktor, d. e. s., prof.,
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine (editor-in-chief);
Shynkaruk Lidiia, corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine, d. e. s., prof., National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine;
Yakovenko Larisa, d. e. s., prof.,
Poltava national pedagogical university named after V. G. Korolenko (deputy editor);
The members of international Editorial board were become:
Aliiev Urak, d. e. s., prof.,
Educational corporation «Turan», university «Turan-Astana», Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan;
Bilorus Oleg, academician of the NAS of Ukraine, d. e. s., prof., «Institute of economics and forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine»;
Habber Jusef Antoniy, d. e. s., prof., WSB University in Poznan, Republic of Poland;
Heiets Valerii, academician of the NAS of Ukraine, d. e. s., prof., «Institute of economics and forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine»;
Lemeshchenko Petr, d. e. s., prof.,
Belarusian state university, Minsk, Republic of Belarus;
Savchuk Volodymyr, corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine, d. e. s., prof.,
Kyiv national economic university named after Vadym Hetman;
Slusarczyk Boguslav, d. e. s., prof.,
University of Rzeszow, Republic of Poland.
Science 01.04.2020.
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Monograph of "Digital dimension of innovation-information economy" went out from printing.
The monograph was written into the limits of the European project per a program of Erasmus + "Strengthening the role of OHE at trade in industrial transformation in the context of the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine" 609939-ERR-1-2019-1-BE-ERRKA2-SVNE-J.
Science 12.01.2021.
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The focus of attention is on improving the professional skills of the department's teachers.
Acting Head of the Department, professor Viktor Tarasevych, passed the online form of advanced training according to the program of the All-Ukrainian seminar "Social and health-saving educational industry: features of the proceedings", which took place on April 12, 2023. Theoretical-methodical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of participation in the program will be useful for the implementation of educational activities and training of applicants in the specialty 051 - Economics from the field of knowledge 05 - Social and behavioral sciences.
Education 05.06.2023
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1) 02 March of 2021 per initiatives of the Dnepr chamber of trade and industrial (DCTI) took place the virtual B2B event of «The 2nd Edition of Virtual Qatar Matchmaking Event 2021».
2) In a measure of "New possibility is from the network of Enterprise Europe Network!" was united the producers and organizations per different directions: building, build materials, chemicals and electrical equipments; plastic and packing; foods and drinks; paper industry; commodities of folk consumption; pharmaceutics, health protection, medical equipment; startups.
In accordance with the agreement about a collaboration between NMetAU and DCTI in-process the professionally oriented presentation took part Ihor Leonidov is associate professor of department IEPEG, Anna Zabrodska, Ihor Karetnikov, Jana Litvinenko is student-magisters of department IEPEG.
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Support and development of cooperation and friendly relations with colleagues from the University of Customs and Finance.
On April 25, 2023, the head of the department, Professor Viktor Tarasevych took part in an open personal exposition and presentation of the scientific achievements of the honored scientist and engineer of Ukraine, the developer of legislative acts on issues of shareholder management and investment activity, the head of the Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activities, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Yurii Petrunia. In his speech, Prof. V. Tarasevich spoke about the successfully implemented joint projects for the preparation of textbooks and teaching aids, highlighted the main scientific achievements of his colleague, paying considerable attention to the philosophy and principles with which the host of the solemn meeting realizes his brilliant talent as a scientist.
Education 05.06.2023.
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1-th tournament of the Allukrainian olympiad from discipline the "Economic theory" and "International economy" is conducted on September, 22, 2020 in 09-45 in room 302.
With the aim of upgrading of education of skilled specialists, search of the gifted student young people, stimulation of them creative labour and account of the personal trajectory of development the students of faculty of economy and management of NMetAU took part in 1-th tournament of the Allukrainian olympiad from an economic theory and international economics.
Among 51 participants was selected three winners:
the first place was got by the students of ІІ of course : Bloshko Nikita (FK01-19), Didus Aliks (EK01-19);
second place was taken the by the student of ІІ of course : Moiseev Maxim (OA01-19).
