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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Results of the Conference



Ukrainian scientific and technical conference

 «Mechanics of machines - the main component of Applied Mechanics»

 It is dedicated to the 110-th anniversary KOZHEVNIKOV Sergiy Mykolayovich

 Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences.


   11-13 of April 2017 in National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine took place Ukrainian scientific and technical conference «Mechanics of machines - the main component of Applied Mechanics». It is dedicated to the 110-th anniversary Kozhevnikov Sergiy Mykolayovich Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences.


  The conference was held in five sections:

1. General questions of the direction of development of mechanical engineering and applied mechanics.


2. Theory of mechanisms and machines and elastic dynamics of machines.


3. Reliability problems of strength of machine elements, components and energy saving.


4. Modern technical and technological tools of mechanical engineering.


5. CAD and mathematical modeling of processes, machines and units.


     The program and organizational committees, which included 4 members-corr. of NAS of Ukraine, 39 Doctors of Science, selected 115 abstracts of reports of 242 authors. In the conference took place scientists and practitioners from 15 cities of Ukraine, who represented by 25 Ukrainian Universities and leading institutes of NAS of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovs'k region.

    The plenary session on April 11 began with an introductory speech of the Chairman of the Program Committee of the conference - the Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of engineering sciences, professor, Rector of National Metallurgical academy of Ukraine Velychko O.G. With memories and interesting facts from the life of S.N. Kozhevnikov were represented by his students, colleagues and followers of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor: Kukushkin O.N. (NMetAU); Verenev V.V. (Z.I. Nekrasov Iron and Steel Institute of NAS of Ukraine); Sokol G.I. (Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University); Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher Karchinsky Yu.P. (Z.I. Nekrasov Iron and Steel Institute of NAS of Ukraine); Honored Worker of Industry of Ukraine, Chairman of the Board of PJSC "Dnepropetrovsk Aggregate Plant" Morozenko E.V.

    The plenary session was continued by the thematic reports of the leading scientists of Ukraine in the field of mechanical engineering Doctors of Science, professors: Kuznetsov Yu.N. (Institute of Mechanical Engineering NTUU «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»), Dyrda V.I. (M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine), Ogorodnikov V.A. (Vinnytsia National Technical University), Titov V.A. (Institute of Mechanical Engineering NTUU «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»), Tkachuk N.A. (National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute»), Dobrov I.V. (NMetAU).

   Sectional sessions of the conference were held in the conference rooms of National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and the library of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine under the Chairmanship of the Chairmen of the sections of Doctor of Technical Sciences, professors: No. 1 (Naduty V.P. (M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine), Khmara L.A. (Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture)), No. 2 (Raksha S.V. (Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan), Semenyuk V.F. (Odessa National Polytechnic University)), №3 (Zaselskiy V.I. (KMI of NMetAU), Beygul O.A. (Dniprovsk State Technical University)), №4 (Dmitriyev D.A. (Kherson National Technical University), Dyadyura K.A. (Sumy State University)), No. 5 (Tkachuk N.A. (National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute»), Golovko V.I. (NMetAU)).



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    The plenary session of the second day of the conference was held in the PJSC "Dnepropetrovsk Aggregate Plant" under the leadership of E.V. Morozenko and Dobrov I.V. At this meeting, in the presence of 23 Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, together with the participants of the conference, the young employees of the plant made presentations about innovations and original technical solutions of the current problems of the plant. After the plenary session it was organized an excursion to the plant for the participants of the conference under the leadership of the Chairman of the Board of PJSC "Dnepropetrovsk Aggregate Plant" E.V. Morozenko and First Deputy of Chairman of the Board Yatsuba A.V. The excursion was in the workshops of the leading enterprise in Dnipropetrovsk region and Ukraine, which comprehensively uses the latest technologies and equipment of leading enterprises.













    When summing up the results of the conference the participants said that the presented reports and the practical tasks of production are related with each other. The employees of Ukrainian enterprises, such as PJSC "Dnipropetrovsk Aggregate Plant", are interesed in close cooperation with domestic science.




  The reports were made at high scientific level. It was suggested that the Department of Applied Mechanics of NMetAU will organize conference "Mechanics of Machines - the main component of applied mechanics" on a regular basis.

  As a result of the conference, a collection of proceedings was published in two volumes. Taking account recommendations of the Program and Organizational committees and the recommendations of the section heads certain abstracts of the conference can be published in specialized journals of informational support of the conference if the requirements of these journals are fulfilled.




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