The work plan of the Student Scientific Circle "Actual problems of intellectual property and project management"
Рlan of the student scientific seminar on intellectual property and project management in the 2019-2020 academic year.docx (plan_2019-2020.docx 27 kb)
plan_2016-2017.docx (plan_2016-2017.docx 27 kb)
Work plan of the student scientific seminar on intellectual property and project management in the 2021-2022 academic year.docx (plan_stud_sem_21-22.docx 14 kb)
Рlan of the Student Scientific Seminar in Intellectual Property for the 2013/2014 academic year (ktvorint_2372.docx 26 kb)
The work plan of the Student Scientific Seminar in Intellectual Property for the 2011/2012 academic year (ktvorint_3761.doc 38 kb)
The work plan of the Student Scientific Workshop on Intellectual Property in 2017-2018.docx (plan_2017-2018.docx 28 kb)
The plan of the student's scientific seminar on intellectual property and project management in 2018/19.docx (plan_2018-2019.docx 27 kb)
Work plan of the student scientific seminar on intellectual property and project management in the 2020-2021 academic year.docx (plan_stud_sem_20-21.docx 15 kb)
Work plan of the student scientific seminar "Current problems of intellectual property and project management" in 2023/2024.docx (ktvorint_5776.docx 14 kb)
The work plan of the Student Scientific Seminar in Intellectual Property for the 2012/2013 academic year (stud._seminary_2013.doc 44 kb)
The work plan of the student scientific seminar in IP for the 2013-2014 academic year
Рlan of the student scientific seminar on intellectual property and project management in the 2022-2023 academic year.docx (plan_stud_sem_22-23.docx 14 kb)
The plan of the student's scientific seminar_2015-2016.docx (plan_2015-2016.docx 26 kb)
The plan of the student's scientific seminar_2014-2015_uch.g.doc (plan_raboty_studencheskogo_nauchnogo_seminara_v_2014-2015_uch.g.doc 26 kb)
Uplink: Educational process