Welcome Bloshko Nikita and Didus Aliks with victory and wish deservingly to present НМетАУ during realization of ІІ of turn of the Allukrainian olympiad from an economic theory, that will take place on the base of the Odesa national university of the name of І.І. Мечникова on April, in 2021.
Education 15.10.2020.
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1) Congratulations to tutors of department IEPEG with the publication in scientific base of Scopus!
2) In 2020 the next articles was published in the scientific base of Scopus :
- d.e.s., prof. O. Zavhorodnіa "Use of balanced scorecard for enterprise competitiveness assessment" //Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. – 2020. – Vol. 11. - №2 (48). - P.349 - 361. (Scopus)
- ph.d., as. prof. I. Leonidov "Motivating the administrative staff of agricultural enterprises during remote work during the pandemic Covid-19" // E3S Web of Conferences. - 2020. - Volume 222. - № 06017. - C. 1-6. (Scopus)
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Remote tuition at the department of IEPEG in 2020-2021 a.y.
According to the order № 79ag from 13.10.20. from October 15 to November 15, 2020 remote tuition for full-time students in the following disciplines is organized at the IEPEG department:
* Theory and methodology of modern international economy (gr. EK02-16m);
* Economic theory (gr. MН01-20);
* State and regional governance (gr. MН01-19);
* Macroeconomics (EП, EК, ФК, OA-19);
* Modern political economy (gr. ДI, EП, EК, ФК, OA -20);
* Modern economic theories (gr. EП, EК, ФК, OA -18);
* International strategies of economic development (gr.EK02-16m);
* Governance of international competitiveness and foreign economic activity (gr. EK02-16m).
In the process of distance learning at the Department of IEPEG platform is used
Google Classroom (
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And one more step closer to the goal. Summarizing the results of pre-diploma practice of bachelor students.
On May 1, 2023, the defense of the reports on the pre-diploma practice of the departments bachelor students took place and its results were summarized. All students have done the individual tasks in time, collected sufficient materials for the completion of final qualification papers and received favourable reviews from the supervisors based on the results of the practice. The penultimate step on the way to obtaining the high educational degree «Bachelor of Economics» within the educational program «International Economics» has been successfully completed.
Education 09.06.2023.
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Dialogues about future specialty.
On Decembers, 23 in 2024 the associate professor of department IESHD Ihor Leinidov met with the schoolchildren of "11-e" of senior class of lyceum №137 in the form of video-conference and explained the specific of specialties, per by that students tuitions in the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies. In the dialogs was accented on advantages of specialty 051 is Economics at the educational program "International economics".
Informing of schoolchildren of senior class of lyceum №137 became accessible and comfortable, thanking for Inna Lugovicka - the director of lyceum №137, for Oksana Nezhurina - class leader of "11-e" and Tetiana Shakovych - accountable for professionally-oriented work in the lyceum №137.
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We invite you to an open meeting with members of expert group for conduct of expertise accreditation. The meeting will take place in the regime of a videoconference on October 29, 2020 from 16:30 till 17:00.
To be connected to the Zoom conference:
Conference identifier: 968 6213 4388
Password: 2020
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On May 10, 2023, a regular meeting of Quality Assurance Groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" took place.
On May 10, 2023, another open meeting of quality assurance groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" (bachelor's and master's levels) was held. The following issues were discussed within the agenda: 1) improving and making changes to the OP MEK and the curriculum for the preparation of bachelors and masters based on the results of the survey and recommendations of education seekers, graduates of the program and stakeholders, and the requirements of the Regulations on the Organization of the Educational Process of USUST; 2) on the acquisition and development of social skills (soft skills) by students of higher education under the EP "International Economics"; 3) on scientific support of educational activities under the EP "International Economics" (masters’s level).
Education 09.06.2023.
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On November, 02 in 2020 took place the extraordinary sitting of GAQSP of "International economics" of tuition of master per speciality a 051 "Economics", where are considered an actual questions of accreditation expertise at the remote (to distance) regime of SPP the "International economics".
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SCIENCE Day award.
