At the beginning of December in the Odesa national economic university (ONEU) took place the Allukrainian scientific-practical conference of "Pocritan's reading" the "Actual problems of the development of economic theory in the conditions of modern calls", what sanctified to the 90-years-old anniversary of department of general economic theory and economic policy (GETEP) of the ONEU. On the plenary meeting conferences with rich in content lectures came forward : V. Heyec is an academician of NAS of Ukraine, director GO "Institute of economics and prognostication of NAS of Ukraine", A. Hricenco is an academician of NAS of Ukraine, deputy of director GO "Institute of economy and prognostication of NAS of Ukraine", M. Zveriacov is a corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, head of department GETEP (ONEU), V. Tarasevych is a corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, head of department IESHD of USUST, V. Suslov is a candidate of economic sciences, Minister for economy of Ukraine (1997-1999), L. Zhdanova is a doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of department GETEP of ONEU, A. Grymaluk is a doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of department GETEP of ONEU.
In the lecture "Theoretical character of smart-economics" of V. Tarasevych grounded theoretical conception of smart-economics as parts of the modern economy presented by the great number of the human-machine intellectual systems, what self-organization and self-development due to creative activity of human.
Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines