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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

On August 30, 2023, a meeting of the quality assurance group of the new educational and professional program was held "COMPLIANCE OF METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION" master's level

On August 30, 2023, a meeting of the quality assurance group of the new educational and professional program was held "COMPLIANCE OF METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION" master's level

The agenda discussed the following issues:

1) the results of the admissions campaign in 2023 and the recruitment of applicants for the EPP “Compliance of metallurgical production”;

2) consideration of comments and suggestions from scientific and pedagogical workers, students and stakeholders to improve and improve the educational program;

3) approval of curricula, syllabuses;

4) formation of a database of selective disciplines of the professional training cycle for the EPP “Compliance of metallurgical production” of the department for 2023-2024;

5) analysis of the compliance of EPP teachers with licensing conditions and directions for its improvement and improvement for the next academic year;

6) analysis of educational, methodological and logistical support and recommendations for improving its quality.

Guarantor Professor Andrey SELEGEY


Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management