We congratulate Department’s Professor Olena Zavhorodnia as being awarded a diploma by the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine for many years of conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity. We wish her a peaceful sky, health, harmony, and strength to implement new creative ideas in scientific and educational and methodological activities.
Science 09.06.2023.
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The focus of attention is on improving the professional skills of the department's teachers.
Professor of the department Olena Zavhorodnia took part in the international training program for teachers and scientists (webinar) on the topic: "TRANSFER OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND UKRAINE" (1.5 ECTS credits), 22.05.2023 - 29.05.2023. Initiator and organization is the International Foundation of Scientists and Educators on the basis of the Research Institute of the Lublin Science and Technology Park ( Lublin, Republic of Poland). The problem area of the webinar covered the following issues: meaning, potential and forms of technology transfer in higher education; management of the transfer of educational technologies in EU countries and Ukraine; implementation of the transfer of educational technologies in the educational process. Webinar participants were also introduced to the experience of using modern online learning methods and methods of developing creative, critical and logical thinking in Polish universities.
Education 09.06.2023.
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Cathedra of IESHD was presented in "Dnipro Education Cite 2023".
Education 09.06.2023.
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1) Undergraduate of IEPEG successfully completes internship at Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration.
2) Positive feedback was received about the work of the undergraduate of the group EK902-14m Savchuk S.V. during pre-diploma practice at the Office for Investment and Business Deregulation of the Department of Economic Development of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration.
3) Undergraduate group EK902-14m Savchuk S.V. held pre-diploma practice at the Office for Investment and Business Deregulation of the Department of Economic Development of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration from September 3, 2019 to September 29, 2019. Savchuk S.V. He was involved in the ongoing activities of the Office for Investment and Business Deregulation, demonstrated a good level of theoretical training, carried out all the instructions of the head of practice in full, on time and in good faith, was responsible and inquisitive, showed his abilities and desire to work in his specialty. His program of undergraduate practice is completed in full, all the necessary materials for writing the final qualifying work are collected.
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Sitting of scientific groups of students.
Report of students of gr. EK-02-19 Korg A. "Priority directions of international commercialization of objects of intellectual students" was recommended for a publication after the reworking of remarks.
17.02.2020 and 18.02.2020 sitting of student scientific groups took place the "European labour-market" and "Problem of commercialization of objects of intellectual ownership".
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1) Congratulation of the professor of the Department of IEPEG V.К. Lebedeva.
2) Congratulations to the professor of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance Valentina Konstantinovna Lebedeva on presenting the certificate of professor! We wish you further success!
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1) IEPEG Department develops cooperation with potential employers.
2) On the initiative of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Management, in September 2019, a cooperation agreement was signed between the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and the research and production company “Kosh”.
3) Earlier, during 2018-2019 such agreements were concluded between the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and LLC “Research Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science”, LLC “Dnepr-Interstal”, LLC of auditing company KAUPERVUD, LLC «Dneprovsky Special Pipe Plant», and a private diversified enterprise «Economy».
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1) Acknowledgment was given to the Head of the Master's Degree Practice of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance.
2) The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine thanked Svetlana Borisovna Lagutenko, Head of the Department of Investment Activities and Business Deregulation of the Department of Economic Development of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Government Administration per the professional management of prediploma practice, attentive attitude to international undergraduates of the EK-902-14m group and active cooperation with the academy and Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance.
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Textbook of "Economy and business" went out from printing.
In the publishing house of "University book" of Sumy government university went out from printing a textbook of "Economy and business"(ukr.), among the authors of what d.е.s., prof. Tarasevich V. and ph.d., as. prof. Riabceva N.
Education 18.03.2021.
The contents of textbook is represents the modern problems and influence of economic laws on entrepreneurial activity of businesses. The questions of functioning of the economic systems on the market, and also bring partition, what light up the specific of governance of transformation processes, was looked. In particular, the questions of development of enterprise, introduction of innovations, initiation of business processes, and also other actual in today's conditions the materials, are examined in them.
A textbook was intended for teachers and students, and also can be used by the headers of enterprises, specialists and businessmen as scientifically-educational material.
