Gnatushenko Viktorija Vladimirovna Department manager doctor of engineering's sciences, professor Andriukhina Marharyta Vasylivna assistant, post-graduate student Bezub Vladimir Nikolaevich senior teacher Deineka Bohdan Mykhailovych post-graduate student Dmytriieva Iryna Sergiivna candidate of technical science, assistant professor Fenenko Tatjana Mihajlovna senior teacher Gnatushenko Vladimir Vladimirovich doctor of engineering's sciences, professor Gopkalo Lybov Nikolaevna laboratory chief Guda Anton Igorevich doctor of engineering's sciences, professor Kaliberda Yurij Olegovich senior teacher, post-graduate student Kalinina Natalia candidate of technical science, assistant professor Kavats Alena Aleksandrovna candidate of technical science, assistant professor Klishch Serhii Mykhailovych assistant Novikova Ekaterina Yurievna candidate of technical science, assistant professor Selivyorstova Tatjana Vitaljvna candidate of technical science, assistant professor Soldatenko Dmytro Volodymyrovich assistant, post-graduate student Stovpchenko Ivan Vladimirovich senior teacher Titarenko Tatjana Andreevna senior lab. assistant Tsaryk Vladyslav senior teacher Vlasova Elena Nikolaevna senior research worker Vysochin Dmytro Sergiyovich assistant Zhurba Anna candidate of technical science, assistant professor Zimoglyad Andrew candidate of technical science, assistant professor