Department history
Department of information technology and systems was established by the Rector's order number 20-A of 16 February 2001. According to the order the new department supposed to carry out the training of specialists in computer science on a specialty “Informational-control systems and technologies”. Prof. A.I. Mikhalyov was appointed department manager of the ITS.
At present, the ITS department trains bachelors, specialists and masters in the field of "Informational-control systems and technologies " and "Information technologies of design", included in the direction 0501 - "Computer Science".
In the first year there were 12 people at the department. All employees enthusiastically took up the job. They had to resolve a lot of organizational work such as preparing new disciplines, developing educational and methodical basis, equipping computer rooms with special software, providing practical training for students of the department. Despite the difficulties of the formation process, the staff of the department continued to conduct research projects, participate in the organization of a unified computer network at the academy and connect departments to the Internet.

Over the years, the department has issued more than 600 professionals which are successfully working in various fields of science and technology. There was a lot of work and department needed to increase the staff. Department manager A.I. Mikhalev made decision about personnel training of the best students and graduates of the department.

The scientific school of mathematical modeling "System technologies in metallurgy", that was created and headed by prof., Dr. A.I. Mikhalev, based on the specialists of the ITS department. The results of the post-graduate students of the department demonstrate the success of the scientific school. During the period of existence of the department ITS the following employees (former graduate students and assistants of the department) defended their dissertations: Lysa N., Pomulyev V., Guda A., Myhajlovska T. (Selivyorstova T.), Novikova K., Dmytriyeva I., Zhurba A., Kalinina N. In 2009, prof. Gnatushenko V. defended his doctoral dissertation. It should be noted that the results of scientific work of the ITS department are constantly being included into the educational process. Specialists of the department perform several fundamental scientific research, student scientific conference "The Young Academy" operates annually.
The staff of the Department takes an active part in the scientific life of the academy. On the basis of the department ITS successfully operating Regional Research Seminar of Pridneprovsk Scientific Center of NAS “Modern problems of control and simulation of complex systems”. The stuff of the department is actively involved in the production of a professional scientific publication "System Technologies" (editor prof. Mikhalev A.I.). Since April 2008, the department organizes scientific-technical conference "Information technologies in metallurgy and machine-building" - (ITMM). Professors of the department Mikhalev A.I., Korsun V.I., Gnatushenko V.V., Kogut P.I. are members of the organizing and program committees of several international scientific and practical conferences including foreign.
The department has sufficient experience to implement new technologies.
Staff of the information technology and systems department is currently (2020) the following:
The department has three ITS doctors of science, who are able to carry out qualified guide undergraduates and candidates for a degree: prof. Vik.V. Gnatushenko, prof. A.I. Guda, prof. V.V. Gnatushenko.
Ph.D., associate professors: I.S. Dmitrieva, N.L. Dorosh, G.L. Yevtushenko, A.O. Zhurba, O.O. Kavats, N.Yu. Kalinina, V.I. Kuznetsov, K.Yu. Ostrovska, T.V. Selivyorstova, O.I. Derevyanko
Senior teachers: V.N. Bezub, Yu.O. Kaliberda, G.Yu. Stanchits, I.V. Stovpchenko, T.M. Fenenko
Assistants: M.V. Andriukhina, D.S. Vysochin, A.Yu. Zimoglyad, V.Yu. Tsaryk
Head of the laboratory L.N. Gopkalo
Senior Researcher E.N. Vlasova
Senior laboratory T.A. Titarenko
Graduate students: S.M. Klish, V.Yu. Tsaryk, A.A. Zaharov, V.M. Bezub, A.G., A.G. Stanchyts, D.M. Gordiyuk, V.S. Vyunenko, O.V. Kozar, D.O. Levchenko, Yu.V.Kavats, D.I. Zhurba, S.S. Lanska, A.V. Karasevich, M.V. Andriukhina.