Agreement on cooperation

On the occasion of the signing of an agreement on cooperation between the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (hereinafter - USUNT) and the State Enterprise "Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Scientific and Technical Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification" (hereinafter - SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya"), on February 15, 2024, the managers and leading specialists of these organizations. Ways and specified forms of further development of joint activities were discussed.
UDUNT was represented at the meeting by the First Vice-Rector, Doctor of Science, Prof. Anatoliy RADKEVICH, vice-rector for scientific work, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Yuriy PROYDAK and the head of the Department of Quality Systems, Standardization and Metrology, PhD, prof. Anatoly DOLZHANSKY.
SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya" was represented by General Director Oleg PIKIL, Deputy General Director for metrology Kateryna RUDKO, leading quality specialist Maksym BILONOZHKO, and assistant to the General Director for Science Ph.D. Volodymyr CHAIKA.
It was emphasized that in 2023, SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya" was certified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a scientific institution and included in the State Register of scientific institutions that receive state support.
Emphasis was placed on the importance of compatible scientific and technical cooperation, including with the involvement of students of USUNT and employees of the Parties, taking into account opportunities in the relevant areas of activity.
The desire to conduct joint publication activities and scientific conferences, participation in research, improvement of employee qualifications, involvement of professionals in quality, metrology and assessment of compliance of SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya" to the educational process as one of the stakeholders was noted.
The parties discussed the possibility of involving students of USUNT, including - within the framework of dual education for industrial practice and graduation in the laboratories of SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya", as well as the possibility of conducting excursions with a demonstration of the use of unique standards.
Also, there was a productive exchange of experience in solving related issues that arose before the Parties as a result of reorganization procedures due to the joining of several higher education institutions to USUNT and the joining of several state-owned research and production enterprises in the field of quality assurance, technical regulation and metrology to the SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya".
In the photo (from left to right): leading quality specialist Maksym BILONOZHKO (SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya"); First vice-rector Anatoly RADKEVICH (UDUNT); Deputy General Director for metrology Kateryna RUDKO (SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya"); General Director Oleg PIKIL (SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya"); Assistant to the General Director for Science Volodymyr CHAYKA (SE "Dniprostandartmetrologiya"); Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Yuriy PROYDAK (UDUNT); Head of the Department of Quality Systems, Standardization and Metrology Anatoliy DOLZHANSKY (UDUNT)
Department of Quality systems, Standardization and Metrology