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«Dniepr plant special pipe» Kurilenko P.V.
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Creation of the Department of "International Economics and Social-Humanitarian Disciplines".
On February 1, 2023, Order No77 dated November 14, 2022 "About the Optimization of Departments and Faculties of the University" entered into force in parts of the creation of the Department of "International Economics and Social-Humanitarian Disciplines" at the Faculty of Economics and Management through the reorganization of the Departments of "International Economy, Political Economy and Governance" and "Philosophy and Political Sciences".
Information 15.02.2023.
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1) Active cooperation with stakeholders continues.
2) November 19, 2019 an open lecture was held on the discipline "International Economics", in which the head of the personnel management department of the LLC company “Metal-Courier” Meshkova I.V. took part and spoke.
3) Students received interesting information about the practical experience of organizing the international economic activity of domestic enterprises in the metallurgical industry, which will help to increase the level of their most important professional competencies.
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1) Administration of NMetAU marked the achievements of department of IEPEG per 2018-2019 academic year.
2) The results of activity of department of "International Economics, Political Economy and Governance" received a high rating at the level of university administration of NMetAU.
3) Among basic achievements was marked: high scientifically-pedagogical indicators at education of highly skilled specialists among general-scientific and humanitarian departments. A diploma was handed to the collective of the department by rector NMetAU, by member of NAS of Ukraine - A.G. Velichko.
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Congratulations to Masters of EP “International economics” with the successful defense of their final qualifying theses!
On January 28, 2022, the third defense of the final qualifying theses of masters who studied under the educational and professional program "International Economics" took place. According to the results of the defense, the Examination Commission chaired by the director of PE "Dnipro-Interstal" Ye. Samoilenko noted that the presented master's theses were performed at the appropriate professional level with the use of modern information technologies, methods of economic research, project analysis and management decision-making methods. The topics of graduation works are diverse and relevant, taking into account current issues, trends and development of international economic activity. We sincerely congratulate our masters: Anna Zabrodska, Igor Karetnokov, Ol'ga Korsunska, Yana Litvinenko and Anthony Odnorog! We wish you further professional success on their path in life! The high quality of the prepared theses is the result of the talent and hard work of the undergraduates, as well as the care and competence of their scientific advisers: prof. Tarasevich V., prof. Belotserkovtsa V., prof. Savhorodnia O., prof. Lebedeva V., assoc. Leonidova I., to whom we express our sincere gratitude!
Staff of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance.
Education 03.02.2022.
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1) Awarded with a diploma Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Economics of Economics Zolotaryova O.V.
2) Olga Vladimirovna Zolotareva, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance, was awarded a
diploma for high performance in the 2018-2019 academic year.
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1) The first steps on the scientific path.
2) On October 8, 2019, with the participation of first-year students of the Faculty of Economics and Management, a joint meeting of student scientific groups of the department was held.
3) At the meeting, students got acquainted with the leading areas of modern scientific research in the field of international economics, topics and results of scientific developments of the Department of Economics and Economics, received comprehensive information about the benefits, possible directions and forms of their participation in research work. Particular attention during the speech of the head of the department, Doctor of Economics, prof. Tarasevich V.N. It was devoted to the ethics of scientific research, the fundamentals of the policy of maintaining academic integrity, in particular to the procedures for preventing and countering plagiarism.
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Participating in ІІІ Dnepr economic forum DEF'21.
18-19 November in 2021 took place the regional international economic forum of DEF (DniproEconomicForum), what organized by Dnepropetrovsk regional government administration with participation of the Dnepropetrovsk trade and industrial chamber.
The problems of economic development of Ukraine and world, business strategies, came into question in the conditions of vagueness, government economic policy and recipes of success of innovations in Ukraine was discussed on the forum.
In a forum over 100 speakers took part from Ukraine, ЕС, Turkey, USA, Canada.
From a department IEPEG took part in ІІІ the Dnepr economic forum of DEF'21 professors V.Tarasevich, V.Lebedeva, associate professor of I.Leonidov and students of daily and extra-mural forms of educating.
Education 21.11.2021.
