Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


Scientific and Technical International Conference «Information technology in metallurgy and machine building»


Scientific and Technical International Conference «Information technology in metallurgy and machine building» was founded under the guidance of Professor Mikhalev Alexander Illich in 2008 and is held annually at the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine in March.

The ITMM conference is dedicated to the analysis of problems and prospects of development of information technologies in metallurgy and mechanical engineering.


During the years the following thematic areas of the conference were formed:

1. System analysis and synthesis of processes in metallurgy and mechanical engineering.

2. Information technologies in the process of obtaining materials with specified properties.

3. Mathematical modeling of complex systems.

4. Intelligent information management systems and technologies.

5. Progressive information technologies and organization of modern production.

6. System information processing technologies and cybersecurity.

7. Innovative approaches to improving the quality of the educational process and issues of anti-plagiarism


The materials of the international scientific and technical conference are published in electronic format. On the request of the authors, the abstract can be assigned an unique digital ID DOI.


Also, at the request of participants, extended and supplemented texts of reports can be published in the form of scientific articles in periodicals, which are included in the list of professional scientific publications, all articles receive DOI:

- System technologies ISSN: 1562-9945;

- Modern problems of metallurgy ISSN: 1991-7848.

Scientific publications are indexed at the Crossref, Index Copernicus, Ulrichsweb, and are published in the Ukrainian References Magazine “Dzherelo”, on the site of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.


More information about the conditions for this year's conference can be found in the relevant section at the beginning of this page.


Official site of the Scientific and Technical International Conference ITMM:


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