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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
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Liudmula Kamkina

Department manager

doctor of engineering's sciences, professor

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Babenko Aleksandr Viktorovich

candidate of technical science, assistant professor

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Babenko Nina I.

laboratory chief

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Bezshkyrenko Aleksej Georgievich

candidate of technical science, senior teacher

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Eugene Kuznetsow

candidate of technical science

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Gryshyn Olexandr Mykhaylovytch

candidate of technical science, assistant professor

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Isaeva Ludmila Yevguenievna

candidate of chemical science, assistant professor

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Jadan Tatiana

senior lab. assistant

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Mianovska Yana

doctor of engineering's sciences

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Nadtochiy Angela Anatoliyevna

candidate of technical science, assistant professor

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Vanukov Anton

candidate of technical science, senior teacher