Merkulov О.E. - c.t.s., s.r.s., Z.I. Nekrasov Iron and Steel Institute of NAS of Ukraine
MERKULOV Alexey, Ph.D., senior researcher, scien-tific secretary of the Iron and steel Institute of Z.Nekrasov National of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Education, scientific degrees and titles.
In the period 1998-2003 he studied at the Faculty thermalphysic National Metal-lurgical Academy of Ukraine, specialty engineer-heating. Since 2002 works at the Iron and steel Institute (engineer, researcher, senior researcher, scientific secretary).
In 2007 A. Merkulov defended his thesis on "Technological foundations of non-coking coal gasification in the blast furnace with utilization of waste" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. In 2011, he was awarded the academic title of senior re-searcher, specialty 05.16.02 - "Ferrous and non-ferrous metals and special alloys".
Since 2007-2009. A.Merkulov was a scholar of the President of Ukraine for young scientists. He is currently a member of the scientific council, a member of the ed-itorial board of the collection of works "Fundamental and applied problems of iron and steel," chairman of the state examination commission for the Protection of degree works at the Department of Thermal Engineering and Ecology furnaces National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.
Research activities.
Concurrently, AE Merkulov continued to work in the department of metallurgy of iron with Professor I. Tovarovskiy, with particular attention to analytical and experi-mental research of the blast melting using mathematical modeling to problems of blast furnace heat and fuel promising energy saving technologies, alternative metallurgical technologies based on the use of low-grade coal gasification products.
A. Merkulov published 2 monographs, 75 scientific articles, 1 patent.
Uplink: From Z.I. Nekrasov Iron and Steel Institute of NAS of Ukraine