Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Tarasevych Victor, the member-correspondent of NAS of Ukraine photo

Tarasevych Victor, the member-correspondent of NAS of Ukraine

Department manager

doctor of economic sciences, professor



Phone : (+380562)47.42.42

Room : 204

 Viktor Tarasevych graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute in 1981 (since 1993 – the State Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, and since 1999 – the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine) with a specialty in "Economics and organization of the metallurgical industry" (qualification – engineer-economist). He completed his post-graduate studies at the Department of Political Economy of the same institute in 1986.
 He has been working in the higher education system, namely, at the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine for more than 32 years. He went from graduate student and assistant of the Department of Political Economy (since 2018 – the Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Governance) to the head of it.
 In 1986 he successfully defended his dissertation in the specialty 08.00.01 – Political Economy, and in 1992 – his doctoral dissertation on "Production Efficiency in the Formation of a Socially Oriented Market Economy" in the same specialty. In 1995 he was awarded by the academic title of professor of the Department of Political Economy.
 Since 1994 he served as acting head of the department, and since 1997 he became the head of the department.
 Viktor Tarasevych teaches such economic disciplines as “Modern Political Economy”, “Political Economy”, “Theory and Methodology of Modern International Economics”, “Modern Economic Theories”, etc.
 A lot of textbooks and teaching aids were prepared and published under his editorship and with his participation as an author, including ones with the signature stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, such as: “Economic Theory” in five volumes (Kiev, 2012), “History of Economic Doctrines” (Kiev, 2013), “International Economics” (Kiev, 2012), “National Economy” (Kiev, 2009), “Microeconomics” together with Professor of New York University K. Brabazon (Kiev, 2008), “History of Economic Doctrines” (second edition, Kiev, 2016), “Philosophy and Methodology of Economic Science” (Dnipro, 2019), “Modern international economy” (Dnepr, 2019), “Social responsibility” (Dnepr, 2019).
 He improved his qualification in New York University, Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics (2019), SPI «Poliprom» (2020).
 The main areas of Viktor Tarasevych scientific activity are: the philosophy and methodology of economic science, the universumization of economic transformation, the civilizational dimension of economic development, economic synergetics, the international post-industrial innovation and information economy, the national economy of Ukraine in the context of globalization and European integration.
 He leads the scientific activity of the faculty, graduate students, scientists and students of the department. Under his leadership, in accordance with the  Coordination Plan of Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, teachers and scientists of the department successfully completed fundamental research work: “Problems of the theory and practice of transition economies” (state registration number 0100U000751) (2000-2002); “Transitional Economics: Theory, Methodology, Politics” (state registration number 0103U003232) (2003-2005); “Study of the fundamentals and patterns of development of the national economy in the context of globalization” (state registration number 0108U001721) (2008-2009); “Study of the foundations and institutions of innovative dynamics of the national economy in the context of globalization” (state registration number 0110U0003241) (2010-2012); “The national economy of Ukraine in the context of European integration” (state registration number 0016U001148) (2016-2018); “Innovative mechanisms for the development of the national economy in the context of European integration” (state registration number 0119U000332) (in progress, 2019-2021). Based on the results of these works, 34 monographs were published, more than 300 articles, about 600 abstracts, including almost half by students, the relevant proposals and recommendations to state authorities and local self-government were developed.
 The results of his scientific research are reflected in the research work of the State Institution “Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, the Dnieper Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, as well as in proposals and recommendations to state authorities and local self-government.
 He was involved as a co-organizer and participant in a number of joint international scientific and educational projects. According to the results of their implementation, the following collective monographs and textbooks were published: Economics and the Public Sector in Transitional economies (1999); “Transitional Economics: Methodology, Theory, Politics” (2003); “Problems of the Economy of Transitional Society” (2004); “European Vector of Economic Development” (2005); “Socio-economic problems of the information society” (2005, 2010); “Sustainable development: theory, methodology, practice” (2009); “The Economics of Civilizations in the Global Dimension” (2011); “Political Economy: Past, Present, Future” (2014), etc.
 Viktor Tarasevych is an author of more than 370 scientific, scientific and methodological, scientific and educational works, including 48 monographs (13 individual), about 140 articles. The most famous individual monographs are “Economic paradigms and paradigm theories” (1995), “Essays on the theory of transition economy” (2001), “Ekunik: hypotheses and experiments” (2008), “Economic and theoretical knowledge: universumic imperatives, hypotheses, experiments ”(2013),“ Economic-theoretical knowledge: the experience of philosophical and scientific testing ”(2014), “State capitalism: the renaissance versus oblivion ”(2016), Fundamental economic science: universumity of content and development ”(2017), as well as collective “Innovation and information economy: content, dynamics, regulation” (2018), “Euro-integration dimension of the national economy of Ukraine” (2019). He has nine copyright registration certificates of the works.
 His works are published in leading Ukrainian and foreign economic journals, such as: “Economy of Ukraine”, “Economic Theory”, “Finances of Ukraine”, “Social Economy”, “Mechanism of Economic Regulation”, “Problems of Economy and Political Economy”, “Actual Problems of Economics”, “Marketing and Management of Innovations”, “Questions of Economy” and “Questions of Political Economy”(Russia),“Education. Science. Society”(Kazakhstan),“International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences”(Switzerland),“Economic Studies journal”(Bulgaria).
 He took part in many scientific forums, symposia, scientific and practical conferences, including international (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, USA).
 The total number of links of his publications are 645 (according to the Google Scholar database), h-index = 14, i10-index = 20.
 At the present time there are some scientific and organizational, scientific and publishing duties, which are carrying out by him as member of organizations, such as:
- Specialized Scientific Council D 26.239.01 of the State Institution “Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine”;
- Specialized Academic Council D 41.055.01 of Odessa National Economic University;
- Section of socio-economic sciences of the Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology;
- Interdepartmental Coordination Council on Economic Theory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
- the editorial boards of the journals "Economy of Ukraine", "Economic Theory", "The Mechanism of Regulation of the Economy", collection of scientific papers “European Vector of Economic Development”, Bulletin of the International Nobel Economic Forum, “Education. Science. Society” (Kazakhstan) and others.
He serves as an organizer and editor-in-chief of the specialized scientific economic electronic journal "Problems of Economy and Political Economy".
He acts as initiator of creation and co-chair of the All-Ukrainian Association of Political Economy NGO, member of the central council of the International Political Economic Association, member of the board of the International Association for Institutional Studies.
 He is a member of the group for specialty 051 - "Economics", guarantor of the EPP "International Economics" specialty 051 - "Economics" (EKL - Master).
Main awards and distinctions: Honorary Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (1999); "Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine" (1999); Gratitude of the Chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration (2004); The Badge "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2005); Certificate of Honor of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council (2010); Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Council of Ukraine (2011); Distinction of the Chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration "For the Development of the Region" (2012); Breastplate of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council "For the Development of Spirituality" (2018); Gratitude of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2018).

