Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

A person is alive as long as his memory is alive...

Today, August 7, 2021, Alexander Ilyich Mikhalev would have turned 70 years old.

Everyone who knew Alexander Ilyich will confirm that he was a wonderful person, an interesting conversationalist, a companionable friend.

He was always appreciated for his wisdom, modesty, kindness and humanity. He knew how to be friends, get along with completely different people. He knew how to enjoy life.

Everyone who worked with Alexander Ilyich will certainly say that he was a real professional. He knew exactly what to do and demanded it from the others. Sometimes he did the impossible and managed to do everything and everywhere.

Probably, there were no questions that would not interest him, and it is difficult to imagine if there was something that he did not know how.

While a person is alive, you communicate as if there is an eternity ahead. It seems that now the door will open, he will enter the pulpit, charging everyone with his positive energy. But we only have to remember with the kind words of a kind person.

Alexander Ilyich, your memory is alive. And the memory of the past creates the future ...


The staff of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems



Dear participants in the educational process

We invite you to take part in an open meeting with the expert group of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, which conducts accreditation of the educational and scientific program "Metallurgy" for the preparation of doctors of philosophy in the specialty 136 Metallurgy.

An open meeting will take place on July 21, 2021 from 17:15 to 18:00 in the format of an online conference.

More details:


Associate Professor of Intellectual Property and Project Management T. Novorodovska and Senior Lecturer D. Tymchenko presented the department in a popular program on 34 TV channels News icon

   Associate professors Novorodovska Tetyana and Senior Lecturer Tymchenko Darya presented the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management in the popular program "Grani" on 34 TV channels!

  Finally, issues of intellectual property, in particular, copyright, are becoming extremely popular in Ukraine! Although, you can get such a specialty, except at our department, only in a few free economic zones in Ukraine! Watch the show


Congratulations to the head of the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management on receiving the academic title of professor! News icon

   In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 735 dated 29.06.2021 "On approval of decisions of the Attestation Board of the Ministry" Ph.D., Head of the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management Natalia Korogod was awarded academic rank of Professor of the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management.

   Natalia, the staff of the department sincerely congratulates you on this significant achievement, which has strengthened the scientific potential of the department and is the result of your purposeful, persistent long-term scientific and pedagogical work. May this achievement give you vitality for new accomplishments, and all difficulties in your activity will be overcome.

   We wish you creative inspiration, inexhaustible energy, good health and optimism!


Spring issue of energy managers 2021

On May 31, NMetAU hosted the graduation of energy managers of the Norway-Ukraine project. 25 servicemen received certificates of successful completion of the course "Energy Management" within the project of professional retraining and social adaptation of servicemen, veterans and their families ( Everyone who was motivated to learn and change - we are proud of you and rejoice in your success!!





All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty "METALLURGY" 2020/2021 academic year:

Дипломами I степени награждены: 

First degree diplomas were awarded to:  Дипломом IІ степени награждена:

Ekongo Muel Audrey Max, Art. gr. ME02-15m,

head Assoc. Sinegin E.V.

    Zhibul A.A., Art. gr. ML03-16m,

head prof. Minyaylo A.V

Pisotska K.S., art. gr. ME07-16m,

head of prof. Shifrin E.I.



The XVI International Conference in Bulgaria has successfully concluded its work

On June 2-05 the XVI International Conference "Strategy of Quality in Industry and Education" was successfully held. The conference was held on the basis of the Technical University of Varna with the participation of representatives of NMetAU, TU-Varna, as well as several well-known Ukrainian universities. Following the conference, a collection of conference materials is being prepared for publication (in the form of a printed edition and electronic, on the SD). The electronic version of the collection will be available on the conference page on the NMetAU website after the publisher provides an international ISBN index.ORGANIZING COMMITTEE




Вітаємо переможців конкурсу Національної академії наук України! News icon

Вітаємо переможців конкурсу Національної академії наук України!


За підсумками конкурсу на здобуття премій для молодих учених і студентів вищих навчальних закладів за кращі наукові роботи у 2020 р., проведеного відділеннями Національної академії наук України, Президія НАН України присудила премію за кращу наукову роботу «Удосконалення режимів роботи гідросистеми затискання штаби в двохконусному розмотувачі ТЕЗА 159-529» студенту Петрову Михайлу (група МБ01-16м, керівник доц. Мазур І.А.) та нагородила почесною грамотою наукову роботу «Дослідження експлуатації елементів головного підйому доменних печей» студента Нікуліна Олександру (група МБ01-16м, керівник проф. Білодіденко С.В.).

Бажаємо нових успіхів у науково-дослідницькій роботі!


New foreign patent received


Academy staff, department of casting production senior teacher Osipenko I.A. and professor Repyakh S.I., together with colleagues from Karaganda Technical University (Republic of Kazakhstan) received KZ patent for «Mixture for casting molds and rods», №6098 from 28.05.2021.

Congratulations to the authors with new achievements!

Patent and License Department



Regional scientific seminar News icon

Scientific Section Regional Research Seminar of Pridneprovsk Scientific Center of NAS «Modern problems of control and simulation of complex systems« will be held in NMetAU, 26.05.2021, at 15-00.

Speaker: Vovk S.M.

Topic: "Mathematical methods of data processing based on the criterion of minimum duration".




Congratulations to the assistant of the department of Automation of production processes Kuzmenko Mikhail Yurievich and his head associate professor Egorov Alexander Petrovich with the successful defense of the candidate's dissertation! We wish you good health, continued success and scientific achievements!


Congratulations to the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of student works News icon

Master of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Frantsuzan Lesya Petrovna

with the receipt of the Diploma of the III degree on

All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty «Applied Mechanics (Mechanical Engineering Technologies)» 2020/2021 academic year 

with the work «Technological support of operational reliability of the filling and drain valve rocket fuel tank»

The work was performed under the supervision of assistant Abramov S.O.


Congratulations to the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of student works News icon

Congratulations to the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of student works

Master of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Sinitsyn Yaroslav Sergeevich

with the receipt of the Diploma of the II degree on

All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty «Applied Mechanics (Mechanical Engineering Technologies)» 2020/2021 academic year

with the work «Improving the wear resistance of the surfaces of the shafts of aircraft centrifugal pumps»

The work was performed under the supervision of assistant Abramov S.O.


Congratulations to the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of student works News icon

Master of the Department of Livar Vyrobnitstva

Zhibul Gannu Andriyivnu

from the rejection of the 1st stage Diploma at the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Science Robots for the straight "Metallurgy",

with the robot "Razrakhunok parameters and features of modification of the axial zone and rolling rolls".


Professor Menyailo Oleni Valeriyivni


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