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1) Undergraduates from the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance are invited to take part in the forum “Technological breakthrough: the role of small and medium-sized innovative, high-tech companies in the Ukrainian economy"
2) On October 22, 2019, from 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., with the support of the Dnipropetrovsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the forum "Technological breakthrough: the role of small and medium innovative, high-tech companies in the Ukrainian economy" will be held. Undergraduates of the Department of IEPEG and all comers are invited. You can familiarize yourself with the forum program and
register here:
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Allukrainian scientific and technical conference of students and young scientists the "Young academy - 2021" (on Mays, 21-22 in 2021, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine, Dnepr).
Per results of work of section the "Economic theory and international economy" by Allukrainian scientific and technical conference of students and young of scientists the "Young academy - 2021" (on Mays, 21-22 in 2021, National metallurgical academy of Ukraine, Dnepr) were the awarding of Diplomas of I and ІІ degrees per the best report, namely:
Bilan Darya (EK02-19) "Problems of reformation of accounting policy of national enterprises that carry out international economic activity" (guidance Letucha A.) - Diploma of I of degree;
Levenec Dmitry. (EP01-19) "Actual problems of national economy and strategic directions of their decision" (guidance prof. Bilocerkivetc V.) are Diploma of ІІ degree.
Science 20.07.2021.
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1) The journal of "Problems of economy and political economy" was annotated in database of Index Copernicus.2) Журнал «Проблемы экономики и политической экономии» позитивно прошел процесс оценивания и проиндексирован в базе данных ICI Journals Master List на 2018 год.
2) The magazine „Problems economy and political economy” has passed the evaluation process positively and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2018.
3) Based on the information submitted in the evaluation and the analysis of the issues of the journal from 2018, Index Copernicus Experts calculated for journal Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2018. ICV 2018 = 74.94.
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Collaboration with foreign stakeholders.
25 May of 2021 per initiatives of the Dnipro chamber of trade and industrial (DCTI) took place the on-line training of "On-line instruments of foreign trade. Trade information and national features of collaboration with foreign partners" on the platform of ZOOM. In accordance with the agreement about a collaboration between NMetAU and DCTI in-process the professionally oriented training took part Ihor Leonidov is associate professor of department IEPEG, Anton Odnorog, Anna Zabrodska, Ihor Karetnikov is students-magister of department IEPEG.
Education 20.07.2021.
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1) School-book "Government regulation of economy" is the object of intellectual ownership!
2) The governance of government registrations from Department of intellectual ownership of Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine considered the reports of teachers of department of IEPEG professors of Zavhorodnia H., Lebedeva V., associate professor Letucha O. about entry of data to the Government register of certificates for registration of authorship rights on intellectual product.
3) Number of certificates on registration of authorship rights on intellectual product - 78926, 78927 from 10.05.2018. Authorship rights on ownership belong to the National metallurgical academy of Ukraine. An entered of data in the Government register of certificates for registration of authorship rights on intellectual product from 10.05.2018 was confirmed at publication of "Authorship and allied rights". - K., 2018, Official bulletin № 49. - С. 390-391.
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Conducted an unified sitting of GPQSP the "International economy".
At the joint session of the quality assurance groups of educational programs «International Economics» (Bachelor's, Master's) the directions of the implementation of the principles of student-centred learning in the process of preparing applicants for requirements of the NAHEQA were determined.
On February 5, 2020, an open joint session of quality assurance groups of educational programs «International Economics» (Bachelor's, Master's Degrees) was held. In their speeches the guarants of educational programs «International Economics» (Bachelor's, Master's Degrees) Аssociate Рrofessor O. Letucha and head of the Head of the IEPEG Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor V. Tarasevych provided comprehensive information on the summary results of students' questionnaires regarding assessment of the quality of training in educational disciplines of educational programs (EP) and assessment of the quality of teaching staff. Professor V. Lebedeva reported about academic achievements of the department’s students of the based on the results of the first half of 2019-2020. . Present students participated actively in discussing these topical issues and expressed students' suggestions for improving the content of the educational components of the EP, improving the quality of the educational process and of results of academic achievement.
