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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Faculty of Quality and Material Engineering

Nosko Olga Anatolyevna photo

Dean: Nosko Olga Anatolyevna


Address Dnipro, pr. Gagarin, 4, to to. 514, 515


Phone: (056)746-31-46 (fax)










Faculty of Quality and Material Engineering  of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine was founded by order 134 (36) of 10.04.1931 on the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute and was called the "Technological Faculty", after the reorganization it was named the Faculty of Quality and Material Engineering.

 The faculty includes departments with high experience in scientific and pedagogical work, the founders of world famous scientific schools:

 - the Ukrainian scientific school of metallurgists, founded by Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences A.P. Chekmarev. The scientific school solved important theoretical and practical problems of science and industry associated with  metals forming;

 - Dnepropetrovsk scientific school of heat treaters, founder - Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR K.F. Starodubov;

 - Dnepropetrovsk metallographic school, a large research center in modern metal science; founder - Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR KP Bunin, later headed by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yu.M. Taran.


The head of the Faculty of Quality and Material Engineering  is the dean - the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Olga A.Nosko, the vice dean -  the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Olga M. Kuzminathe vice dean Tetiana Aiupova and the methodologist Lyudmila I. Shapovalova are also working for you.

 Our main purpose is to train highly qualified specialists with deep knowledge in the fields of materials science, heat treatment of metals, metals forming, protection of metals from corrosion and protective coatings, quality of production, standardization, metrology and expertise, which are in demand at the world's leading enterprises.




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At the Faculty of Quality and Material Engineering , bachelors and masters are trained in the following specialties:

 1. The first (bachelor's) level of education:


- 132-Materials Science, educational and professional program "Materials Science"

- 136-Metallurgy, educational and professional program "Metal Forming Technologies and Equipment";

-175 Information and measurement technologies educational and professional program "Quality, metrology and expertise"


 2. Second (master's) level of education:


 - 132-Materials Science,


          - educational and professional program "Applied Materials Science";

          - educational and professional program "Composite and Powder Materials, Coatings"

          - educational and professional program "Heat Treatment of Metals"


- 136-Metallurgy,


          - educational and professional program "Corrosion Protection of Metals ",

          - educational and professional program: "Metal Forming" 


- 175 Information and measurement technologies , educational and professional program "Quality, Standardization, Certification and Metrology"

The graduating departments of Faculty of Quality and Material Engineering carry out training of students of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education, full-time and part-time studies by state order and at the expense of individuals and legal entities.



Department of coatings, composite materials and the protection of metals   is graduating in the direction "13-Mechanical Engineering" in specialties 132 - Materials Science (EPP for bachelors "Materials Science", and EPP for masters "Composite and powder materials, coatings") and 136- metallurgy (EPP for bachelors "Metal Forming Technologies and Equipment" and EPP for masters"Corrosion Protection of Metals"). Provides training of specialists for organizational, managerial and engineering activities in the field of materials science with an emphasis on composite and powder materials, coatings; able, on the basis of scientific principles, to analyze, develop, optimize and use modern and promising technologies of metallurgical production with an emphasis on anti-corrosion protection processes that ensure sustainable development and resource and energy conservation in metallurgical production. Head of the Department of Coatings, Composite Materials and Metal Protection, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associated Professor  Kovzik Anatolii

 Department of coatings, composite materials and the protection of metals in Facebook


Department of   Metal Forming named after acad. A.P. Chekmarev is the home of the Ukrainian Scientific School of Metal Forming. Graduates of the Department of   Metal Forming  have a high level of knowledge and good practical skills in the following areas: fundamental sciences, engineering training, theory, technology and equipment of OMT, computer modeling, information support, economics, marketing and management. Carries out training in the specialty 136-Metallurgy, EPP " Metal Forming Technologies and Equipment" for bachelors, and EPP "Metal Forming" for the masters. Head of the Department of Metal Forming, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associated Professor Bobukh Oleksandr

 Department of   Metal Forming named after acad. A.P. Chekmarev in Facebook


Department of matherial science and heat treatment of metals is a graduating and carries out training in the specialty 132-Materials Science on the EPP "Materials Science" for the bachelor's level of education and on the EPP "Applied Materials Science" and "Heat Treatment of Metals" at the educational level "Master". Bachelors and masters of the department receive in-depth knowledge in the following professional areas: development of new principles for creating nanomaterials, materials with a required complex of properties; development of modes and technologies for heat and combined treatments of steels, alloys, predicting the properties of metal and composite materials and products based on them, ensuring reliable performance of structures. Acting Head of the Department of Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Deyneko Leonid.

 Department of matherial science and heat treatment of metals in Facebook


Department of Quality systems, Standardization and Metrology is a graduate one at the National Metallurgical Academy, Ukraine (NMetAU), and prepares specialists in the specialty 175 Information and measurement technologies -measuring equipment for educational and professional programs: "Quality, Metrology and Expertise" at the educational level "Bachelor"; "Quality, standardization, certification and metrology" at the educational and professional level "Master". The high level of training of specialists is confirmed by the state accreditation of the specialty and the demand for graduates by enterprises of various fields of activity. Bachelor's graduates of the department receive in-depth knowledge in the following professional areas: general metallurgy, metal forming, - technical control and flaw detection in production, - computer information processing. Graduates-masters of the department receive in-depth knowledge in the following areas: quality management systems in accordance with the standards of DSTU ISO series 9000, 14000, 27000; OHSAS 18000 and SA 8000; standardization and certification; metrology; personnel certification. Head of the Department of Quality, Standardization and Certification, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Dolzhansky Anatoly.

 Department of Quality systems, Standardization and Metrology in Facebook




Department of Coatings, Composite Materials and the Protection of Metals

Department of metal forming

Department of Material Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Department of Quality systems, Standardization and Metrology