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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Theory of metallurgical processes and general chemistry department

 In 1962, the first group of specialists in the field of physical chemistry graduated from the Academy. Due to the nature of scientific and educational activities of TMP Department its graduates continue working in the field of education and research, among them are prof., DSc Zinigrad M.I.; prof., DSc Kolesnik N.F.; prof., DSc Ostrik P.N.; DSc Turkenich D.I.; DSc. Lisowski A.F.; prof., DSc Chernyatevich A.G.; DSc Shmyreva T.P.; DSc, prof. Nizhnikovskaya P.F.; DSc.,  Prof. Shapovalov V.I.; DSc. Karpov V.Yu.; prof., DSc  Volovich M.I.;  PhD., Ass.Prof. Stepanov O.A.; Ph.D. Berenda V.V.; Ph.D. Belchenko V.G.; prof. Klimashevsky L.M., ; prof., DSc Kamkina L.V, Chumakov A.A.; Olhovoy A.V.; Voytashuk K.D.; Litvinenko L.F.; Sapozhnikov A.A.

Assigning prof., Dr.Sc. Yakovlev N.Yu. as the Head of the Department  in 1982 gave further expansion to research in the field of theory of metallurgical processes. Yakovlev N.Yu. and Kamkina L.V. developed the technique of using the physical and chemical models principles of oxidation and reduction processes which allow to calculate the distribution of oxygen and carbon flows between the reacting elements. This technique is essential to the theory of metallurgical processes.

In September 2000 Prof. Kamkina L.V. became the Head of the Department. In September 2002, Department of Physical Chemistry and Analytical Control was attached to the TMP Department. The department was renamed the Department of Theory of Metallurgical Processes and Physical Chemistry.

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