At the same meeting, the program of entrance examination was approved for the education program «International Economics» (Master’s Degree) and the curriculum of the educational program «International Economics» (Bachelor's Degree) with changes and additions. According to agenda also considered the procedures for adherence and promotion of academic integrity in educational activities аnd about measures of prevention and identification of academic plagiarism in the scientific works of staff and students.
Education 25.02.2020.
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1) At the meeting of the educational-methodical seminar, the vectors for reforming the activity of the IEPEG Department under the International Economics EPP were determined according to the requirements of the NAHEQA.
2) On November 20, 2019, with the participation of students of the groups EC 02-19, EC902-14-M, EC02-15-M, a meeting of the educational-methodical seminar of the Department IEPEG "Methodical problems of preparation for self-assessment of EPP "International Economics".
3) Associate Professors Letucha O., Zolotareva O., Leonidov I., Tkachenko N. provided comprehensive information on the student-centered approach and trajectory of individual learning at EPP "International Economics", on soft skills, academic virtue and plagiarism prevention procedures. Particular attention during the speech Head of the Department IEPEG Doctor of Economics, prof. Tarasevych V. was devoted to the issues of educational environment at NMetAU. Students Kohan A., Terentyev V. and Belan D. took an active part in discussing these pressing issues.
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15.01.2020 the excursion of students-master's took place on SPE "Ukrtruboizol".
Students were acquainted with the specifics of technological and economic processes of SPE "Ukrtruboizol", that is one of leaders of market of anticorrosive coats.
Education 16.01.2020.
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1) Cooperation of the Department of IEPEG with stakeholders is expanding.
2) On the initiative of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance, in November 2019, a cooperation agreement was signed between the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and the scientific and production Enterprise «Polyprom».
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1) A new achievement in the cooperation of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance with stakeholders.
2) On the initiative of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance, in December 2019, a cooperation agreement was signed between the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and the State Enterprise "Production Association Southern Machine-Building Plant named of A.M. Makarova".
Education 08.12.2019.
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Distant lessons on the department IEPEG.
In 3th and 4th півсеместрах 2019-2020 н.р. on the department of МЕПЕУ the controlled from distance studies are organized for the students of daily form after next disciplines:
* Government regulation economy (гр.ЕП, ЕК, ФК, ОА-17);
* Economic theory (гр.МН-19);
* History of economy and economic things (гр.ЕП, ЕК, ФК, ОА-19);
* Microeconomics (гр.ЕП, ЕК, ФК, ОА-19);
* National economy (гр.ХТ, АП, АВ, КН, ІМ, MB, МВ-15м);
* Social economy (гр.ЕП, ЕК, ФК, ОА-18);
* Governance of changes in international business (гр.ЕК02-15м);
* Governance of international competitiveness and foreign economic activity (гр.ЕК02-15м);
* Innovative development of enterprise (гр. ЕП, ЕК, ФК, ОА-15м);
* Global economy (гр. ЕП, ЕК, ФК, ОА-15м);
* Social responsibility (гр. ЕП, ЕК, ФК, ОА-15м);
* International business and competition (гр.ЕК02-15м).
In the process of the distant studies it is foreseen on the department of IEPEG use of next platforms :
* Moodle (;
* Google Classroom (
Information 14.04.2020.
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New format of interaction with stakeholders in the context of a lockdown.
January 13-15, 2021 Dnepr chamber of trade and industrial (DCTI) took placean online international exhibition event BAUONLINE (Munich, Germany). The leading experts in the field of innovations in architecture, the latest ecological building technologies and materials became the participants of the international exhibition event BAUONLINE. On the part of NMetAU, bachelors of the departments of IEPEG took part in the work of the international exhibition event: Belan Daria, Korzh Anastasia, Khmelnitskaya Ekaterina, which contributed to the acquisition of high-quality language and professional competencies.
Education 18.01.2021
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The focus of attention is on improving the professional skills of the department's teachers.
