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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

On March 31, 2021, the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology was established.

Applicants for higher education and other persons studying at the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine continue their studies at the newly established University in selected specialties and sources of funding (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 464 dated April 26, 2021).

Links to official University resources:

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The IV International Conference "Innovative Technologies ..." (Finland) was successfully held News icon

On December 6-8, 2021, the IV International Conference "Innovative Technologies in Science and Education. European Experience" was successfully held at the University of Aalto (Helsinki, Finland). The conference was attended by more than 140 representatives ("full-time" + "part-time" participation) from more than 40 universities, including 22 representatives from universities in Finland, Bulgaria and Portugal. Following the conference, a collection of materials was prepared, which included more than 60 reports (abstracts) and several articles. The collection will be published in the form of a book and electronic edition on CD (approximate date of publication - mid-end of January 2022). An electronic version of the collection is already available for download from the site. To view / download the collection, follow the link. The Conference Organizing Committee thanks all those who took part in the conference and invites you to participate in the next conferences in 2022. More information about the last conference, including planned for 2022, posted on the relevant page (  ORGANIZING COMMITTEE



The staff of the Department of Financial Management, Accounting Analytics and Business Monitoring congratulates the senior teacher Prykhodchenko Oksana on the approval of the degree of candidate of economic sciences.


IV International Conference "Innovative Technologies in Science and Education. European Experience"

At the end of November 2021, a regular international conference is planned at the Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland). We invite you to participate (in person, in absentia). Files with information about the conference (conditions of participation, application forms, etc.) can be viewed / downloaded in the "Conferences" section.




Conference November 2021

Dear colleagues!
We invite you and students to take part in the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of applicants for higher education and young scientists "FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISMS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL"
which will take place on November 25-26, 2020 on the basis of the Department of Financial Management, Accounting Analytics and Business Monitoring of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnipro.
Details in the Conference section
We hope for fruitful cooperation.

Sincerely, the organizing committee


Dmytro Tverdokhlib, a student of the ST01-16 group, was elected the new Chairman of the Student Council of the National Metallurgical Academy

Dmytro is engaged in public activities in 2015, is the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Youth Council of Dnipropetrovsk region, heads the youth NGO "Duit", is an expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education "NAME" and works as a communication coordinator in the All-Ukrainian initiative "Active Community".

The newly elected Chairman of the Student Council is also an expert on youth policy, the functioning of student self-government bodies and mechanisms for citizen participation in decision-making.


Elections to the Student Council of the Academy took place on September 27 at the National Metallurgical аcademy of Ukraine.

Due to quarantine restrictions, the voting process took place in the lobby of the central building in compliance with the quarantine requirements. According to the results of the counting of votes by the Student Election Commission, the total turnout was 83 people.

Thank you to all candidates for their participation and fair election campaign! We also thank all the voters for their active civil position and expression of will in the elections! The date, time and place of the first solemn meeting of the renewed Student Council will be announced later.




The staff of the Department of Finance Management, Accounting Analytics and Business Monitoring sincerely congratulates senior lecturer Oksana Yuriyivna Prykhodchenko on the successful defense of the thesis "Modeling the optimal structure of the pension system of Ukraine" for the PhD degree in Economic Sciences in 08.00.11 - Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics , Supervisor Ph.D. Bandorina LM


NASA Space Apps Challenge International Space Hackathon News icon

30 вересня відбулася зустріч в дистанційному режимі для студентів напряму Інформаційні технології 121, 122 і 126 спеціальностей Національної металургійної академії України. Дякуємо Noosphere Engineering School за проведену зустріч! 

Посилання на інформаційні ресурси, які були представлені на цій зустрічі: 



Завдання та переклади

Ментори хакатону

Запис презентації



NASA Space Apps Challenge is a 48-hour online hackathon. News icon

     Due to the introduction of quarantine restrictions, the format of the meeting has changed!

     We are waiting for everyone at the ZOOM-conference on September 30 at 11:30. Connection data:…
Meeting ID: 862 4640 5998
Passcode: 272375
     NASA Space Apps Challenge is a 48-hour online hackathon. In 2 days, thousands of innovators, coders, designers, analysts and space enthusiasts come together in teams and solve tasks from NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Join us to solve global problems with us!



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