Newly took place the International scientific conference of "Second Galchinsky reading" in the National institute of strategic researches (Kyiv), what been the base of scientific-research establishment of scientifically-analytical maintenance for activity of President of Ukraine and the Council of national security and defensive of Ukraine, by a consultative-deliberative organ for President of Ukraine. The aim of conference is development of the scientifically-methodological guarantee of state strategies and politics in the conditions of global post-industrial transformations.
With scientific lectures took places the statements on the plenary meeting : by Sergey Pirozhkov is academician of NAS of Ukraine, vice-president of NAS of Ukraine, Andrii Hrytsenko is academician of NAS of Ukraine, deputy director of GO "Institute of economics and prognostication of NAS of Ukraine", Pavlo Hajducky is academician NAAS Ukraine, director of Institute of strategic estimations, Ella Libanova of academician is NAS of Ukraine, academician-secretary of Department of economics of NAS of Ukraine, director of Institute of demography and problems of quality of life of NAS of Ukraine, Victor Tarasevych is corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, head of department of the Ukrainian state university of science and technologies, Igor Liutyi is corresponding member NAS of Ukraine, head of a department Kyiv national university the name Taras Shevchenko, Yaroslav Zhalilo is doctor economic science, senior staff scientist, deputy of director of the National institute of strategic researches and other scientists. The theme of lecture of V. Tarasevych is the "Smart economics how component of foundation of national grow".
With direct translation and materials of conference there is possible familiarization per by next reference:
Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines