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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Department of Coatings, Composite Materials and the Protection of Metals

Kovzik Anatoliy photo

Department manager: Kovzik Anatoliy


Address NMetAU, 4, Gagarin ave., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49600




Department of Coatings, Composite Materials and Protection of Metals (PM and ZM)

was founded in 1982 on the basis of the Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry and was called the Department of Protection of Metals from Corrosion. In 1988 it was renamed into the Department of Powder Metallurgy and Metal Protection, and in 2004 it was named the Department of Coatings, Composite Materials and Metal Protection.

From 2003 to 2020, the department was headed by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the New York Academy of Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sofia I. Pinchuk.




The Department of Coatings, Composite Materials and Protection of Metals provides training in the following specialties:


1. First (bachelor's level of education):


          - 132-Materials Science,

        educational and professional program "Materials Science"

         - 136-Metallurgy,

        educational and professional program "Metal Forming Technologies and Equipment";


2. Second (master's) level of education:


            - 132-Materials Science,

         educational and professional program "Composite and Powder Materials, Coatings"

           - 136-Metallurgy,

         educational and professional program: "Corrosion Protection of Metals"





In 2019, the department successfully passed accreditation for:

bachelors degree in the field of knowledge "13 Mechanical Engineering":


1. Specialty 132 - Materials Science, educational and professional program "Materials Science" (Conclusion of the accreditation commission, part 1, part 2)


2. Specialty 136 "Metallurgy", educational and professional program "Metal Forming Technologies and Equipment " (Conclusion of the accreditation commission)


Master's degree in the field of knowledge "13 Mechanical Engineering":


1. Specialty 132 "Materials Science", educational and professional program: "Composite and Powder Materials, Coating" (Conclusion of the accreditation commission);


2. Specialty 136 "Metallurgy", educational and professional program: " Corrosion Protection of Metals " (Conclusion of the accreditation commission).