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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Department of Quality systems, Standardization and Metrology

Dolgansky Anatoly Michailovich photo

Department manager: Dolgansky Anatoly Michailovich


Address c. Dnipro, av. Gagarina, 4, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology


Phone: (38056) 746-05-49



Department "Quality systems, Standardization and Metrology" of Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology
(Dnipro, 4 Gagarin Avenue)
prepares experts by Educational and Professional Programs:
- "Quality, metrology and expertise" according to the educational level "Bachelor";
- "Quality, standardization, certification and metrology" according to the educational-professional level "Master", -
of specialty 175 - Information and measurement technologies.

The high level of preparation of specialists is confirmed state accreditation of speciality and claimed of graduating students the enterprises of different type of activity.

An educational process is conducted by 2 professors and 8 associate professors, including leading professionals in area of the systems of quality, providing and audit of quality. At a department the Technical committee functions the "Timber wares" of TC 136 Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine, the sphere of activity of which are normative documents on nets, screw-bolts, nails and other wares from a wire.

The advanced study on a department is directed on perfection of processes of treatment of metals pressure, in particular, cold drawing of wire and pipes. Vast works are conducted on harmonization of national standards with international and European normative documents.

The employees of department have about 100 patents and more than 300 publications, mainly, in the areas of technology of drawing of wire, developments of the effective technological lubricants and standardization. To these works the best students are brought over.

The graduating students-bachelors of department get deep knowledges in the followings professional areas:

- metrological support;

- advanced concepts, approaches, methods and tools of modern quality management;

- statistical methods of quality management;

- technical control and flaw detection in production;

- computer processing of information.

The graduating students-specialists of department get deep knowledges in the followings areas:

- control the system by quality in accordance with the standards of ISO series 9000, 14000, 17000, 27000, 35000, 45000, etc;

- standardization and conformity assessment;

- metrology;

- certification of personnel.

A department is opened for a mutually beneficial collaboration in the indicated spheres.

Contact telephones: (380562) 46-05-49; (38056) 37-48-3-59. Dolzhanskiy Anatoly Michael, head of department, doctor of science, professor.


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