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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Belodedenko Sergey, professor photo

Belodedenko Sergey, professor

Department manager

doctor of engineering's sciences, professor



Phone : +38 (097) 219-14-70

Room : пр. Науки, (пр. Гагарина), 4, k. 445

He graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute in 1978, a mechanical engineer. He started working at the metallurgical institute in 1982. Since 1990 Ph.D, thesis "Improvement of the nodes of the main line of the rolling mill on the basis of resource evaluation according to fatigue resistance criteria", associate professor since 1995, doctor of technical sciences since 2010, professor. Doctoral dissertation "Development of the scientific basis of assessment of resource indicators of the reliability of metallurgical equipment and improvement of the safety of its power systems".

The main areas of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity are safety and risk analysis of mechanical systems; lifetime forecasting and fatigue testing of structural strategy of maintenance of mechanical systems of the mining and metallurgical complex, aerospace equipment and transport under the control of the safety level.

The number of scientific works, including inventions, about 200. The main training courses conducted by the teacher: "Calculations of metallurgical equipment", "Safety and fracture mechanics  of mechanical systems", "Technical diagnostics of metallurgical equipment". S.V. Bilodidenko is the deputy chairman of the specialized academic council D 08.084.03 at the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, specialty 05.05.08 - "Machines for metallurgical production". H-index 5 (scopus). 5 dissertations were defended under the supervision of S. Bilodidenko.