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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


GIPOprom - InIFN - Nikopol faculty

The Nikopol Faculty was created in 1998 of the last century as a separate subdivision in the structure of the State Institute for Training and Retraining of Industrial Personnel / GIPOprom / (order of the Minister of Education of Ukraine and the Minister of Industrial Policy of Ukraine of 13.10.98, No. 362/373, order of the rector of NMetAU Yu. M. Tarana, Chairman of the Academic Council of the complex "NMetAU-GIPOprom" dated October 29, 98, No. 118) and until 2013 worked as part of the educational and scientific complex "NMetAU-GIPOprom".

In 2013, by order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine (No. 630 of 05/28/2013) GIPOprom with all its subdivisions (including the Nikopol faculty) was reorganized by joining the NMetAU and until 2021 continued its work as a structural unit of the academy - the Educational and Scientific Institute of Integrated Forms training / InIFN / (director - prof. TS Khokhlova).

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 04/26/2021 No. 464 "On the establishment of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology" (USUTT), the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine was reorganized by joining USUTT together with its structural divisions - InIFN and Nikopol faculty. In accordance with the same order, the Nikopol faculty of NMetAU received the status of a separate structural unit of USUNT. By order of NMetAU dated 04/29/2021 No. 13, the functioning of the InIFN was terminated, and the Nikopol faculty was designated as its legal successor. By the same order, the following structural divisions of NMetAU were introduced into the faculty:

- Department of Theory, Technology and Automation of Metallurgical Processes;

- Department of Administration, Management and Entrepreneurship;

- Department of Humanities, Fundamental and General Engineering Disciplines;

- Nikopol Regional Center for Monitoring Education and Social Partnership.

According to the Regulations on the Nikopol Faculty, the Academic Council of the Faculty functions, the groups for ensuring the quality of educational programs, according to which the educational process is carried out.

More than 15-year history of the State Institute for Training and Retraining of Industrial Personnel / GIPOprom / (1997-2013) and the path traversed by the Institute of Integrated Forms of Education / InIFN / NMetAU (2013-2021) is the history of the formation of a new system of training and professional development of specialists for the enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex / mining and metallurgical complex / Ukraine, to the maximum extent adapted to modern economic realities, the needs of the labor market and the requirements of employers.

After Ukraine gained independence in 1990 and the transition to new forms of ownership and management, the system of training personnel for MMC enterprises that existed until that time was left without state support, which is why the relevant educational institutions and centers were forced to move to work in new conditions or stop your activities.

Understanding the current situation, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.T. Pliskanovsky came up with an initiative to create an institute that would meet the requirements of the time. Thanks to his efforts, in 1996, by a joint order of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Education of Ukraine (No. 187/332), the State Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Leaders and Specialists of the Metallurgical Complex of Ukraine (IPK MK) was created. Later, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Industrial Policy (No. 93/115 of 03/01/2001), it was renamed into the State Institute of Postgraduate Education for Managers and Specialists of the Metallurgical Complex of Ukraine, and then, by a joint order of the above ministries (No. 87 / 140 of 24.02.2004), renamed into the State Institute for Training and Retraining of Industrial Personnel (GIPOprom). GIPOprom was accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine at the III level.

In 1998, with the support of the rector of NMetAU, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yu. Taran, in order to introduce a stepwise system of training specialists for industrial enterprises, conduct joint scientific research, effectively use and develop the material and technical base, the Interdepartmental Educational and Scientific Complex NMetAU-GIPOprom was created (order of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine dated 03.17. No. 106/90). Such cooperation made it possible to involve in the educational process the teaching staff of the highest qualification, first of all - from among the teachers of NMetAU. To ensure the high quality of training specialists for the educational process, teachers from the leading universities of the city were also involved - Dnepropetrovsk National University. O. Gonchar, National Mining University, State University of Railway Transport, etc.

All the years of GIPOprom's existence (1996-2013) its permanent rector was Stanislav Pliskanovsky - a famous metallurgist, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, academician of the Academy of Higher School of Ukraine, laureate of state prizes of Ukraine and the USSR, doct. tech. Sciences, Professor (for more details, see the Internet encyclopedia). In July 2015, noting the enormous contribution of S.T. Pliskanovsky in the development of the national metallurgy and the National Metallurgical Academy, at the ceremonial meeting of the Academic Council of NMetAU he was solemnly awarded the title "Honorary Professor of NMetAU".

