
Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція «Інформаційні технології в металургії та машинобудуванні – ІТММ’2025», відбудеться 23 – 24 квітня 2025 року на базі ННІ «Дніпровський металургійний інститут» Українського державного університету науки і технологій (УДУНТ).
Посилання на офіційний сайт конференцій
1. Системний аналіз і синтез процесів у металургії та машинобудуванні.
2. Інформаційні технології в процесах одержання матеріалів із заданими властивостями.
3. Математичне моделювання та проектування складних систем.
4. Інтелектуальні інформаційно-управляючі системи та проблеми інформаційної безпеки.
Посилання на вимоги до оформлення тез і статей та інша інформація.
INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE of "SCIENTIFIC INHERITANCE of MYKHAJLO TUGAN-BARANOVSKY AS CONCEPTUAL SOIL of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT", what devoted by a 160 thing from the day of birth of the prominent Ukrainian scientist and statesman Mykhajlo Tugan-Baranovsky took place on January, 29, 2025 in Institute of economics and prognostication of NAS of Ukraine.
With a congratulatory word to the participants of conference appealed Anatolii ZAGORODNY of the academician of NAS of Ukraine, President of NAS of Ukraine, Valery HEYETS of the academician of NAS of Ukraine, director GO "Institute of economics and prognostication of NAS of Ukraine", Ella LIBANOVA of the academician of NAS of Ukraine, Academician-secretary of Department of economics of NAS of Ukraine, Anton FILIPENCO of the academician of Academy of sciences of higher school of Ukraine, d.s., professor, Head of PO the "Allukrainian association of economists-specialists".
On the plenary meeting conferences with lectures of FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS of M.TUGAN-BARANOVSKY AND СУБСТАНЦІЙНІСТЬ OF POLITICAL ECONOMY came forward Victor TARASEVYCH - professor, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, head of department, Ukrainian state university of science and technologies.
Recently, during the visit to the school № 85, the head of department of IESHD, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine V. Tarasevych was initiated the discussion of schoolboys about the prospects of their life and activity after receipt the certificate about secondary education.
In the discussion took part deputy of director S.Olifyr. An agreement about concrete general measures was attained.
XV All-Ukrainian Conference of Young Scientists
Dear young scientists, postgraduate students, education seekers!
We invite you to participate in the XV All-Ukrainian Conference "Young Scientists 2025 - from Theory to Practice". The conference will be held on March 20, 2025 in a correspondence (and/or online) format. The conference is included in the corresponding List of international, all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences of higher education seekers and young scientists in 2025 in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
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An important event in scientific and public activity of the Ukrainian state university of science and technologies became round table the "Results of participation of the Ukrainian scientists in the program "Horizon Europe". Presentation of successful cases", what took place on December, 18 in 2024. The chancellor of university of Konstantin Suhyj came forward to the participants with a congratulatory word. With the personal interest there were the met lectures of Vladyslav Danshevsky, Maryna Babenko, Anton Smirnov. The special notice the lecture of Yevhen Ryzhenko came into "Experience of cooperation of company Festo with the Ukrainian universities. Strengthening of role of OHE in the context of paradigm of Industry 4.0". In this head of the department of international economy and social-humanitarian disciplines has grounding results that is represented in a fundamental monograph the "Digital measuring of innovation-information economics" after the release of member - correspondent of NAS of Ukraine, Victor Tarasevych, prepared within the framework of the European project on the program "Erasmus+ Strengthening of role of OHE in industrial transformation in the context of paradigm of Industry 4.0 in Georgia and Ukraine".
In-process was round table the head of department Victor Tarasevych and other tutors of the department. Interesting suggestions were expressed by participants round table from the South machine-building plant in relation to the prospects of cooperation of enterprise with Institute of aerospace researches of USUST in the project of creation of monthly settlements on Moon, moreover, that USUST already has for itself a standard of soil of Moon as mortgage of success of the new ambitious space programs with participation of USUST.
A west became an effective platform for an exchange, search of new ideas and partners, experience for realization of innovative projects. Participants expressed a confidence in that the program "Horizon Europe" opens wide possibilities for development of Ukrainian science, assists integration to European scientific space.
At the beginning of December in the Odesa national economic university (ONEU) took place the Allukrainian scientific-practical conference of "Pocritan's reading" the "Actual problems of the development of economic theory in the conditions of modern calls", what sanctified to the 90-years-old anniversary of department of general economic theory and economic policy (GETEP) of the ONEU. On the plenary meeting conferences with rich in content lectures came forward : V. Heyec is an academician of NAS of Ukraine, director GO "Institute of economics and prognostication of NAS of Ukraine", A. Hricenco is an academician of NAS of Ukraine, deputy of director GO "Institute of economy and prognostication of NAS of Ukraine", M. Zveriacov is a corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, head of department GETEP (ONEU), V. Tarasevych is a corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, head of department IESHD of USUST, V. Suslov is a candidate of economic sciences, Minister for economy of Ukraine (1997-1999), L. Zhdanova is a doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of department GETEP of ONEU, A. Grymaluk is a doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of department GETEP of ONEU.
In the lecture "Theoretical character of smart-economics" of V. Tarasevych grounded theoretical conception of smart-economics as parts of the modern economy presented by the great number of the human-machine intellectual systems, what self-organization and self-development due to creative activity of human.
Choosing a future profession is a crucial step in the life of every young person. Sometimes a meeting with specialists who, revealing the content and significance of a certain field of knowledge and specialty, provide important guidelines and arouse interest in it is of decisive importance. One of such meetings can be considered, without exaggeration, the Open Day of the Department of International Economics and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines in an online format for graduates of ten schools of the Verkhnyodniprovskyi district, which took place on November 26. The graduates showed great interest in getting acquainted with our university, the Metallurgical Institute, the Faculty of Economics and Management, as well as the department and one of the most prestigious and promising educational and professional programs in Ukraine - "International Economics". V.M. made a detailed report. Tarasevich - Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine. He sincerely thanked the organizers of the meeting and emphasized the importance of the competencies provided by this program for the personal success of a bachelor or master, increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises and the economy of Ukraine as a whole in international markets, and emphasized the relevance for students of acquiring two specialties in order to be confident in the future. The meeting was attended by the teachers of the department A.V. Savych, V.K. Lebedeva, D.K. Kovalchuk, I.O. Tsurkanova. At the end of the event, students and teachers thanked the teachers of the department for an interesting conversation. It was agreed to hold further meetings in order to familiarize graduates with the educational and professional program "International Economics" and the conditions for admission to our university in more detail.
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the VII International Conference "Innovative Technologies in Science and Education. European Experience", which will be held on December 23-25, 2024. The conference is in the List of the Ministry of Education and Science for 2024 (section I /International Conferences/, item 707). It is planned to publish a collection of materials with an ISBN. Applications and materials should be sent to the organizing committee (Dnipro) at the e-mail address: ncon@ukr.net. Detailed information and application forms for participation are posted on the IPBT UDUNT website (view). ORGANIZING COMMITTEE
Vacancies for students and graduates