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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Participation in the project "Joint project Workshop and training within the DAAD program "Ukraine digital 2023""

Participation in the project "Joint project Workshop and training within the DAAD program "Ukraine digital 2023""

Teachers of the ITS department prof. Volodymyr Hnatushenko, associate professors Kateryna Ostrovska and Tetyana Selivyorstova together with the head of the department prof. Hnatushenko and Victoria participate in the project "Joint project Workshop and training within the DAAD program "Ukraine digital 2023"". November 26-30 in Hannover, Germany.

The main goal is to ensure academic success during the crisis. The project is aimed at expanding the offer of digital support for studies at Ukrainian universities and partners Leibniz Universitat Hannover Institut fur Photogrammetrie und Geoinformation. Within the framework of the project, video content from the field of informatics, developed according to Creative Commons (CC-BY) and Open Education Resources standards, is developed, published and integrated into the educational process.


Department of information technology and systems