Students tour the house-museum of academician DI Yavornytsky "D.Yavornytsky Repin, friendship started with "Zaporozhian Cossacks""

May 10, 2017, students together with department of psychological and educational club "Perspective" attended the memorial house-museum of academician D.І. Yavornytsky. In visiting the museum program students took part in an exhibition quest "D.Yavornytsky Repin: friendship, started with "Zaporozhian Cossacks""
Students life
May 10, 2017, students together with department of psychological and educational club "Perspective" attended the memorial house-museum of academician D.І. Yavornytsky. In visiting the museum program students took part in an exhibition quest "D.Yavornytsky Repin: friendship, started with "Zaporozhian Cossacks""