 Main publications for 2017-2023:

 Тарасевич В.М. Фундаментальна економіна наука: универсумність змісту і розвитку: монографія / В.М. Тарасевич. Дніпро: ПБП «Економіка», 2017. 1022 с. 214,2 д.а.
 Тарасевич В.М. Інноваційно-інформаційна економіка: зміст, динаміка, регулювання: монографія / Тарасевич В. М., Білоцерківець В. В., Завгородня О. О., Лебедєва В. К. та ін.; за ред. В. М. Тарасевича. Дніпро: ПБП «Економіка», 2018. 356 с. 20,65 д.а.
 Тарасевич В.М. Цифровий вимір інноваційно-інформаційної економіки: монографія / Тарасевич В. М., Білоцерківець В. В., Завгородня О. О., Лебедєва В. К. та ін.; за ред. В. М. Тарасевича. – Дніпро: ПБП «Економіка», 2021. 448 с. 26,14 д.а.
 Тарасевич В.М. Теоретичний вимір інформаційно-цифрових феноменів в економіці: монографія / В.М. Тарасевич. Дніпро: ПБП «Экономика», 2021. – 108 с.
 Тарасевич В.М. Знаннєво-інформаційні ноумени і феномени в економіці: теоретичний вимір. Монографія. Дніпро: ПБП «Економіка», 2023. 224 с.

Тарасевич В.М. Методологія субстанційного синтезу М. Туган-Барановського та проблеми розвитку загальної теорії цінності // М.І. Туган-Барановський: вчений, громадянин, державотворець. До 150-річчя від дня народження / Відп. ред. В.В. Небрат. К.: Наукова думка, 2015. 363 с. (С. 57-71). 1,0 д.а.
 Тарасевич В.М. Європейська інтеграція України: проблеми, можливості, дії / В.М. Тарасевич // Євроінтеграційний вимір національної економіки України / за ред. В.М. Тарасевича. Дніпро: ПБП «Економіка», 2019. С. 6-47 (особистий внесок - 2 д.а.).
 Тарасевич В.М. Стратегічний вибір Дніпропетровщини: від сучасних реалій до бажаного майбутнього / за заг. та наук. ред. І.А. Чикаренко, Т.В. Маматової. – Дніпро: ДРІДУ НАДУ, 2021. – С. 8-25 (162 с., 9,4 д.а.) (особистий внесок – 1,03 д.а.).

