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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Co-chairman - Babachenko A.I., Doctor of Sciences, director of Iron and steel Institute of Z. Nekrasov National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


Babachenko Aleksandr,

Doctor of Sciences, director Iron and steel Institute of Z. Nekrasov National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine


Education, scientific degrees and titles.

In 1980 graduated from Dnepropetrovsk State University and received qualification metallophysics.

Scientific degree - candidate of sciences (1997), specializing in metallurgy and heat treatment of metals. Doctor of sciences (2015) in specialty materials science. Academic status - senior researcher.

Work Experience: 1980 to present time - Iron and steel Institute (engineer, researcher, senior researcher, head of department, deputy director, director).


Research activities

The influence of deformation and heat treatments on the formation of structural state and mechanical properties of carbon steel. Improvement of existing and development of new technological parameters of thermal deformation wheel-bandage products for rail transport, providing increasing their operational reliability and durability.

One of his areas of scientific and practical activities is the development of new criteria of reliability wheel-banding products, based on the criteria of fracture mechanics. With his direct participation were developed methods for determining fracture toughness of railway wheels and undertake comprehensive research to determine the impact of the mode of deformation and heat treatments railway wheels of different chemical composition to the fracture toughness. The results are used to improve the thermal hardening parameters of railway wheels in "Interpipe NTRP" to improve the strength characteristics while maintaining the necessary level of impact strength and fracture toughness.

Babachenko author of over 90 scientific papers. The priority and relevance of scientific research confirms copyright certificates and patents, as well as many recommendations accepted for implementation at the metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine.

Uplink: Program Committee