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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


Recently, the second release of the collection of scientific works "Scientific Notes of KDID NMetAU", prepared by the Department of Documentation and Information Activity of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, was published. The collection has 180 pages, consists of two sections and contains twenty-one scientific articles and twelve thesis (reports), which cover various aspects of document science and information activities, pedagogy, teaching methods in HEI, secondary educational institutions and schools, archival, library and information institutions, summarize the socio-communicative aspects of management in general, in quarantine in particular, and so on.

The authors in the "Scientific Notes of KDID" are not only teachers of the Department of Documentation and Information Activities, but also scientists of other departments of NMetAU. Our colleagues from Oles Honchar DNU, PSACEA, DRIDU NADU under the President of Ukraine, DSIPCaS, Dnipro Academy of Music named after M.I. Glinka, DSUIA, DTEK also submitted their works to the collection, which testifies to the high scientific potential of the publication. A characteristic feature of the collection has already been that it publishes researches of NMetAU masters (who have just received diplomas or will defend their dissertations in the current academic year). Representatives of Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky joined our masters in this release. We hope to continue productive cooperation with this institution.

Thus, the new release of "Scientific Notes of KDID" confirmed the need for the department to continue this complex and painstaking work, and this is not easy in our time. The editorial board of the collection, which is headed by the head of the Department of Documentation and Information Activity, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor O.V. Mykhailyuk, and which includes associate professors – Candidate of Philological Sciences С.A. Prokofieva (Deputy Chairman, Executive Secretary), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences O.M. Reshetilova, Candidate of Historical Sciences S.V. Savchenko, work has already begun on the third release of the collection.

I hope that the next issue of KDID Scientific Notes will, firstly, further expand its geography and scientific areopagus, and secondly, and most importantly, it will become a notable phenomenon on the domestic documentary and educational scientific horizon. All faculties of NMetAU and our graduates – practitioners from management and information institutions, archives, libraries, etc. are invited to take part in it. Thank you to all the authors of the second release, we wish you creative inspiration, further success and productive cooperation in the third release!



Department of the Document Studies and Information Activities