Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Open Day '2022


Congratulations to the staff of the Department of Foundry on the completion of the International Educational Grant for the passage of the III International Program for the Advanced Training of Heads of Educational and Scientific Institutions News icon

Congratulations to the staff of the Department of Foundry on the completion of the International Educational Grant for the passage of the III International Program for the Advanced Training of Heads of Educational and Scientific Institutions, as well as pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers:

1. Head of the Department of Foundry Khrychikov Valery Evgenievich.

2. Dean of the Faculty of Electromechanics and Electrometallurgy Seliverstov Vadim Yurievich.

3. Deputy head of the research department Sergei Ivanovich Repyakh.

4. Deputy head. cafe foundry Bely Alexander Petrovich.

5. Professor of the department foundry Ivanova Lyudmila Kharitonovna.

6. Associate Professor foundry Osipenko Irina Alexandrovna.

7. Professor of the department foundry production Menyailo Elena Valerievna.

8. Associate Professor foundry Usenko Ruslan Viktorovich.



Classes for full-time students begin on Monday, January 31, 2022 in full-time (classroom) mode according to the schedule. 


To the attention of students and teachers

The historic period of transformation of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU) and the Dnieper National University of Railway Transport (DNUZT) into the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (UGUNT) is over. All NMetAU students have been officially transferred to UDUNT. All faculties of the former NMetAU are subordinated to the new structure of the Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies of UGUNT, headed by the director of the institute, corresponding member. NAS of Ukraine, Professor Oleksandr Velychko.


Важка втрата News icon

З великим сумом повідомляємо, що 27.01.2022 на 77 році пішов з життя старший викладач кафедри електрометалургії ПОЛЯКОВ ГЕОРГІЙ АНАТОЛЬОВИЧ, добра, порядна, світла та чуйна людина. Світла пам'ять про Георгія Анатолійовича назавжди залишиться в наших серцях. 

Прощання з Георгієм Анатолійовичем відбудеться 28.01.22 о 12.00 за адресом: вул. Братів Трофімових 4, корп. 3.


On March 31, 2021, the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology was established.

Applicants for higher education and other persons studying at the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine continue their studies at the newly established University in selected specialties and sources of funding (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 464 dated April 26, 2021).

Links to official University resources:

Telegram: //


The IV International Conference "Innovative Technologies ..." (Finland) was successfully held News icon

On December 6-8, 2021, the IV International Conference "Innovative Technologies in Science and Education. European Experience" was successfully held at the University of Aalto (Helsinki, Finland). The conference was attended by more than 140 representatives ("full-time" + "part-time" participation) from more than 40 universities, including 22 representatives from universities in Finland, Bulgaria and Portugal. Following the conference, a collection of materials was prepared, which included more than 60 reports (abstracts) and several articles. The collection will be published in the form of a book and electronic edition on CD (approximate date of publication - mid-end of January 2022). An electronic version of the collection is already available for download from the site. To view / download the collection, follow the link. The Conference Organizing Committee thanks all those who took part in the conference and invites you to participate in the next conferences in 2022. More information about the last conference, including planned for 2022, posted on the relevant page (  ORGANIZING COMMITTEE



The staff of the Department of Financial Management, Accounting Analytics and Business Monitoring congratulates the senior teacher Prykhodchenko Oksana on the approval of the degree of candidate of economic sciences.


IV International Conference "Innovative Technologies in Science and Education. European Experience"

At the end of November 2021, a regular international conference is planned at the Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland). We invite you to participate (in person, in absentia). Files with information about the conference (conditions of participation, application forms, etc.) can be viewed / downloaded in the "Conferences" section.




Conference November 2021

Dear colleagues!
We invite you and students to take part in the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of applicants for higher education and young scientists "FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISMS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL"
which will take place on November 25-26, 2020 on the basis of the Department of Financial Management, Accounting Analytics and Business Monitoring of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnipro.
Details in the Conference section
We hope for fruitful cooperation.

Sincerely, the organizing committee


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