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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

USUST invites you to get an education under the OPP "Intellectual Property" and "Project Management"; "Management of inventive activity", "Project management", "Innovative and legal management"


Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies presents a unique opportunity open to all with a base(bachelor's) or full(specialist, master's) degrees in all majors, with no exceptions, to receive a state diploma (master's degree) in the specialty "Management", specialization "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" and "PROJECT MANAGEMENT"!

 This is a specialty for this century! IP is the most profitable product in today's world economy.

 The mane objectives of the IPrights are inventions, industrial design arts, trademarks, computer programs, databases, commercial titles, works of literature and arts, audio and video shows, scientific discoveries, types of vegetation, breeds of animals, company secrets, etc.

 Knowledge of IPimproves competitiveness of any individual, enterprise, or country withing the market of good and services.

 Our graduates receive high education in the field of Intellectual Property (master's), after obtaining knowledge in the following disciplines:

 - the IP rights; 

 - Economics of IP;

 - IP Marketing;

 - Obtaining Rights to IP;

- Usage and Defense of IP rights;

 - Managing IP;

 Management the investment world.

 Graduates of the IP Department posses the ability to multiply enterprise's capital and assets using IP and they are capable of the following:

 - assist in creating objects of IP, which will be the results of creative work;

 - protect IP rights within Ukraine and abroad, in accordance with the local and international laws;

 - conduct research regarding patent information in the IP field;

 - analyze prices for commodities that are subject to IP;

 - conduct commercialization of IP rights;

 - manage efficient usage of IP at all stages of the life cycle;

 - utilize methods of making managerial decisions in the IP field and so on.

 Upon obtaining anIntellectual Property Professional certificationour graduates can perform such duties as:

 - IP coordinator;

 - IP specialist;

 - manager;

 - marketeer;

 - scientific worker (in the IP field) and so on.

 As the experience is gained in the IP field, coupled with further increase of qualifications, it will become possible to obtain work in such capacities as:

- evaluator of values of IP;

 - patent trustee.

Project Management (PM) is one of the most relevant and progressive management technologies. Training of specialists is focused on the formation of competencies that provide the solution of professional tasks in the field of PM and programs using modern approaches and functions of management, management decision making technologies, information and communication support of the project activity, management of the marketing activities in the project, resource management, risk, project quality.

Studying our students master the basic knowledge and skillsof disciplines:

- "Project content",

- "Project resource support",

- "Project risks and management",

- "Project quality management",

- "IT project management",

- "Management decision making in the project" etc.

Admission to the training is held for the day, part-time and parallel forms of education.
Entrance examinations for NMetAU students are provided in the form of testing.
More information can be obtained at the Department of IP, in the IP Center of NMetAU. 

Contact us: Department of Intellectual property and project management (r. 234, 264, 341, 342), Humanitarian faculty, NMetAU, Gagarin avenue 4, Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine

Lead of the Dept. of IP and PM 066-728-62-07



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