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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


On September 1, 2024, a solemn dedication to the students of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology took place! The staff of the Department of Quality Systems, Standardization and Metrology congratulates the students on the beginning of the new academic year and wishes them success in their studies and personal victories!


Agreement on cooperation News icon

On the occasion of the signing of an agreement on cooperation between the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (hereinafter - USUNT) and the State Enterprise "Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Scientific and Technical Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification" (hereinafter - SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya"), on February 15, 2024, the managers and leading specialists of these organizations. Ways and specified forms of further development of joint activities were discussed.
UDUNT was represented at the meeting by the First Vice-Rector, Doctor of Science, Prof. Anatoliy RADKEVICH, vice-rector for scientific work, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Yuriy PROYDAK and the head of the Department of Quality Systems, Standardization and Metrology, PhD, prof. Anatoly DOLZHANSKY.
SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya" was represented by General Director Oleg PIKIL, Deputy General Director for metrology Kateryna RUDKO, leading quality specialist Maksym BILONOZHKO, and assistant to the General Director for Science Ph.D. Volodymyr CHAIKA.
It was emphasized that in 2023, SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya" was certified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a scientific institution and included in the State Register of scientific institutions that receive state support.
Emphasis was placed on the importance of compatible scientific and technical cooperation, including with the involvement of students of USUNT and employees of the Parties, taking into account opportunities in the relevant areas of activity.
The desire to conduct joint publication activities and scientific conferences, participation in research, improvement of employee qualifications, involvement of professionals in quality, metrology and assessment of compliance of SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya" to the educational process as one of the stakeholders was noted.
The parties discussed the possibility of involving students of USUNT, including - within the framework of dual education for industrial practice and graduation in the laboratories of SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya", as well as the possibility of conducting excursions with a demonstration of the use of unique standards.
Also, there was a productive exchange of experience in solving related issues that arose before the Parties as a result of reorganization procedures due to the joining of several higher education institutions to USUNT and the joining of several state-owned research and production enterprises in the field of quality assurance, technical regulation and metrology to the SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya".

In the photo (from left to right): leading quality specialist Maksym BILONOZHKO (SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya"); First vice-rector Anatoly RADKEVICH (UDUNT); Deputy General Director for metrology Kateryna RUDKO (SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya"); General Director Oleg PIKIL (SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya"); Assistant to the General Director for Science Volodymyr CHAYKA (SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya"); Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Yuriy PROYDAK (UDUNT); Head of the Department of Quality Systems, Standardization and Metrology Anatoliy DOLZHANSKY (UDUNT)


Congratulations to the winners!

The first round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad was held at the Department of Quality Systems, Standardization and Metrology. The best students studying at the department took part in the Olympiad.
The winners of the first round of the Olympiad were determined:
From the specialty "Quality, standardization and certification":
1st place - Oleksandr Albertovych Ayupov (ST01-23-1M);
2nd place - Valeriya Achynovych (ST01-23-1M);
3rd place - Tsekhovoy Vladyslav Valeriyovych (СТ01-23-2М).
From the specialty "Metrology and information-measuring technology":
1st place - Komarova Anastasia Oleksandrivna (ST01-20);
2nd place - Elizaveta Maksimivna Chistyakova (ST01-21);
3rd place - Artur Dmytrovych (ST01-21) won.
From the specialty "Metrology, standardization and certification":
1st place - Anastasia Oleksandrivna Ivakhnenko (ST01-22);
2nd place - Yezhova Alina Andriivna (ST01-20);
3rd place - Vadim Stanislavovych Prikhodko (ST01-22).

Congratulations on the victory and we wish you new achievements!


Вітаємо випускників!

У січні 2024 року на кафедрі Систем якості, стандартизації та метрології здійснено успішний захист більше 50 кваліфікаційних магістерських робіт студентів, які навчалися за акредитованою Освітньо-професійною програмою «Якість, стандартизація, сертифікація та метрологія» спеціальності 152 – Метрологія та інформаційно-вимірювальна техніка. Дослідження та розробки наших випускників з удосконалення систем управління якістю, інших аспектів технічного регулювання та метрології згідно рекомендацій міжнародних (ISO) та європейських (EN) стандартів були виконані для широкого кола сфер економічної діяльності України: важка та легка промисловість, транспорт, будівництво, сфера послуг, харчова продукція, фармакологія, освіта, управління тощо. Екзаменаційною комісією особливо відзначені відмінні розробки тепер вже магістрів: Луценко Я.Л., Дерешева П.П., Забуги І.О., Білої Л.А., Волкової Л.В., Козаченка В.Д., Цурикова Е.В., Іванцова С.В., Кусаєва К.Е., Кучерявої Ю.І., Гавриленка В.О. Колектив кафедри вітає всіх своїх випускників і бажає їм здоров’я, перемоги та професійних успіхів!


Achievements of students

The department "Quality, standardization and certification" took a tour of Student Olympiad in metrology, information and measurement technology, standardization and certification. The competition was attended by the best students of 3, 4 and 5 courses, students in the department.

The winners of the I round of the Olympiad:

I place - Kolot EM (MG01-13)

II place - Didenko SY (ST01-12M) Rudenko IY (MG01-14)

III place - Polzikova AV (MG01-14) Soroka AS (MG01-14), Zheleznov, DV (ME12-13)





The first class!

