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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

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Winners of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in specialty 136 Metallurgy

Congratulations to the winners of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty 136 Metallurgy


All-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference (video conference) of higher education applicants and young scientists "Young Academy -2023“ News icon

         All-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference (video conference) of higher education applicants and young scientists "Young Academy -2023".



Congratulations to the students of our department, Yehor Druchensky, and Mamonova Linara, head of prof. L.V. Kamkina, who gave the best reports at the annual all-Ukrainian scientific and
technical conference (video conference) of higher education applicants and young scientists "Young Academy -2023".


  Yehor Druchenskyi - 1st place with the report "Using mathematical models to optimize the process of obtaining manganese ferroalloys".

    Mamonova Linara - 2nd place with the report "Electrochemical processing of iron ore beneficiation waste with the aim of involving in metallurgical production".


Winners of the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student works in the 2022-2023 academic year from the OPP «Metallurgical processes of obtaining and processing metals and alloys» News icon

Congratulations to the winners of the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student works in the 2022-2023 academic year from the OPP «Metallurgical processes of obtaining and processing metals and alloys»: 1st place - master's student of the ME03-18m group, Olena Serhiyivna Voloshko; topic of the work «Physico-chemical assessment of decarburization of spongy ligatures», scientific supervisor, associate professor, Ph.D. Grishin Oleksandr Mykhailovych and 2nd place - Master's student of ME03-18m group, Borodin Artem Oleksandrovych; the topic of the work «Technological bases of processing of complex carbon-siliceous raw materials in the processes of obtaining ferroalloys»; research supervisor, associate professor, Ph.D. Oleksandr Viktorovych Babenko.


Masters Graduation News icon

January 11, 2020 at the Department of Theory of Metallurgical Processes and Chemistry successfully passed the defense of master's works in specialty 136 Metallurgy. Students of the ME-03-14M group: Zykin Evgeny, Varitsov Anton, Dvorkoviy Oleg, Efimov Vladislav, Kirichok Vladislav defended their diplomas "perfectly"! Congratulations to all our graduates and wish them continued success!

The staff of the Department of TMP and С.


Accreditation examination of the educational and professional program "Technologies and equipment for the production of metals and alloys" from the specialty 136 "Metallurgy"

An expert commission for conducting the primary accreditation examination of the educational and professional program "Technologies and equipment for the production of metals and alloys" from the specialty 136 "Metallurgy" on the first (bachelor's) level of higher education commenced work. The expert commission was appointed by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated May 23, 2019, No. 706.

 Composition of the expert commission: Chairman of the commission - Makurov Sergey Leonidovich - Head of the Department of Theory of Metallurgical Processes and Foundry of the State Higher Educational Institution "Priazovsky State Technical University", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Olga Ponomarenko - professor of the foundry department of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Doctor of Technical Sciences; Tsivirko Eduard Ivanovich - professor of machinery and technology of foundry production of Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

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Cooperation with the program "Erasmus +" News icon

Co-funded of the project 564689-EPP-1-2015-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE "European Union Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation" under the program "Erasmus +" (Jean Monnet Modules) our masters received certificates of participants in the training module "Climate Change Prevention: Policy and tools of the European Union ", in the part of the master program in the specialty" 136 Metallurgy "


"Young Academy - 2019" News icon

On May 21, 2019, the annual All-Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Young Academy 2019” was successfully held at the Department of TMP and Chemistry.

     In the section “Metallurgy” (“Pyrometallurgy”) in the subsection “Theory of metallurgical processes and chemistry” 16 reports were presented by students of the department. The best reports were awarded with diplomas:

  I place - student report gr. ME03-14M Varitseva A.A. “Physico-chemical patterns of reduction processes in the preparation of manganese alloys” (headed by prof. Kamkina LV)

   II place - student report gr. ME03-16 Catholic DA “The Effect of Additives on the Process of Etching of Precision Alloys” (Head: Associate Professor Shcheglova I.S.)

   II place - student report gr. ME03-16 Hodaka V.M. “Conditions for the formation of nitride phases in austenitic steels of the new generation” (Head Assoc. Prof. Isaeva L.E.)

  III place - student report gr. ME03-14M Dvorkovy O.I. “Reduction of manganese oxides from manganese oxide concentrates by ferroselcomanganese and the technology of medium-carbon ferromanganese production” (headed by prof. Kamkina LV).


Congratulations to our winners!