 Тарасевич В.М., Завгородня О.О., Білоцерківець В.В. та інші. Національна економіка: навчальний посібник / В.М. Тарасевич, О.О. Завгородня, В.В. Білоцерківець та інші. – Дніпро: НМетАУ, 2016. 148 с. 0,8 д.а. (особистий внесок).
 Тарасевич В.М., Білоцерківець В.В., Завгородня О.О. та інші. Філософія та методологія економічної науки: Підручник / За ред. В.М. Тарасевича. Дніпро: ПБП «Економіка», 2019. 160 с. (9,33 д.а.) 8,0 д.а. (особистий внесок).
 Тарасевич В.М., Золотарьова О.В., Лебедєва В.К. та інші. Соціальна відповідальність: Підручник / За ред. В.М. Тарасевича, О.В. Золотарьової. – Дніпро: ПБП «Економіка», 2019. 2014 с. (12.02 д.а.) 0,5 д.а. (особистий внесок).
 Тарасевич В.М., Білоцерківець В.В., Завгородня О.О. та інші. Сучасна міжнародна економіка: Підручник / За ред. В.М. Тарасевича. Дніпро: ПБП «Економіка», 2019. 386 с. 0,5 д.а. (особистий внесок).
 Тарасевич В.М. Бізнес і власність / В.М. Тарасевич, Н.В. Рябцева // Економіка і бізнес: підручник / за ред. д.е.н., проф. Л.Г. Мельника, д.е.н., проф. О.І. Карінцевої. Суми: Університетська книга, 2021. 316 с. (0,7 д.а.) 0,35 д.а. (особистий внесок).

 Тарасевич В.М. Теоретичний вимір інформаційно-цифрової економіки: основи та система первинних інформаційних феноменів. Економіка України. 2021. - № 1. – С. 3-23. 1,2 д.а. (Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, OAJI).
 Тарасевич В.М. Теоретичний вимір інформаційно-цифрової економіки: інформаційна діяльність і система похідних інформаційних феноменів (продуктів). Економіка України. 2021. № 3. С. 3-19. 1,1 д. а. (Google Scholar, Index Copernicus , OAJI).
 Тарасевич В.Н. По повод стогодишнина та от рождението на основателя на одеската икономическа школа А. К. Покритан / М.И. Зверяков, А.А. Гриценко, В.Н. Тарасевич, П.А. Покритан, Л.Л. Жданова, А.В. Грималюк, С.В. Синяков. Народностопански архив. 2021. година LXXIV, книга 1. С. 3-16. 0,3 д.а.
 Тарасевич В. Антична цивілізація: еволюція Мікен і революція «темних віків». Економічна теорія. 2020. № 4. С. 25 – 44. 1,5 д.а. (Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, OAJI).
 Тарасевич В.М. Теоретичний вимір інформаційно-цифрової економіки: інформаційно-цифрові процеси та їх атрибути. Економіка України. 2021. № 6. С. 21 - 35. 0,9 д. а. (Google Scholar, Index Copernicus , OAJI).
 Тарасевич В.М. Економічний вимір української ідентичності. Економіка України. 2021. № 11. - С. 85-89. 0,3 д.а. (Google Scholar, Index Copernicus , OAJI).
Сучасна кореволюція: машинізована людина і/або олюднена машина. Економіка України. 2022. № 2. С. 20-36. 1,1 д. а. (Google Scholar, Index Copernicus , OAJI).
 Tarasevich V.N. Economic Aspects of Transfer of Educational Technologies at Context of Appropriation of Intellectual Product / I. L. Leonidov, D. K. Kovalchuk, V. K. Lebedeva. Economic Studies (Ikonomicheski Izsledvania) journal. 2022. № 2 (31). P. 157-172 (особистий внесок – 0,3 д.а.). (Scopus).
 Тарасевич В.М. Антична цивілізація: народження поліса - держави. Економічна теорія. 2022. № 1. С. 5-25. (Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, OAJI).
 Bilotserkivets, V., Tarasevych, V., Aliyev,U., Izdebski, W., Lemeshchenko, P. Develoment of economy digitalization: global and national dimensions in the pre-COVID and postpandemic world. International Journalof Global Environmental Issues, 2022, 21 (2-4), pp. 276-302. (Scopus).
 Тарасевич В.М. Про загальну і спеціальні теорії цінності. Економіка України. 2022. № 12. С. 13-33. 1,5 д. а. (Google Scholar, Index Copernicus , OAJI).
 Тарасевич В.М. Класичний античний поліс: форми привласнення та соціальні кластери. Економічна теорія. 2023. №1. С. 5-30.

 Scientometric resources: Google Scholar Citation