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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Regional Center for Higher Education for Persons with Disabilities

Holub Iryna photo

Head of department: Holub Iryna


Address Dnipro, Gagarina Avenue, 4, the 5-th floor (of the new building of the library)


Phone: +380682939549

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine has been creating conditions of receiving higher education for disabled people from 2002. Taking into consideration the positive experience of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine with teaching visually handicapped and hearing-impaired people, by order  of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 19.04.2004 the Regional Education Center of the Invalids was created for the first time in Ukraine based on NMetAU. The tasks of the Center include the creation of conditions for disabilities in hearing and vision, our methodical and psychological support, social integration into society of these people. According to the order №587 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 27.06.2008 RECI of NMetAU entered the Experiment in integrated education of people with special needs of higher education.

During the period of work in this direction 180 students with sensory disabilities have graduated with qualification of “Bachelor”, 180 ones – with qualification of “Master” of which five students wich distinction.