All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the direction of "Metallurgy-2018" News icon

Congratulations to the winners and participants of the All-Ukrainian contest of students' scientific papers in the field of Metallurgy of group students:
ME-18-14 Varytseva Anton, Dvorkovy Oleg, ME-03-17 Fedinchik Anna with the report "The influence of the chemical composition and structure of the metal on its mechanical properties", which took 3rd place;
ME-18-14 Zikina Eugenia, ME-03-15 Poluektova Karina with the report "Physico-chemical analysis of the involvement of the carbide phase in the process of chromium reduction from the constituent systems", which took 3rd place;
ME-18-14 Popova Evgeniya and Karyagian Evgeniya with the report "Thermodynamic modeling of the behavior of components in the slag system on the basis of manganese".


Students tour the house-museum of academician DI Yavornytsky "D.Yavornytsky Repin, friendship started with "Zaporozhian Cossacks"" News icon

May 10, 2017, students together with department of psychological and educational club "Perspective" attended the memorial house-museum of academician D.І. Yavornytsky. In visiting the museum program students took part in an exhibition quest "D.Yavornytsky Repin: friendship, started with "Zaporozhian Cossacks""


All-Ukrainian conference of students and young scientists "Young Academy - 2016"

May 18, 2016 at the Department of TMP and OX under the All-Ukrainian conference of students and young scientists "Young Academy - 2016" was held a meeting of the section "Metallurgy (Pyrometallurgy)" subsection - "Theory of metallurgical processes and general chemistry."
Congratulations to the winners of the conference who spoke with the best reports:
I place - st. gr. ME03-11 Gerasimenko Angelina report "The use of organic additives during pelletization of fine recycled materials" (supervisor Associate Professor YV Myanovskaya);
II place - st. gr. ME03-12 Ivanov Bogdan report "Justification of a rational mode dephosphorization slag manganese alloy with a high content of carbon and silicon" (supervisor Associate Professor AP Meshalkin);
III place - Art. c. ME18-14 Dvorkovoy Oleg report "Investigation of the impact of micro-alloying with nitrogen, titanium and aluminum in a heat-resistant steels kremniymargantsevyh" (supervisor Associate Professor LE Isaeva)


Ukrainian Olympiad "Metallurgy" News icon

The Department of TM and West held the second round of Ukrainian Student Olympiad "Metallurgy". In the competition involved the best students 4 and 5 courses that are taught at the department, namely Gerasimenko A.U. (ME03-11-M) Sinitsyn J.S. (ME03-11-M) Chabanenko M.Y. (ME03-11-M), Kamkin V.U. (ME03-11-M), Ivanov B.N. (ME03-12) Dzyuzyura R.O. (ME03-12) Rosenberg A.S. (ME03-12) Statsenko A.A. (ME03-12) Kulchytska A.A. (ME03-12).
Winners Contest Round I:
1st place - Olesya S. Rosenberg, ME03-12
2nd place - Bohdan M. Ivanov, ME03-12
3rd place - Ruslan O. Dzyuzyura, ME03-12,
Kulchytska Olga, ME03-12,
recommended for participation in the II round of competition.
Congratulations on your victory and wish new achievements!


European Project HETES: Defence of the Interdepartment Complex Graduation Work News icon

The defence of interdepartment complex graduation work “The complex substantiation of innovation technologies of metal production” took place 17 June at the Theories of metallurgical processes and general chemistry department. The work was carried out within the scope of joint European project HETES. Scientific adviser professor, Dr. Sc. Kamkina Ljudmila Vladimirovna. 



All-Ukrainian conference of students and young scientists "Young Academy - 2014"

   Chair of Theory of metallurgical processes and general chemistry within the National Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Young Academy - 2014" held May 21 meeting of the section "Metallurgy (Pyrometallurgy )" subsection - "Theory of metallurgical processes and general chemistry."


Congratulations! News icon

Congratulations to the student group ME03-11 Sinitsyna Yaroslav Sergeyevich scholars' program became the Zavtra.UA 2014. Presented at the competition research is devoted to research of non-metallic inclusions in steel grade 30G2S obtained by BLZ.


Congratulations! News icon

May 13 -14, 2014 in Dnipropetrovsk national university of railway transport named after academician V. Lazaryan held in the 13th International Students`Scientific Conference:"Engineer of the III Millennium". Congratulations Diploma addressed the conference student groups МЕ03-12 Panchenko Alina will deliver, a report "Research of nitride forming kinetics in cavitatson-resistant steel" leader, of the work docent Isaeva L.E.


Congratulations! News icon

22-24 April 2014 at the State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology" took II stage of Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Chemistry. Congratulations student grupy ML01-12-1 Semenov Alexander Dmitrievich take the III place of.

Leader of the work, docent Nykyforova Nina A.