The first class of masters and specialists of specialty 8(7).05100201 – Metrological provision of testing and produce quality was exercised in June 2015.


Completed accreditation!

In addition to the license obtained previously, the masters and specialists professional education of specialty 8(7).05100201 – Metrological provision of testing and produce quality was accredited on the 30th of June 2015. 


Diploma of the first Class News icon

Lviv State University of Life Safety awarded Kobzarya Alexei Romanovich (MЕ-09-13) and Alpayeva Eugene Nikolaevich (MЕ-09-13) for winning the All-Ukrainian competition of student papers from 2014/2015 academic year in "social safety". Head Associate Professor, Ph.D. Mashynistov V.E.


Graduation at the international level News icon

As you know, final works of students is his calling card. It shows he has learned over the years of graduate training in the academy, as well as talks about the professional level of teachers. According to her employer can judge the level of professionalism of the candidate. An indicator of the quality of the final work is its comparison with similar work in the same field, ie competition. Graduates of the department of technological design each year and take honorary prizes in various competitions.

At the All-Russian competition of final qualifying works in the field of metallurgy, which was held at the National Research Technological University MISA, graduate and master our department Klonoz D.I. 1st place. And his supervisor Professor V.F. Balakin awarded a diploma "For the creative leadership of certification." At the same competition student Gurinа Y.V. was awarded a diploma "For the creative execution of the final work."

Congratulations to the graduates and teachers of the department with these awards and wish them every success.


Please note this emblem! News icon

Dear colleagues!
Please note this emblem!

National metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
received the certificate* (No. 58296, from 26.01.2015)

on registration of copyright on the logo of the Department
"Quality, standardization and certification"

*according to the Law of Ukraine "On copyright and related rights".



A new specialty for the training of specialists and masters passed the licensing!

Successfully completed the licensing procedure of preparation of specialists and masters in the speciality 7(8).05100201 - Metrological assurance of testing and product quality in the field of knowledge 0510 - Metrology, measuring equipment and information - measuring technologies (АЕ ?527116,  03.09.2014).

We congratulate students, teachers and employees of Department!


Completed accreditation!

Successfully completed the procedure of accreditation of educational-qualification level of Bachelor in 6.051002 - Metrology, standardization and certifcate (НД-ІІ ?0470101, 8.07.2014).

We congratulate students, teachers and employees of Department!


All-Ukrainian conference of students and young scientists "Young Academy - 2014"

The Department of "Quality, standardization and certification" in the framework of the all-Ukrainian scientific-technical conference of students and young scientists "Young Academy - 2014" on may 22, held session of " Quality, standardization and certification ".


Licensing new specialty of specialists and masters!

National metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU) letter from 14.11.2013, # 1/11-17484 received permission from the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine regarding licensing of preparation of specialists and masters in the speciality 7(8).05100201 - Metrological assurance of testing and product quality in the industry knowledge 0510 - Metrology, measuring equipment and information-measuring technologies.
Are appropriate measures in accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from R., ? 1019 «On licensing of activity on providing educational services» and other normative documents.
The graduating Department is «Quality, standardization and certification»of the Department of Materials science and processing of metals, which has a 10-year positive experience of preparation of bachelors, specialists and master's degrees in related fields and specialties.
The first rector of national metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Professor Ivashchenko V.P.


Good result of participation in Russian competitions

Results of Russian competitions diploma and master works in the field of metallurgy and materials - "Metallurgy - 2012 " and " Materials -2012 ",  which annually now that the consecutive year National Research Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys " ( NRTU " MISaA " ) .
These contests in 2012 was served 38 students graduate work our academy . We are pleased to announce that the organizing committee of the competition decided to award first place and award diplomas NMetAU 7 graduates and their managers . In particular, the winners were: Kashchenko Nadin, PT -07 student group, senior lecturer I.A. Solovyova and other.
A further 21 of our graduates and their leaders for their participation in the aforementioned competition organizing committee awarded diplomas.
Agree, this is a good result. Congratulations to our 2012 graduates and their managers with the recognition of their achievements !

According to the newspaper "Staff metallurgy " ? ? 19-20 from 30.05.13g .


The winners are known News icon

The competition for the award for the best scientific work of students and young scientists , which conducts annual National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This contest from our academy received 13 works - from 6 students graduate from 4 and 3 of young scientists. As a result, four awards were received , which is a good indicator for such a competition .

The winners were: Group of students PT -07 Vladimir Golub and Anastasia Kashchenko ( senior lecturer IA Solovyov ) . They were awarded certificates and cash prizes.

Assistant of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Safety VV Turishchev ( supervisor Prof. VP Bobilev ) and professor of materials science graduate student Catherine Chernoivanenko (supervisor Prof. S. Gubenko ) awarded diplomas .

Congratulations to the winners !


(according to the newspaper "Staff metallurgy " ? ? 11-12 from 28.03.2013 y )

Learn more about our winners Vladimir Golub , Anastasia Kashchenko and their work , see " Scientific Activities - Research - research work of students ."


Completed Accreditation!

Successfully completed the procedure of accreditation of educational-qualification level of Master on a speciality 8.18010010 - quality, standardization and certification.

Congratulations undergraduate, Lecturer and collaborators of the department!
