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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Increasing the level of knowledge of teachers in the practical field of using industrial property objects

Increasing the level of knowledge of teachers in the practical field of using industrial property objects

Senior teacher Shvets Yevgenia Serhiyivna took part in a series of webinars "Intellectual property as a catalyst for the development of an innovative environment" devoted to the Day of Inventors and Rationalizers.The webinars were held with the support of the team of the "Academy of Intellectual Property" department of the State Organization "Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation" (UKRNOIVI) and lasted for four days.

The first day was devoted to the topic: "Innovators' insights from the business environment."Business representatives told how the use of intellectual property contributes to the development of companies, the protection of new technologies and the creation of competitive advantages in the market. The speakers of the first series were: Yulia Dremlyuga, Lead R&D Engineer of the R.Flo spin-off startup, who talked about the benefits of protection and the implementation of innovative developments in the company's activities; Andrii Hyzhko, President of Avelife Institute of Nanotechnology and Organic Products LLC, candidate economy Sciences, Honored Economist of Ukraine had a report on obtaining new types of products from production waste; Vyacheslav Moroz, the founder of the SMARTINHOUSE brand, talked about the creation of new types of stoves for use in apartments in conditions of lack of heating and electricity and for the military, emphasizing the importance of protecting the rights of one's development.

The topic of the second day was devoted to the practical experience of scientists-inventors: Participants received valuable advice and information from scientists and researchers who shared their successes and challenges that arose during the implementation of innovative projects and the protection of intellectual property.The speakers of the session were: Stanislav Bartashevsky, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Systems and Power-Mechanical Complexes of the National Technical University "Dniprovska Polytechnic" (teacher of the discipline "Patent Science"), with the topic of the speech: "Lab to Market - the way to success"; Iryna Bilous, head of the Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) at the Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute DTEU, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the law department of VTEI DTEU, lawyer of the Bar Council of the Vinnytsia region, emphasized the need to teach the discipline "Intellectual property" for all educational programs, and also she talked about patent trolling in Ukraine; Pavlo Karnozhytskyi, PhD student of NTU "KhPI", Project Manager, spoke on the topic "From the life of young scientists: how to tame a startup".

The third day was dedicated to the achievements of students, graduate students and young scientists who have achieved success in the development and implementation of new projects or in the creation and development of their own start-ups, they shared their experience on how intellectual property helped them to achieve success.Their own cases of innovative projects were highlighted: Ivan Novosyolov, CMO at MechLab 3D with the topic of the speech: "MechLab 3D case"; Nikita Naida, a graduate student of the Department of Acoustic and Multimedia Electronic Systems of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, spoke about the development of a broadband acoustic ear echo spectrometer; Dmytro Savchenko, master of the department of technology of fats and fermentation products of NTU "KhPI" spoke on the topic: "Modern startup direction at NTU "KhPI" - from scientific research to a technological startup project", Serhiy Puzko, PhD, founder and CEO of the CupCorn company, which specializes on the production of disposable eco-tableware from corn starch has the theme of the speech: "Intellectual property as a key factor in the success of investments at the pre-seed and seed stages"

The fourth series of the webinar was devoted to the topic "Ideas and achievements of young talents."During the webinar, the speakers shared effective strategies for the development of ingenuity and provided advice that will help turn creative ideas into practical solutions for society, highlighted the initiatives of the IP office in the field of education, aimed at educating a new generation of inventors and providing schools with materials for learning the basics of intellectual property. The speakers were: Ivan Tyutko, a student of the 9th grade of the Chyzhikiv ZZSO I-III degrees named after A. Hnatyshina, winner of the All-Ukrainian Competition "Energy and Environment" (2021, 2023), laureate of the 23rd All-Ukrainian Tournament of Young Inventors and Rationalizers (2023) and third degree graduate of the All-Ukrainian Student Research Olympiad (2023), shared the results of his research in the field of using non-standard renewable fuel materials to increase the efficiency of energy supply; Maryna Stoykova, geography teacher and head of scientific research projects, will reveal her experience of organizing scientific research work with students, focusing on the topic "Local studies as a method of activating cognitive activity";

The presentations of the webinar series were completed by Olha Kulinich, head of the Intellectual Property Academy Department of the IP office, who told how, thanks to the integration of creative approaches into educational programs, it is possible to effectively identify and develop the creative potential of children, contributing to their further professional self-realization, and Anastasia Yarmolyuk, head of the network development departmenttechnology support centers

Thanks to the organizers and speakers for an interesting event! We wish everyone creative inspiration and success in their future activities!


Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management