Docent O.L. Faizova successfully completed the advanced training program, which was held at the Department of Economic Theory and International Economic Relations of Dnipro University of Technology under the supervision of Doctor of Economics, Prof. Yu.I. Pylypenko, and reported on it at the department meeting. The goal of the internship - mastering the latest achievements of economic science and methods of teaching economic disciplines, acquiring and improving relevant skills and competencies in pedagogical and scientific activities - has been achieved. Conclusions and the most significant results are improvement and modernization of the programs of study disciplines "International Economy", "International Business", "International Trade and World Markets", development of recommendations for improvement of the educational program "International Economy" (bachelor's degree), preparation for the publication of a scientific article on the issues of assessment and development of the strategic potential of the enterprise.
Education 23.03.2023.
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Another one publication in a periodical indexed in the SCOPUS scientometric database as a worthy result of the international scientific cooperation of the department's teachers.
The scientific edition «International Journal of Global Environmental Issues», indexed in the scientometric database SCOPUS, published the article "Development of economy digitalisation: global and national dimensions in the pre-COVID and post-pandemic world", prepared by an international team of authors with the participation of scientists from Ukraine, Poland and Kazakhstan. The Department of International Economics and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of USUNT as co-authors was duly presented by prof. V. Bilotserkivets and prof. V. Tarasevych. We sincerely congratulate the authors and wish them further scientific achievements and success.
Science 23.03.2023.
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2) We are waiting for the interested students to participate in the I round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in disciplines "Economic Theory" and "International Economics" at September 22, 2020 at 09-45 in the auditorium 302. Tkachenko N.
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2) We are waiting for the interested students to participate in the I round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in disciplines "Economic Theory" and "International Economics" at January 2, 2020 at 11-30 in the auditorium 201. Tkachenko N.
Students life 22.12.2019.
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The focus of attention is on improving the professional skills of the department's teachers.
Teachers of the department prof. V. Bilotserkivets, prof. O. Zavgorodnia, assoc. prof. I. Leonidov and assistant I. Tsurkanova took part in the pedagogical, educational and practical seminar on the topic "Communicative competence of the teacher" (1 ECTS credit), which was held during 27.03.23-07.04.23 by the educational and scientific center for the development of professional education of USUST. The problem area of the seminar covered the issues of practical technologies and psychological mechanisms of forming dialogic communication in the educational process of a higher school, options and ways to overcome barriers of misunderstanding in pedagogical conflicts.
Education 04.05.2023.
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Scientific achievements and results of the department's teachers were included in the international collective monograph "International security studios: managerial, economic, technical, legal, environmental, informative and psychological aspect
Викладачі кафедри - проф. В.В. Білоцерківець та проф. О.О. Завгородня прийняли участь в інтернаціональному проєкті з підготовки та видання міжнародної колективної монографії «International security studios: managerial, economic, technical, legal, environmental, informative and psychological aspects» / «Міжнародні безпекові студії: управлінські, економічні, технічні, правові, екологічні, інформаційні та психологічні аспекти». Проєкт реалізовувався за ініціативою та під очільництвом ГО «Міжнародна фундація науковців та освітян» / «International Educators and Scholars Foundation».
Science 04.05.2023.
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A significant event in the scientific life of the department was the publication of a monograph by doctor of economic sciences, professor V. Tarasevych "Knowledge-information noumena and phenomena in the economy: theoretical dimension".
In the monography results of applying the integration (activity-synergetic, noumenal-phenomenological) approach to the study of knowledge-information noumena and information-digital phenomena in the economy are presented. Based on the analysis of the types of cognitive and informational activities and their interconnections, a knowledge-information "chain" is presented, reflecting the stages of ascent from a knowledge product (noumenon) to an information-digital materialized product (phenomenon), its features and types are characterized. A retrospective of general and special theories of value is given.
For scientists, teachers, graduate students, students, civil servants, entrepreneurs, everyone interested in the problems of fundamental economic science.
Science 04.05.2023.
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1-th tournament of the Allukrainian olympiad from discipline the "Economic theory" and "International economy" is conducted on Jenuari, 2, 2020 in 11-30 in room 201.
Education 16.01.2020.
