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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Naduty V.P. – d.t.s., prof., Dep. manager, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine.


Naduty Vladimir Petrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Manager of the Department Mechanics of Machines and Processes of Mineral Processing of the M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine, Dnepr.


Education, academic degree and academic rank:

1964 – 1970 yrs. Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute, qualification Electric Engineer, specialty «Automation and Remote Control».

1979 y. - defense of the thesis for the degree of the Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty "Mining Machines" with topic «Research and development of the coatings and elastic suspensions of the heavy mining machines of vibration type»

1996 y. – defense of the thesis for the degree of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty "Mining Machines" with topic «Development of the scientific methods of the analysis and technical means of intensification of work of the crushing and screening plants for processing of the mining and metallurgical raw materials».

1997 y. – awarded an academic rank of the professor of the mining Machines Department of the National Mining University, where he works as a professor at the same time.

Scientific activity.

Research interests – development of the theory of calculation of the vibration machines of the heavy type and finding new technical solutions on its base. It was defended under his scientific supervision one Doctor thesis and 8 Candidate theses. It was published 650 scientific and educational works including 8 monographs, 2 learning materials and 140 certificates of the authorships and patents. He is a member of the Academic Councils in the M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine and National Mining University.


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