The cooperation of the institute with NMetAU within the framework of the created complex allowed only in the first five years (1998-2003) to transfer to the departments of the academy for joint use in the educational process about 150 modern (at that time) personal computers, dozens of office equipment (multimedia projectors, plotters, scanners, etc.). The library fund of the Academy received more than 10 thousand copies of textbooks and teaching aids from the GIPOprom for a total of 235 thousand UAH. (approximately $ 45 thousand at the 2003 exchange rate).

Since 1997, the institute has carried out its activities in the structure of 3 faculties: metallurgical (Krivoy Rog, dean - doctor of technical sciences, prof. A.D. Uchitel); technological (Nikopol, dean - associate professor V.N. Rubanov); engineering and economic (Dnepropetrovsk, deans - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor N.N. Lisovenko, doctor of technical sciences, prof. V.V. Bochka).

A significant contribution to the formation and development of the Nikopol Faculty was made by well-known specialists of the National Medical University of Ukraine who worked at DIPOprom and INIFN in different years: O.D. Uchitel, L.F. Puzyrkova-Uvarova, V.K. Tsapko, O.P. Grudev, V.V. Bochka, V.M. Druyan, M.I. Khanin, O.E. Yanishevskyi, V.S. Egorov, O.P. Egorov, D.E. Kozenkov et al.

The contribution of GIPOprom and InIFN to the provision of qualified personnel for the enterprises of the MMC of the Dnieper region is enormous. Thousands of specialists who received higher education at these institutes (often the second or even the third in a row) were able to find themselves: to adapt to the changed conditions in the labor market after perestroika, gain confidence in the future, get career prospects and growth in material well-being. ...

Over the years of work (1997-2021), more than 10 thousand specialists were trained, 3000 underwent retraining and advanced training. Unlike many "classical" universities in Dnepropetrovsk, a significant part of the graduates were trained by the institute under contracts with enterprises. This was facilitated by the fact that the training schedule at GIPOprom, InIFN and at the Nikopol Faculty made it possible to combine study and work - approximately 70-80% of students were trained, working in enterprises and organizations, which practically eliminated the problems of internship and further employment of graduates.

OJSC “DMZ Petrovsky ”, OJSC“ Nizhnedneprovsky tube-rolling plant ”, CJSC“ Arcelor-Mittal - Krivoy Rog ”, Nikopol pipe and ferroalloy plants, OJSC“ Dnepropetrovsk tube-rolling plant ”, OJSC“ Kominmet ”, SE“ Production association “Yuzhny machine-building plant”, as well as small and medium-sized businesses of the Dnieper region.

The largest enterprises of the Nikopol region have been and remain regular customers of the Nikopol faculty, including JSC Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant, PJSC Centravis Production Ukraine, Interpipe Nikotube LLC, VSMPO Titan-Ukraine LLC, PO Oscar LLC, NPO Trubostal LLC, Marganetsky GOK JSC, Pokrovsky GOK JSC and others .the enterprise.

Throughout the years, one of the main priorities has been the constant introduction of innovative technologies for organizing the educational process, the opening of new areas for training specialists, not rarely - for the first time in Dnepropetrovsk and Ukraine. Among them, it should be noted projects for the introduction of distance learning (a bronze medal in the nomination "Development and implementation of distance learning in the educational process" at the International Exhibition "Modern Education in Ukraine - 2003", Kiev), the introduction of on-line video lectures in the educational process for students of Nikopol and Kryvyi Rih faculties using the Internet, opening (for the first time among Ukrainian universities) a new direction for training specialists in quality, standardization and certification, obtaining a certificate for the quality management system of the educational process according to the international standard ISO 9001: 2009 and others.

Considerable attention was paid at the institute to the development of international cooperation - on the basis of the relevant agreements, GIPOprom, InIFN, and now the Nikopol faculty cooperated and continue to cooperate with the Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria), the Technological University of Brno (Czech Republic), Aalto University (Finland), University of Algarve Faro (Portugal), etc. Since 2005, an international conference "Quality Strategy in Industry and Education" has been annually organized and held in Bulgaria (on the basis of TU-Varna), thanks to which the geography of international cooperation is constantly expanding. International activities have been repeatedly awarded with honorary diplomas and awards. So, in 2009 at the international exhibition of educational institutions (Kiev) GIPoprom was awarded a bronze medal in the category "International cooperation in the field of education and science."

The main tasks of the Nikopol Faculty, as the successor to the traditions of the State Institute of Industrial Engineering and the InIFN, for today and for the coming years, despite the reorganization, remain unchanged - the introduction and improvement of advanced educational technologies, the development of new areas for training specialists, the development of international cooperation with educational institutions of the near and far abroad. using years of experience.