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Congratulations to V.Tarasevych with electing by the member-correspondent of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine.
On April , 25 in 2024 on General meeting of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine V.Tarasevych was selected by the member-correspondent of NAS of Ukraine on the Department of economics per by speciality the "Smart-economics".
President of NAS of Ukraine the academician Anatolii Zagorodnij declared that aspiration to provide priority development of fundamental sciences, foremost on those directions, where the Ukrainian scientists have results of world level, was put in basis of determination of specialities at electing of new members of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine.
ScienceDepartment of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines
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Certificate of accreditation of education program.
The Management of the Academy congratulates the staff of the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance with the successful completion of the accreditation examination of the master's educational and professional program "International Economics" and receiving the NAQA’s certificate valid until July 1, 2026, wishes further achievements in educational and scientific activities; expresses its sincere gratitude to all students, scientific and pedagogical staff of NMetAU and external stakeholders who were involved in the accreditation process.
Education 28.01.2021
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On November 7, 2022, a regular open meeting of quality assurance groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" (bachelor's and master's degrees) took place.
On November 7, 2022, the next open meeting of quality assurance groups of educational and professional programs "International Economics" (bachelor's and master's degrees) took place. Within the framework of the agenda, the following issues were discussed: 1) formation of the composition of the Examination Commissions for the defence of final qualification papers by those obtaining master's and bachelor's levels of higher education; 2) about the results of choosing a variable component of the educational process and the formation of individual educational trajectories of students; 3) about the results of the survey of applicants in the "LIDER" system regarding the quality of educational activities; 4) the state of completion of final qualification works by the department's master's students.
Education 20.12.2022.
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News of educational and methodological activities.
On November 16, 2022, another meeting of the educational and methodological seminar of the department was held, focused on the methodological problems of teaching the discipline "Innovative development of the enterprise" (master's level), evaluating the educational achievements of students and organizing their independent work in conditions of mixed learning. The speaker was prof. O. Zavhorodnia.
Education 20.12.2022.
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Development of educational and methodological support of the department's disciplines.
Improvement and renewal of educational support of educational disciplines is one of the priority areas of the department's activity. The Lecture Notes of the discipline "Macroeconomics" has been published, intended for applicants of the bachelor's level of higher education in the specialty 051 - Economics (part I), the authors of which are the teachers of the department - prof. V. Bilotserkivets, prof. O.O. Zavhorodnia and Assoc. prof. O. Letucha.
Education 20.12.2022.
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Textbook of "Economy and business" went out from printing.
In the publishing house of "University book" of Sumy government university went out from printing a textbook of "Economy and business"(ukr.), among the authors of what d.е.s., prof. Tarasevich V. and ph.d., as. prof. Riabceva N.
Education 18.03.2021.
The contents of textbook is represents the modern problems and influence of economic laws on entrepreneurial activity of businesses. The questions of functioning of the economic systems on the market, and also bring partition, what light up the specific of governance of transformation processes, was looked. In particular, the questions of development of enterprise, introduction of innovations, initiation of business processes, and also other actual in today's conditions the materials, are examined in them.
A textbook was intended for teachers and students, and also can be used by the headers of enterprises, specialists and businessmen as scientifically-educational material.
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Scientific events: the report per by results of November, 2022.
The most important event, which will determine the direction of the scientific life of the department for the coming years, was the opening and registration of research work on the topic "Theory and practice of intellectual and innovative and informational development of the national economy of Ukraine in the conditions of global and European integration challenges" (2023-2025). Teachers, students and graduate students of the department took part in the III All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of higher education graduates and young scientists "Financial and economic mechanisms of entrepreneurship development: theoretical and practical aspects" (November 24-25, 2022, Dnipro) and the V International Conference "Innovative technologies in science and education. European experience" (November 29, 2022, Dnipro). At the scientific seminar Doctoral student I. Leonidov made a presentation on the topic "Modeling the appropriation of an innovative and informational intellectual product. At the meeting of the student research group the report of master's student N. Ziberova "Development of import substitution in the restaurant business of Ukraine" was heard.
Science 20.12.2022.